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Why am I not receiving my verification code from Facebook?

Why am I not receiving my verification code from Facebook?

Not receiving a verification code from Facebook when trying to log in or reset your password can be frustrating. Here are some potential reasons why you may not be getting the code and steps you can take to resolve the issue.

Your Phone Number or Email is Outdated

The most common reason for not receiving a Facebook verification code is that the phone number or email you have on file is outdated. Facebook sends verification codes to the contact info it has for your account. If you’ve changed your phone number or email address but have not updated it in your Facebook account settings, the code will go to your old contact details.

To fix this:

  • Log into your Facebook account if you can still access it
  • Go to your account settings
  • Update your phone number and/or email to your current details
  • Request a new verification code

If you can’t log into your Facebook account because you need a code, you will need to recover your account by contacting Facebook support. Provide them with proof you own the account.

You Have Facebook Login Approvals Turned On

Facebook has a login approvals security feature you can enable where you need to enter a code each time you log into Facebook from a new device. If you have login approvals turned on, you’ll need to enter the code sent to your phone or email even if logging in from your own device.

To check if login approvals are enabled:

  • Log into your Facebook account
  • Go to Settings & Privacy > Settings
  • Click Security and Login
  • Check if Login Approvals is on

If you have login approvals enabled but are not receiving the codes, update your contact info as explained above.

You Have Two-Factor Authentication Enabled

Similarly, if you have two-factor authentication set up for your Facebook account, you will need to enter a code each time you login. With 2FA, the code is generated by an authentication app on your phone rather than sent via SMS or email.

If you’re not receiving two-factor authentication codes:

  • Make sure your authentication app is installed and set up properly
  • Check that your phone date, time, and timezone are correct
  • Try syncing your authenticator app
  • If it still doesn’t work, try uninstalling and reinstalling the app

You’re Entering the Code Incorrectly

It seems obvious, but a very common reason people don’t receive Facebook verification codes is because they’re typing them in wrong. Facebook codes are case sensitive and easy to enter incorrectly.

When you receive a code, triple check that you are accurately entering it into the Facebook verification screen. Make sure to distinguish between capital and lowercase letters, zeros and the letter O, etc. If it still doesn’t work, request a new code and try again.

You’re Not Receiving Texts or Emails

If Facebook sends you a verification code but the message never seems to arrive, there could be an issue with your phone or email provider.

Try the following for SMS codes:

  • Make sure you have cellular signal
  • Confirm your phone and messaging app are working properly
  • Check if you have text message blocking enabled
  • Contact your carrier and have them check your SMS settings

For email verification codes:

  • Check your spam folder
  • Log into your email account and make sure emails are coming through
  • Contact your email provider if you are having issues receiving messages

You Have Blocked Facebook

If you have blocked Facebook’s email address or phone number, you will not receive verification codes from them. Facebook uses predefined numbers and emails to send codes from:

  • SMS code from: +1(650)618-4827
  • Email codes from:

Unblock these in your email account and phone to receive Facebook verification messages.

Your Account Was Disabled

If Facebook has disabled your account due to suspicious activity or violations of their policies, you will not be able to log back in without going through an appeals process.

Try logging into your account. If you see a message that your account has been disabled, you will need to submit an appeal to Facebook to regain access.

There’s a Technical Problem

In rare cases, a technical glitch on Facebook’s end could prevent verification codes from being sent properly. If you’ve tried all troubleshooting steps and are still not receiving codes, there may be a temporary system issue.

Check Facebook’s Help Community or @FacebookSupport on Twitter to see if they have posted about any known issues. You may just need to wait until they fix the problem on their end.


Not getting a verification code from Facebook can prevent you from logging in, but the problem is usually fixable. Most commonly, the issue is that your contact information is out of date or incorrect in your Facebook account. Updating your phone number and email address can often resolve it.

You may also not receive codes if you have login approvals, two-factor authentication, or text/email blocking enabled. If Facebook support cannot recover your account, you may need to create a new profile and start over.

With over 2 billion users, problems like these are inevitable for Facebook. But most code issues can be troubleshooted with some diligence to get your account back up and running.

Reason Solution
Outdated contact info Update phone and email in account settings
Login approvals enabled Disable login approvals in security settings
2FA enabled Make sure authenticator app is set up properly
Entering code incorrectly Triple check code is entered correctly
Not receiving texts/emails Contact carrier or email provider
Blocked Facebook Unblock their SMS number and email
Account disabled Appeal disablement to regain access
Technical issues Wait for Facebook to resolve problem

Related Questions

Why am I not getting Facebook verification texts?

If you are not receiving Facebook verification texts, the most common reasons are having an outdated or incorrect phone number on your account, having SMS blocking enabled, or text messaging issues with your carrier. Update your contact info, check text settings, and contact your phone provider for help.

What do I do if I can’t get a Facebook verification code?

If you are unable to get a Facebook verification code sent, try requesting a new code, changing your contact info if outdated, checking your authentication app if using 2FA, and contacting Facebook support if you cannot access your account at all.

Does Facebook verification code expire?

Yes, Facebook verification codes expire after a short period of time, usually 10-15 minutes. If you do not enter the code before it expires, you will need to request a new one.

Why does Facebook send verification codes?

Facebook uses verification codes as an added security measure when you log in, make changes to your account, or access certain features. This helps confirm it is you accessing your account and prevent unauthorized logins.

How can I get Facebook verification code online?

You cannot manually generate a Facebook verification code online. The codes are randomly generated and automatically sent to the confirmed phone or email associated with your Facebook account when required.

Troubleshooting Tips

  • Double check your phone number/email is correct in Facebook account settings
  • Check your spam folder for email verification codes
  • Make sure your phone has signal and can send/receive texts
  • Contact your carrier or email provider if texts/emails aren’t coming through
  • Carefully enter the code as it appears on the screen
  • Toggle login approvals and two-factor authentication off and on
  • Uninstall and reinstall authentication apps having issues