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Why are my Facebook ads banned?

Why are my Facebook ads banned?

Having your Facebook ads banned can be incredibly frustrating. You’ve invested time and money into creating and running ads, only to have them rejected or banned by Facebook’s ad review system. But don’t panic – there are usually reasons why this happens, and steps you can take to get your ads approved.

Common reasons for Facebook ad bans

Here are some of the most common reasons Facebook may ban your ads:

Violating Facebook’s Advertising Policies

Facebook has extensive advertising policies that all ads must comply with. Violating any of these policies is likely to trigger a ban. Some key things to avoid:

  • Misleading or false information
  • Sensationalized messaging
  • Promoting illegal or regulated products
  • Using profanity or sensational content
  • Promoting get-rich-quick schemes

Carefully review Facebook’s policies and ensure your ads are fully compliant.

Your Ad Account has a History of Policy Violations

If your ad account has received multiple policy violation warnings in the past, Facebook’s system may ban new ads automatically. Past violations stay on your account’s record, so you need to maintain strict compliance going forward.

Prohibited Image or Video Content

Facebook prohibits certain types of images and videos in ads, including:

  • Sexually suggestive content
  • Violence or gore
  • Infringing on intellectual property
  • Sensationalist images

Carefully review all visual content to ensure it meets Facebook’s guidelines.

Spammy Ad Copy

Ad copy that appears spammy or makes exaggerated claims is likely to trigger bans. Avoid tactics like:

  • Using ALL CAPS throughout copy
  • Overuse of exclamation points!!!
  • Unsubstantiated claims like “Lose weight fast!”
  • Overuse of emojis

Write your ad copy to inform, not hype. Use clear, factual language.

Targeting the Wrong Audience

Facebook prohibits directing certain types of ads to the wrong target audiences. You can’t target minors with prohibited products. Other targeting no-nos include:

  • Targeting teens with weight loss products
  • Targeting countries where your product isn’t approved
  • Targeting recovering addicts with addiction-related products

Carefully choose your target audience to avoid policy violations.

Steps to get your banned Facebook ads approved

If your ads get banned, here are some steps to take:

Review the Ban Notice Carefully

Facebook’s ban notice should explain exactly why your ads were banned. Understand the specific policy violation so you can avoid it in the future.

Edit Your Ads to Comply with Policies

Update your ads and ad content to eliminate any components that violate Facebook policies. You may need to change your targeting settings, ad copy, images, videos or other elements.

Request a Review from Facebook

You can submit an appeal to Facebook asking them to review the decision to ban your ads. Providing context on changes you’ve made often helps. Be polite, detailed and thoughtful in your appeal.

Work Your Way Back into Facebook’s Good Graces

After bans, run only fully compliant ads for a while to rebuild your ad account’s reputation. Don’t try to sneak through loopholes, as you may get banned again.

Use Facebook’s Ad Policy Tools

Facebook provides tools to help you assess your ads’ compliance proactively, rather than learning the hard way via bans. Use the Ad Content Policy Checker and Targeting Expansion Tool to vet your ads.

How to avoid getting banned in the first place

Here are some best practices to keep your ads running smoothly and ban-free:

Learn Facebook’s Advertising Policies Thoroughly

Get very familiar with Facebook’s detailed ad policies and stay up-to-date as they change. Sign up for Facebook’s policy update emails.

Use Compliant Ad Copy and Creative

Copy your competitors’ compliant messaging and imagery until you get the hang of it. Avoid hype and stick to factual, relevant information.

Start with Tight Targeting

When launching new campaigns, tightly target a core audience at first. Broad targeting comes with more risk of accidental policy violations.

Use Facebook’s Review Tools Early On

Don’t wait until after you get banned to use Facebook’s compliance checks. Review ads proactively to catch issues.

Pay Close Attention to Image and Video Content

Improper visual content is a common reason for bans. Thoroughly vet all images and videos in your ads.

Work with a Facebook Ads Expert

If you’re new to Facebook advertising, work with an expert consultant or agency to learn the ropes and safely navigate policies.

Common banned ad examples

Here are examples of actual banned Facebook ads to learn from:

Weight loss supplement ad targeting teens

This ad promoted a weight loss pill while targeting users as young as 13. Facebook prohibits promoting weight loss products to minors.

Crypto trading program ad using fake celebrity endorsements

This ad featured fake quotes making it appear celebrities were endorsing a Bitcoin trading platform. Misleading users with false product claims or endorsements violates Facebook policies.

Alcohol ad targeting users under 21

This wine ad reached users under the legal drinking age. Facebook prohibits targeting underage users with alcohol or other regulated products.

“Get Rich Quick” business opportunity ad

This ad promoted a work-from-home business opportunity promising users could “make $5k/week doing nothing.” Exaggerated earnings claims are prohibited.

“Miracle” supplement ad

This dietary supplement ad claimed the product could help users “lose 30 lbs in 1 month guaranteed!” Unrealistic weight loss claims often lead to bans.

How different violation types impact your ad account

Not all Facebook ad policy violations are treated equally. Some are more serious than others.

Violation Type Potential Account Impact
Minor text format violation Minimal. Easily fixed by editing ad.
Inappropriate targeting Moderate. May impact targeting options.
Misleading product claims Severe. High risk of ad account suspension.
Regulated or dangerous products Very severe. Ad account likely to be disabled.

It’s important to understand how different violations impact your ability to run ads in the future. Minor issues like typos are easy to recover from, but policy violations related to your ads’ content can seriously hinder your ad account.

Steps to appeal and get your ad account reinstated

If your entire ad account gets temporarily banned or disabled, here are steps to get back up and running:

  1. Carefully review Facebook’s reason for disabling your account so you understand what policies were violated.
  2. Determine what specifically needs to change in your ad content, targeting practices or other areas to fully comply with Facebook’s policies going forward.
  3. Make those changes immediately so you’re ready to operate safely if your account is reinstated.
  4. Appeal the decision through Facebook’s portal for disabled ad accounts. Be honest, detailed and polite.
  5. After reinstatement, tread carefully and only run fully compliant ads to rebuild your account’s standing.
  6. Consider working with a Facebook ads expert to ensure you stay compliant.
  7. Use Facebook’s proactive review tools regularly to catch any issues.

With some care and effort, you can get your disabled ad account running again while avoiding future bans.


Getting your Facebook ads banned is frustrating, but often avoidable. Take the time to thoroughly learn Facebook’s policies, proactively audit your ads, and carefully target your audiences. If you do get banned, make the necessary changes before appealing. With some diligence and restraint, you can keep your ads running and out of Facebook’s penalty box.