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Why are Facebook comments not loading?

Why are Facebook comments not loading?

There are a few common reasons why Facebook comments may not be loading properly:

You’re using an outdated browser

Facebook comments require a modern web browser to function properly. If you’re using an outdated browser like Internet Explorer, the comments may not load. Try updating to a recent version of Chrome, Firefox, Safari or Edge.

There’s a temporary technical issue

Facebook serves billions of users and handles massive amounts of traffic. Despite their infrastructure, they sometimes have temporary technical issues that prevent parts of the site from working properly. Comments not loading is a common symptom of broader technical problems. Try again in a little while and the comments will likely load as normal.

The comments are disabled

The page or post owner may have intentionally disabled comments. Page owners can toggle comments on and off for each post. If they’ve disabled comments, you won’t see the comment box at all.

Your internet connection is unstable

An unreliable internet connection can prevent the comments from loading properly. Facebook requires a steady internet connection to function smoothly. If your own connection is shaky, the comments may fail to load.

You’ve been banned from commenting

If you’ve violated Facebook’s community standards too many times, they may ban you from interacting on comments. Banned users can still see the comments, but the comment box will be hidden.

Facebook is having login issues

You may need to be logged into your Facebook account to view comments. If Facebook is having widespread login issues, you may see comments fail to load unless you’re already logged in.

The page is experiencing high traffic

For extremely popular posts that get shared widely, the amount of traffic can sometimes overwhelm the page. This can prevent certain interactive features like comments from loading properly. The issue should resolve once traffic levels decrease.

There’s a browser extension conflict

Some browser extensions like ad blockers can sometimes conflict with Facebook’s comment system. Try disabling your extensions temporarily to see if that fixes the issue.

You’ve been temporarily blocked

If you have been commenting very frequently over a short timeframe, Facebook may temporarily block you from posting more comments. This is to limit spam. The block is usually temporary and you’ll be able to comment again after some time passes.

The comments are capped

Facebook pages have a maximum number of comments that can be posted. For extremely popular posts, the comment count may reach the cap which prevents new comments from loading. There is no way to increase the cap, so you’ll have to wait until some comments are deleted.

Your account is shadowbanned

Facebook may “shadowban” accounts that appear suspicious or spammy. Shadowbanned accounts can still view content, but all their interactions are hidden from other users. Comments won’t load properly for shadowbanned accounts.


In summary, Facebook comments fail to load most often due to technical issues, browsing issues, or restrictions on your account. Try troubleshooting your browser, internet connection, extensions, and account status to resolve most loading problems. Issues that stem from Facebook’s side tend to be temporary and resolve in time.

Reason Solution
Outdated browser Update your browser
Temporary technical issue Try again later
Comments disabled None, comments are off
Unstable internet connection Troubleshoot your connection
Banned from commenting Appeal ban or wait it out
Login issues Wait until issues are fixed
High traffic Wait for traffic to decrease
Extension conflict Disable extensions
Temporary block Wait for block to expire
Comments capped Wait for comments to be deleted
Shadowbanned account Appeal ban or create new account

Troubleshooting steps

If you’re experiencing issues with Facebook comments not loading, here are some troubleshooting steps to try:

  • Reload the page – refresh your browser to reload all page elements
  • Clear your browser cache – cached data can cause issues
  • Try another browser – test if one browser works over another
  • Check your internet connection – restart your router/modem, connect to a different network
  • Disable browser extensions – extensions may interfere with page loading
  • Update your browser – use the latest version for performance and compatibility
  • Try from another device – see if the issue only occurs on one device
  • Log out and log back in – refresh your login session

If the basic troubleshooting does not resolve the problem, the cause is likely an account restriction or temporary technical issue. For account issues, you may need to appeal to Facebook support. For site issues, waiting patiently is typically the only option.

Preventing comment loading issues

You can take the following steps to avoid Facebook comment loading issues:

  • Don’t post spammy or abusive comments that could get you banned
  • Avoid commenting too frequently, which can trigger temporary blocks
  • Use an up-to-date mainstream browser and keep it updated
  • Maintain a stable internet connection on your device
  • Don’t use proxy connections that could shadowban you
  • Clear your browser cookies and cache periodically
  • Don’t rely on unstable public Wi-Fi networks
  • Keep your Facebook app updated on mobile

Following Facebook’s community guidelines for commenting will ensure your account stays in good standing. Technical issues can still occur on Facebook’s end, but are usually temporary.

When to contact Facebook support

If you have tried the basic troubleshooting without success, consider reaching out to Facebook support in these situations:

  • Comments not loading for over 24 hours
  • You have been banned from commenting
  • You appear to be shadowbanned
  • The issue only occurs on one specific page or post
  • You are unable to log in to Facebook at all

For site-wide technical issues, it is better to wait them out as support can’t expedite resolution. But for account-specific issues or isolated page problems, contacting support through Facebook’s Help Center may clarify the situation — especially if you have been banned, restricted, or shadowbanned incorrectly.

