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Why are Facebook Messenger going to Instagram?

Why are Facebook Messenger going to Instagram?

Facebook Messenger integrating with Instagram Direct is a strategic move by Facebook to increase user engagement across their family of apps. Here are some key reasons why Facebook may be moving Messenger into Instagram:

Drive More Usage of Facebook Products

Facebook likely wants to drive more usage of Messenger by making it accessible within Instagram. Messenger has over 1 billion monthly active users, while Instagram Direct messaging has historically seen lower adoption. By combining the messaging products, Facebook can expose the Instagram audience to Messenger and potentially increase engagement.

Increase Time Spent on Instagram

Integrating Messenger into Instagram makes messaging features more prominent within the app. This could increase the time users spend daily on Instagram by making it easier to have conversations. More time on app likely means more ad revenue for Facebook.

Boost Messenger Adoption by Younger Users

Instagram’s audience skews younger compared to Facebook’s flagship app. Bringing Messenger into Instagram exposes younger users to the messaging platform who may not otherwise use Messenger on Facebook’s main app. Getting teenagers and young adults to adopt Messenger now could lead to long-term retention.

Leverage Network Effects

Combining the Messenger and Instagram Direct networks gives users access to more potential contacts for messaging. Users are more likely to regularly use a messaging app if more of their friends and family are active on it. Integration makes the messaging ecosystem within Facebook’s apps more competitive.

More Seamless Cross-App Communication

Messaging via either Messenger or Instagram Direct will be possible between Facebook, Instagram, and Messenger users. This provides a more seamless cross-app communication experience within the Facebook ecosystem.

Increase Messenger’s Network Effects

Growing Messenger’s network could help increase its competitiveness versus other messaging apps. Integration with Instagram Direct exposes Messenger to hundreds of millions more users. This significantly expands the potential contact network for Messenger users.

Monetization Opportunities

Combining messaging functionality also allows Facebook to monetize messaging more effectively across its apps. There are a few key monetization benefits:

Enable Targeted Ads in Messenger

Facebook can show targeted ads within Messenger conversations to Instagram users who sign up. This expands Facebook’s base for running ads in Messenger chat windows.

App Monthly Active Users
Facebook Messenger 1.3 billion
Instagram 1 billion

As shown in the table above, combining the Messenger and Instagram user bases significantly increases the pool of users eligible to be shown ads in messaging.

Charge Businesses for Integration

Facebook can potentially charge businesses for new forms of messaging integration and advertising within both Messenger and Instagram Direct.

Sell Premium Messaging Features

New premium messaging features exclusive to Messenger and Instagram Direct conversations could be sold to generate additional revenue.

Challenges and Considerations

While there are benefits to integration, Facebook also faces some challenges and risks:

User Backlash Over Data Sharing

Linking Messenger and Instagram Direct could spark privacy concerns regarding data sharing across the apps. Users may not want their Instagram messaging data connected to Facebook accounts. Any backlash could lower engagement.

Messaging Fragmentation

The integration could lead to a confusing or fragmented messaging experience. Users may be unsure when they are messaging via Instagram vs. Messenger, or who will receive their messages. Poor integration could discourage messaging engagement.

Reduced Differentiation Between Apps

Blurring the lines between Messenger and Instagram messaging reduces the unique value propositions of each app. This could weaken engagement over the long term as the apps become less differentiated.

Regulatory Scrutiny

Combining messaging functionality and data across apps could draw regulatory attention. Critics may argue the integration represents anti-competitive behavior in the messaging space.


Integrating Messenger within Instagram Direct helps Facebook drive increased engagement across its apps. Combining the messaging user bases creates a stronger network effect, while enabling new monetization opportunities. However, Facebook will need to carefully execute the integration to avoid confusing users or sparking privacy backlash. If done well, linking Messenger and Instagram messaging could be a strategic win in Facebook’s broader efforts to boost messaging engagement across its family of apps.