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Why am I not receiving notifications on Facebook anymore?

Why am I not receiving notifications on Facebook anymore?

There are a few common reasons why you may have stopped receiving notifications from Facebook:

You have notification settings adjusted

The most likely reason is that you have your notification settings adjusted so that you aren’t receiving certain notifications anymore. Here’s how to check your notification settings:

  1. Click on the arrow in the top right corner of Facebook and go to “Settings”
  2. On the left side, click on “Notifications”
  3. Here you can see your notification settings for different types of notifications – posts, messages, groups, events, etc. Make sure none of them are turned off.
  4. You can also click “Advanced Settings” at the bottom to customize your notifications even further.

Be sure to check that both your main notification settings and advanced settings are enabled for the types of notifications you want to receive. If they got accidentally switched off, just turn them back on.

Your account privacy settings are adjusted

Another possible cause is that your overall account privacy settings are limiting notifications. Here’s how to check that:

  1. Go to “Settings” then click “Privacy” on the left side
  2. Under “How people can find and contact you”, make sure “Who can see your future posts?” is not set to “Only me”.
  3. Also check that “Who can send you friend requests?” is not set to “Friends of Friends” or “Only friends”.

If your privacy settings are very strict, it can prevent you receiving notifications, so be sure these options are open enough to allow notifications to come through.

You’ve muted certain people or pages

You may have muted specific people or pages, which would stop notifications from them. Here’s how to check for muting:

  1. Go to the profile or page you think you may have muted
  2. Look for the “Following” button – if it says “Unfollow” you haven’t muted them
  3. If it says “Following” click on it and look for the option “Mute” – if it’s blue you have muted them
  4. Click “Unmute” to undo the muting

Go through profiles and pages you often interact with to see if you have any muted. Unmute them to resume notifications.

You’ve turned off notifications for the Facebook app

If you’re not getting notifications on your mobile device, the issue could be that you have disabled notifications for the Facebook app specifically. Here’s how to check that:

  1. Go to your phone’s Settings menu
  2. Find the menu where you can configure app notifications (may be called something like “Applications”, “Apps”, or “App Settings”)
  3. Locate the Facebook app in the list and make sure Show Notifications is enabled.

Be sure to check the notification settings for the Facebook app on any mobile devices where you want to receive alerts.

Your ad preferences are limiting notifications

Facebook uses your ad preferences to decide which advertisements to show you. But it can also impact what notifications you receive. Here’s how to check your ad preferences:

  1. Click the arrow in the top right of Facebook and go to “Settings”
  2. Click on “Ads” in the left menu
  3. Click “Ad preferences” and then “Advertisers and businesses”
  4. Remove any businesses or advertisers you may have marked to “See No Ads”

Having advertisers on the “restricted” list could prevent you receiving notifications from their Facebook pages. So be sure to remove any you still want updates from.

You’ve hit the notifications limit

Facebook limits the number of notifications that can be shown. It’s possible you’ve hit the maximum amount of notifications showing in your view. Things to do:

  • Check your notifications and clear out old and read ones
  • Adjust your notification settings to show less frequent updates
  • Unlike pages that are generating too many notifications

This should help reduce the volume of notifications so that you start seeing updates again.

Your account is heavily shadowbanned

In rare cases, accounts can become heavily restricted by Facebook through “shadowbanning.” This limits your visibility and stops notifications. Unfortunately it can be difficult to recover from. Some signs of possible shadowban:

  • Your posts are reaching far less people than normal
  • Friends say they aren’t seeing your updates
  • You’re getting way fewer likes and reactions than before

To try recovering, avoid spammy behavior and post genuine content daily. But heavy shadowbanning often requires starting a new account.

You’ve logged out or changed accounts

Obviously if you log out of Facebook or switch to another account, you won’t get notifications from your main profile anymore. Make sure you’re logged into the correct account if notifications seem to have suddenly stopped.

Facebook is having technical issues

Like any technology, Facebook can suffer periodic glitches that disrupt normal functioning. Server outages or bugs could temporarily impact notification delivery. Check to see if others are reporting problems with Facebook. Usually functionality is restored within a few hours.


There are a variety of reasons why Facebook notifications may stop working as expected. The most common issues are related to notification settings, privacy settings, muting, and the Facebook mobile app. Checking for problems there can get your notifications working again. In rare cases, you may need to switch accounts or wait out a Facebook technical glitch. With consistent checking of settings, you should be able to pinpoint why notifications have halted and resume getting updates.

Notification Troubleshooting Checklist

Here is a quick checklist of steps to troubleshoot missing Facebook notifications:

– Check notification settings
– Check privacy settings
– Check for muted profiles/pages
– Check mobile app notifications
– Review ad preferences
– Clear old notifications
– Make sure logged into correct account
– Watch for Facebook technical issues

Run through this list to diagnose most problems with missing notifications. Adjust settings accordingly to resume getting Facebook updates.

Facebook notifications are easy to take for granted. But when they suddenly stop arriving, it can be annoying and confusing. With over 2 billion monthly active users, Facebook has to balance useful notifications with limiting disruptions. Understanding how the platform handles notifications gives you control over your preferences. Careful troubleshooting of settings and technical issues will keep your notifications flowing.

Staying on top of notifications prevents you from feeling disconnected from friends, family, brands, and causes you care about on Facebook. The notifications linking you to meaningful posts, discussions, and events make Facebook more than just a static newsfeed. With proper notifications, Facebook comes alive as conversations happen in real time. Don’t miss out on the notifications meant to enhance your experience and connections.

Facebook’s mission is to give people the power to build community and bring the world closer together. Notifications are a key way to foster togetherness through shared experiences. When your notifications are working as intended, you’ll feel part of important conversations relevant to your life. You’ll discover new ideas, interests, events, and relationships you may have otherwise missed. Notifications inform and involve you, so troubleshoot diligently when they falter.

With some effort checking settings and debugging issues, you can get your notifications working properly again. Facebook wants you to have control over the notifications you receive. Use the advanced options to customize notifications to your preferences. Turn off disruptive notifications while keeping useful ones enabled. Master your notification settings so Facebook can deliver timely updates without distraction.

Don’t let stalled notifications reduce your Facebook engagement. Diagnose the issue so you resume getting updates that enrich your connections and online experience. Stay on top of your notification flow so Facebook can fulfill its purpose of bringing you closer to what matters most.