What to do if Facebook comments won’t load on Android

Here are some tips for troubleshooting Facebook comment loading issues on Android devices:

Force stop and clear cache of the Facebook app

From your Android device’s settings, find the Facebook app and choose to force stop it. Then clear the cache and data for the Facebook app. Restart your device and try loading comments again.

Update the Facebook app

Open the Play Store, go to the Facebook app page and check for available updates. Install any updates that are pending. The latest version may resolve comment loading bugs.

Check your internet connection

Make sure your WiFi or mobile data connection is strong in your location. Weak or unstable connections can prevent comments from loading.

Try logging out and back in

Log out of the Facebook app, close it, reopen and log back in. This resets the app and your login session which may resolve temporary issues.

Try over a different connection

If the issue only occurs on one WiFi network or mobile provider, try loading comments using a different internet connection. This can determine if the problem is isolated or widespread.

Uninstall and reinstall the app

As a last resort, uninstall the Facebook app completely and reinstall a fresh copy from the Play Store. You may need to log back in to sync your account.

Contact Facebook support

If none of the above help, reach out to Facebook support for additional troubleshooting. Provide details on exactly where comments are failing to load.

What to do if Facebook comments won’t load on iPhone/iPad

Try these tips for dealing with Facebook comments not loading on iOS:

Force quit and reload the Facebook app

Double press the home button and swipe up on the Facebook app to force quit it. Then reload the app to refresh it. The issue may be fixed after a reset.

Check for app updates

Go to the App Store and check the Facebook app page for available updates. Install any pending updates which may include bug fixes.

Toggle airplane mode on and off

Turn on airplane mode for 15-30 seconds, then turn it off again to reconnect. This resets connectivity which can resolve temporary issues.

Log out and back into Facebook

Log out completely in the iOS Facebook app’s settings. Close the app, relaunch it and log in again to refresh your login state.

Delete and reinstall the app

As a last resort, delete the Facebook app then redownload it from the App Store. You may need to log back in and reconnect your account.

Contact Apple or Facebook support

If the steps above do not solve the issue, reach out to Apple for general iOS troubleshooting or Facebook for help with the Facebook app itself.

What to do if Facebook comments won’t load on desktop

Here are troubleshooting tips for dealing with Facebook comments not loading on desktop browsers like Chrome, Firefox, or Safari:

Refresh the page

Click the refresh icon or press F5 to reload the page. This resets all page elements which may resolve temporary issues.

Clear browser cache and cookies

Old cached and cookie data can cause loading problems. Clear your browser cache and cookies to eliminate this potential issue.

Try Incognito/Private Browsing Mode

Open an incognito or private browsing window and try loading the comments there. This isolates the issue from browser extensions or account settings.

Update your browser

Make sure you’re running the latest browser version. Outdated browsers can suffer from performance and compatibility issues.

Try another browser

Test the page in an alternate browser like Chrome, Firefox or Edge to see if one browser has better results.

Check extensions and addons

Disable any browser extensions that may be interfering with page loading. Reenable them one-by-one to identify any incompatible extensions.

Reset browser settings to default

If all else fails, reset your browser settings to default values. This will eliminate any bad configurations.

Contact Facebook support

Notify Facebook support if you still can’t get comments loading after trying the above steps. Provide details on the specific page and browser.

FAQs about Facebook comments not loading

Why aren’t my Facebook comments loading?

Common reasons Facebook comments may not load include technical issues, account restrictions, browser or device problems, and comment caps being reached. The most frequent cause is a temporary glitch that resolves in time.

How can I fix Facebook comments not working?

Reload the page, clear your browser cache and cookies, make sure your browser is updated, disable extensions, try different browsers or devices, check your internet connection, log out and back into Facebook, or contact support if an account restriction seems likely.

What does it mean if I see Facebook comments but can’t comment?

If you can see existing comments but the comment box is missing, your account may be banned from commenting or shadowbanned. Try appealing to Facebook support if you feel this was done in error.

Why are Facebook comments not in order?

Facebook comments are not strictly chronological. Replies to comments may be nested under the original comment rather than in sequential order. The most relevant or popular comments also bubble to the top.

Can you delete Facebook comments?

Yes, commenters can delete their own comments. Page admins can also delete any comments on their pages. Deleted comments disappear from view for all users.

How do I report a Facebook comment?

Click the X in the upper right of the comment, choose Find Support or Report Comment, select the issue category, and submit your report to Facebook for review.


Facebook comment loading issues are often temporary and resolve in a short time. Troubleshoot your device, browser and internet connection for solutions. For ongoing problems limited to your own account, contact Facebook support to see if restrictions have been applied in error. With some diligent troubleshooting, you should be able to get Facebook comments loading again.