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Why am I receiving Facebook emails in another language?

Why am I receiving Facebook emails in another language?

It can be confusing and concerning when you suddenly start receiving Facebook emails in a language other than your primary one. There are a few potential reasons why this may be happening.

You have multiple Facebook accounts

One possibility is that you have more than one Facebook account, and one of them is set to a different language. Many people create secondary or alternate Facebook accounts for various reasons. If you logged into another account that is configured for a different language, any emails from Facebook would be in that language.

To check if this is the issue, log into Facebook and look at the language settings under “Settings & Privacy.” This will show you which language each of your accounts is set to receive emails in. If you have multiple accounts in different languages, update the settings to your preferred language.

Your account was hacked

Another potential reason for receiving Facebook emails in the wrong language is if your account was hacked. If a hacker gained access to your account, they may have changed the language setting as part of the hack.

Other signs your account was hacked include not recognizing the device logins under “Security and Login” in your settings. You may also see posts, messages, or friend requests that you did not send. If you suspect your account has been hacked, change your password immediately and turn on two-factor authentication for added security.

You have recently traveled

Facebook may automatically change the language of your emails if you have recently logged in from a different country. For example, if you traveled to France and logged into Facebook there, Facebook may switch your emails to French based on your location.

As soon as you log back in from your home country, Facebook should switch the emails back to your default language. You can also manually change it back by updating your language settings.

Your browser is set to another language

The language settings on your internet browser can also impact the language used in Facebook emails. If your browser is set to a language different than your Facebook account, it can cause a mismatch.

Check your browser settings and make sure the primary language is set correctly. For example, in Chrome you can go to Settings > Languages and check which language is listed first. Set this to match your native language.

You recently changed your Facebook language

If you recently intentionally changed your Facebook language to something else, either on the website or in the mobile app settings, this will make your emails be in that new language.

Go back to the Facebook language settings and switch it back to your native language if this change was unintentional. The emails should revert back as well.

How to change your Facebook email language

If you want to change the language your Facebook emails are sent in, the process is quick and easy:

  1. Log into Facebook
  2. Click on the arrow in the top right and select “Settings & Privacy”
  3. Choose “Language and Region” under the Settings menu
  4. Under “Facebook language” select your desired language

This will change the language used across Facebook, including the emails. The change may take a short while to take effect.

Other Facebook language settings

In addition to the main Facebook language, there are a few other language-related settings you can configure:

  • Ads language – The language used in advertisements shown to you
  • Account language – Language for names, dates, numbers etc shown in your account
  • News feed language – Language used in your main news feed

Check that these are also set to your native language if you want a consistent experience across Facebook.

Use Facebook in multiple languages

If you understand multiple languages, you can set up your Facebook account to use different languages in different contexts. For example:

  • Set your account language to your native tongue.
  • Configure ads to a second language you are learning.
  • Set your news feed to a third language spoken by friends overseas.

This allows you to immerse yourself in multiple languages within a single Facebook account. The emails will still be sent in your account language.

Facebook interface language differs from email language

One quirk to be aware of is that the language used on Facebook itself can be different than the language used for emails. Even if your Facebook interface is set to English, your emails could still be in Spanish if that is what your “Facebook language” is configured as.

So be sure to check both the interface language and the specific Facebook language setting to determine what languages your emails will be in.


Receiving Facebook emails in an unfamiliar language can be confusing. But in most cases it is caused by:

  • Having multiple accounts in different languages
  • Your account being hacked
  • Logging in from a different country
  • Your browser language settings being changed
  • Accidentally changing the Facebook language yourself

Check each of these potential causes and update the language settings to your preferred tongue. You can also intentionally customize Facebook for multiple languages if desired.

With a few simple settings changes, you should be able to get your Facebook emails back to your native language.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why did my Facebook emails suddenly change language?

Some common reasons Facebook emails may suddenly change language include:

  • You logged into your account from a different country where a different language is spoken
  • Your browser language settings changed
  • You have multiple Facebook accounts in different languages
  • Your account was hacked and the language was changed
  • You accidentally changed your Facebook language in the settings

Why are my Facebook emails not matching my interface language?

Facebook allows you to set different languages for different functions. So your interface language may be different than your email language based on how each is configured in settings.

Can I make Facebook emails come in multiple languages?

Unfortunately there is no way to get Facebook emails to send in multiple languages at once. The emails will all be sent in the primary “Facebook language” set in your account settings.

What if changing language settings doesn’t fix my Facebook emails?

In rare cases, changing the language in your Facebook settings may not update the email language. Try logging out and back into Facebook to force a refresh. If that doesn’t work, contact Facebook support for additional help troubleshooting the issue.

Example Email in Wrong Language

Here is an example of what an emai in the wrong language may look like:

As you can see, the recipient in this case has their Facebook account set to Spanish, when they actually want to receive emails in English. By updating the language settings, they can fix this issue.

Switching Back to Your Native Language

If you are receiving Facebook emails in the wrong language, here are the key steps to switch it back:

  1. Log into Facebook
  2. Go to “Settings & Privacy”
  3. Click on “Language and Region”
  4. Under “Facebook Language” select your native language
  5. Be sure browser languages are also set properly

In most cases, this should resolve the issue and revert any emails or notifications back to your preferred native language.

Properly Setting Up Languages

When setting up your Facebook account, be sure to properly configure the languages from the beginning:

  • Set Facebook language to your native tongue
  • Set browser languages to match
  • Review account, ads, and news feed languages
  • Use your native language on mobile devices

Doing this ensures you avoid language mix-ups down the road. Be sure to update settings if you add additional Facebook accounts in the future.

Understanding Facebook’s Language Settings

Setting Description
Facebook Language Primary language used across Facebook including emails
Account Language Language used for names, dates, copyrights, etc
Ads Language Language used in advertisements shown to you
News Feed Language Language used in your main news feed

Be sure to review each of these language settings to have a consistent Facebook experience in your native tongue.

The Impact of Traveling on Facebook Languages

When you travel to another country and access Facebook, it can sometimes automatically change languages based on your location. Here are some tips around this:

  • Be aware logging in overseas may trigger a language switch
  • Facebook may switch back once you return home
  • But you can also manually change it back immediately
  • Use a VPN to avoid location issues when traveling

With the right settings, you can avoid having your Facebook language disrupted when you travel or log in from new locations.

What to Do If Your Account is Hacked

A hacked Facebook account can allow hackers to change settings like your email language. Here is what to do:

  1. Log out of all devices immediately
  2. Change your Facebook password
  3. Enable two-factor authentication
  4. Remove any suspicious posts or friends
  5. Scan devices for malware

Reclaiming a hacked account quickly can prevent further issues like mysterious language changes from occurring.

Managing Multiple Facebook Accounts

When using multiple Facebook accounts, be sure to manage the language settings properly on each:

  • Confirm the Facebook language is correct on every account
  • Use a unique native language for each real identity
  • Customize ads/news feeds by account if needed
  • Log between accounts to update settings as needed

With vigilance, you can prevent language mix-ups across all your Facebook accounts and emails.

Contacting Facebook Support

If you continue having issues changing your Facebook email language, you may need to contact Facebook support directly:

  • Access Facebook help from the ? icon
  • Choose the issue category relevant to languages
  • Explain your email language problem in detail
  • Work with support reps to troubleshoot
  • Consider switching languages fewer times to prevent issues

With Facebook’s help, you should be able to resolve stubborn email language problems.