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Why are comments on Facebook not showing?

Why are comments on Facebook not showing?

Facebook comments not showing up is a common issue that many users face. There are a few possible reasons why Facebook comments may not be appearing.

You have comment privacy settings enabled

One of the most common reasons that Facebook comments do not show up is because of your comment privacy settings. Facebook allows you to control who can see the comments you leave on posts. There are a few different comment privacy options:

  • Public: Anyone can see your comments
  • Friends: Only your friends can see comments you post
  • Only Me: Only you can see your comments

If you have your comment privacy set to Only Me or Friends, your comments will only be visible to you or your friends respectively. Other people will not be able to see your comments, which will make it seem like you didn’t comment at all.

To check your comment privacy settings:

  1. Click on the arrow in the top right of Facebook and select “Settings”
  2. Click on “Privacy”
  3. Under the “Your Activity” section, click on “Comment Privacy”
  4. Make sure the option is set to “Public” if you want anyone to see your comments

Setting your comment privacy to “Public” will allow all comments you write to be visible publicly.

The post author has comment privacy enabled

In addition to your own comment privacy settings, the privacy settings of the original post can also affect comment visibility. Post authors can limit who is able to comment on their posts and who is able to see the comments.

If the post author has enabled comment privacy for Friends or Only Me, your comments may not be visible to the public even if your own privacy is set to Public.

Unfortunately there is no way to override the post author’s settings. You will need to contact the post author directly if you want them to change the visibility of your comment.

Your comment was deleted

Another possibility is that your comment was deleted, either by you or the post author. When a Facebook comment is deleted, it will disappear from view on the post.

You can see if your comment was deleted by going back to the post and looking for a “Your comment has been deleted” message. If you see this, it means your comment was removed.

Post authors can delete any comments left on their posts. So if the post author deleted your comment, it would no longer be visible.

You are blocked by the post author

If the post author has blocked you, any comments you leave will not be visible to them or anyone else.

You can check if you are blocked by the post author by trying to view their profile or send them a message. If you are blocked, you will get an error saying you are unable to view their profile or send a message.

Because blocked users cannot interact with the post author at all, any comments left will not show up.

There is a technical issue

Less commonly, a technical glitch may cause comments to not show up correctly. Some potential technical issues include:

  • Temporary Facebook bug preventing comments from loading
  • Connectivity problems on your device preventing comments from posting
  • The post itself was deleted, making all comments disappear
  • You are shadowbanned from commenting (usually due to spamming)

Technical problems are usually temporary and can be fixed by trying again later or switching devices. Persistent comment issues may require contacting Facebook support.

You are banned from commenting

In extreme cases, you may be completely banned from posting comments on Facebook. This usually only happens if you have severely or repeatedly violated Facebook’s community standards.

A commenting ban restricts your ability to comment on any public posts. You will be unable to leave comments and any existing comments will be hidden.

This ban only affects commenting privileges. You will still be able to use Facebook normally otherwise.

How to troubleshoot and fix missing Facebook comments

If your Facebook comments are mysteriously not showing up, here are some troubleshooting steps:

  1. Check privacy settings – Make sure your comment privacy is Public and the post author has public comment settings.
  2. Look for delete notifications – See if Facebook is indicating your comment was deleted.
  3. Try commenting from a different account – Does the issue occur for only one account? Or is it post-specific?
  4. Check for blocks – See if you are blocked by the post author.
  5. Try again later – Technical glitches may resolve themselves.
  6. Post from a different device – Try commenting from a phone instead of computer.
  7. Update Facebook app – An outdated app can cause issues.
  8. Report the problem – File a report with Facebook if troubleshooting doesn’t help.

Tracking down the cause of missing Facebook comments takes some investigative work. Going through each possibility methodically can often uncover the issue. Reaching out to the post author or Facebook for assistance is recommended if the problem persists.

Why Facebook comments not showing up matters

Having your Facebook comments not appear publicly can be frustrating and confusing. Here are some reasons why comment visibility issues should be addressed:

  • Social engagement – Comments allow you to connect with friends and interact with posts you care about.
  • Public discussion – Comments facilitate debate and spread of ideas on public posts.
  • Acknowledgement – Creators and brands rely on comments to gauge reactions and get feedback.
  • Troubleshooting help – Comment issues could signify account or privacy problems.
  • Participation – Being unable to comment means missing out on conversations.

Troubleshooting Facebook comment problems helps restore your ability to fully engage with posts. And it can alert you to any underlying account or technical issues that need addressing.


Facebook comment visibility issues can stem from privacy settings, deletions, blocks, bans, or technical errors. Checking your privacy settings, looking for deletes, testing different accounts/devices, and reporting problems can help resolve many missing comment situations.

Having your comments show publicly is important for connecting with friends, joining discussions, getting creator feedback, and troubleshooting account problems. Restoring your ability to participate in comment conversations leads to better Facebook experiences all around.