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Why are comments pending in Facebook group?

Why are comments pending in Facebook group?

There are a few main reasons why comments might be pending approval in a Facebook group before being publicly visible:

Group Settings

The most common reason is that the group has enabled the “Approve posts” setting. This means all posts by members require approval by a group admin or moderator before they are visible to other members of the group. This setting can help prevent spam, inappropriate content, or off-topic posts.

Group admins can choose to auto-approve posts by certain members or posts that contain certain keywords. But in general, this setting means there is always a delay before comments appear in the group.

Keyword Filtering

In addition to manual approvals, group admins can set up keyword filtering to automatically send posts containing banned words or phrases into pending approval.

For example, the group moderators might ban insults, profanity, competitor names, or other unwanted keywords. Any post containing those words would then need approval before appearing in the group.

New Member Comments

Some groups require manual approval for the first few posts made by new members who recently joined the group. This helps prevent spam signups.

So if you recently joined a group, your early comments may need approval before being visible. After participating for a while, your posts may become automatically approved.

Profile Restrictions

In some cases, restrictions on your Facebook profile can cause your comments to require approval. For example, if your profile was reported for abuse or fake names, some of your activity may be limited until reviewed.

Try checking that your profile is in good standing. Make sure you are using your real identity and not violating Facebook’s terms of service. If your profile seems restricted, you may need to resolve that issue for your comments to post normally again.

Inappropriate Content

Of course, if you are attempting to post inappropriate content, links, images, or other content against a group’s rules, that may send your comment into pending approval.

Make sure you have read and understand the group’s posted rules. Abusive, inappropriate, or off-topic posts are likely to get flagged by moderators for review.

Technical Issues

Less commonly, pending comments can happen due to technical problems with Facebook’s systems. Sometimes a glitch results in comments needing re-approval. Patience is required until Facebook resolves the problem on their end.

You can try checking Facebook’s public system status pages to see if any known issues with comments are being worked on.

How to Get Comments Approved Faster

If your comments keep ending up pending, here are some tips to help get them approved faster:

  • Make sure you are posting meaningful, on-topic comments that align with the group’s rules.
  • Avoid profanity, insults, or anything abusive that may get flagged.
  • Add a profile picture and fill out your profile for a more established account.
  • Interact positively with the group for a while to build trust.
  • Be patient instead of making duplicate posts that may be seen as spam.
  • Nicely ask the group admin if you need guidance on why your posts are pending.

With good behavior and participation, eventually your posts are likely to bypass pending status. But all groups require monitoring comments to keep discussions on track, so some delay is to be expected.

Moderation Benefits Groups

While pending comments before approval may seem frustrating at first, keep in mind that group moderation has many benefits:

  • Moderation prevents spam and intrusive self-promotion.
  • It filters out bullying, harassment, politics, or other unwanted topics.
  • Groups stay focused on intended topics members actually want to discuss.
  • Experts and group regulars aren’t drowned out by those unwilling to follow the rules.

By taking some time to review posts and train algorithms, group moderators keep the signal-to-noise ratio high and conversations constructive. So patience with the approval process leads to a better group environment for everyone long-term.

What To Do If Your Comment Stays Pending

If your comment continues to stay pending for an extended period with no response:

  • Politely reach out to the group admin asking for clarification or approval.
  • Make sure the group itself is even being moderated still.
  • Review the group rules again in case you missed something.
  • Consider whether to continue participating in a group if approvals take too long.
  • As a last resort, report posts being stuck pending to Facebook for admin attention.

With over tens of millions of groups on Facebook, unfortunately some end up being unmoderated or abandoned over time. But in most cases, just being patient, contributing valuable discussions, and working with the admins should get your posts into visible status.


Pending posts before public visibility is common in Facebook groups. It is simply part of the tradeoff groups make to maintain standards, avoid spam and abuse, and cultivate an environment members appreciate. While waiting for approval may be frustrating at times, it leads to better quality discussions that stay on topic.

Make sure to follow group posting guidelines, be patient for moderator review, and focus on contributing positively. Then over time, you are likely to have fewer delayed posts as you become a recognized member. Pending comments are just a natural effect of the human moderation required to maintain large online communities.