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Why am I not getting views on reels?

Why am I not getting views on reels?

Reels are the latest craze on Instagram right now. The short, fun videos allow creators to engage with their audience in new ways. However, it can be disheartening when you put effort into creating great Reels content and don’t see the views rolling in. There are a few key reasons why your Reels may not be getting views.

Your Content Doesn’t Align With Your Niche

Posting content that aligns closely with your niche and brand is key for getting views on Reels. If you have a yoga account but are posting cooking Reels, chances are many of your followers who came to your page for yoga content won’t be interested in watching. Stay consistent with topics relevant to your niche. This helps the Instagram algorithm understand your niche and who to show your content to.

You’re Not Using Trends and Challenges

Leveraging Instagram trends and challenges is one of the best ways to get your Reels seen. When you use a popular sound, song, challenge, filter or trending hashtag, you become a part of that larger conversation on Instagram. Your Reels get shown to others who are engaging with that same trend or audio. Think about how you can incorporate trends into your content to tap into existing interest.

Your Thumbnail Isn’t Eye-Catching

The thumbnail image that people see when your Reel pops up on their feed is crucial. This first impression determines if people will click to watch. Make sure your thumbnail pops and looks intriguing. Use bold text, bright colors and visuals that stand out. Plain thumbnails will blend into the feed and get passed over.

You’re Not Using Hashtags

Hashtags are essential for discovery on Instagram. Strategically using relevant hashtags makes it possible for your Reels to be found by people interested in those topics but who don’t already follow you. Do your research to find which hashtags are most popular in your niche. Use the maximum of 30 hashtags in your Reels caption to increase the chances of being found.

Your Captions Aren’t Optimized

Crafting compelling, keyword-rich captions is vital for Reels. The caption is one of the main factors the Instagram algorithm uses to understand your content and determine who to show it to. Use keywords and phrases people would search for. Make your caption engaging so people want to watch after reading it.

You’re Not Posting Consistently

Posting consistently is required to keep yourself on people’s radar and get your content circulating on Instagram. If you go days or weeks without posting new Reels, you’ll find it harder to pick up momentum. Set a posting schedule and stick to it. Posting 1-2 times per day is ideal for Reels. Stay active to keep your content and profile being shown to new users.

Your Videos Are Too Long

Instagram Reels are meant to be quick, easily digestible videos. Keeping your videos 15-30 seconds long is the sweet spot. Data shows longer videos see a steep drop-off in retention. Make sure each clip provides value but isn’t dragging on too long. Use editing to tighten up your videos.

You Have Low Engagement

The Instagram algorithm factors your engagement rate into the ranking of your Reels. If your posts are getting very few likes and comments compared to your follower count, it’s a red flag to the algorithm. Work on improving engagement by using interactive elements like polls, questions and incentives to get people commenting.

Your Account Lacks Authority

It can be harder for newer accounts or those with lower follower counts to get traction on Reels right away. Keep working to build your profile and establish your expertise in your niche. Collaborate with others to cross-promote content. Leverage Instagram stories to engage with followers. The more authority your profile has, the easier it’ll be for your Reels to take off.

You’re Using Prohibited Content

Make sure your Reels don’t contain anything prohibited by Instagram’s policies. Avoid nudity, hate speech, harassment and dangerous content. Using copyrighted audio without permission can also get your posts removed. Stick to original content aligned with the platform’s rules and guidelines.

Your Visual Quality is Low

High-quality visuals are a must for catching viewers’ eyes in the fast-paced Reels feed. Avoid grainy, blurry footage or amateurish editing that looks unappealing. Use HD cameras when filming. Ensure lighting is flattering. Use editing apps to refine color, add graphics and boost the production value. Good visual quality makes a difference.

You’re Not Promoting Outside of Instagram

Don’t rely solely on the Instagram algorithm to get your Reels seen. Promote your content outside of Instagram as well. Share your Reels to your TikTok, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and other social accounts. Embed them on your website and in your email newsletters. The further your Reels spread across channels, the more opportunities for new viewers to discover them.

You Have an Inactive Audience

If a large portion of your audience doesn’t check Instagram very often, it will be harder for your Reels to get momentum. Unfortunately, you may need to revamp your content strategy and branding to attract a more active, engaged audience on Instagram. Focus on quality over quantity with your followers and work on building real connections and community around your niche.

Your Content is Too Sales-Focused

While you can sprinkle in some promotional content, Reels that are too salesy generally don’t perform well. Focus on entertaining and engaging people first. Provide value and build relationships. Once you have established trust with your audience, then you can weave in the occasional promo Reel. But make sure they’re far outnumbered by more lighthearted, fun content.

You’re Using Banned Hashtags

It’s important to stay up-to-date on which hashtags Instagram has banned from use. These are typically ones associated with inappropriate or dangerous content. If you unknowingly use a banned hashtag, it can prevent your Reel from being discoverable. Do some research to educate yourself on hashtags to avoid.

Your Account or Content Violated Policies

If your account or Reels have been found in violation of Instagram’s community guidelines in the past, you may be partially shadowbanned. This means your content will have much lower visibility moving forward. Tread carefully to avoid policy violations that could restrict your reach.

You’re Shadowbanned

A shadowban is when Instagram secretly restricts your reach and engagement without your knowledge. It’s typically used to limit spam accounts or policy violators. You may be shadowbanned if your engagement suddenly drops drastically for no clear reason. To fix this, avoid suspicious automation and stick closely to Instagram’s policies.

Your Bio and Profile Lack Keywords

Optimizing your Instagram bio and profile with relevant keywords can help the algorithm understand your niche. Include keywords people would search for. Have a strong, keyword-rich link in your bio. Fill out your profile completely. The more informative your profile is, the better.

Your Reels Aren’t Vertical

Instagram Reels are designed for mobile viewership, so they must be filmed vertically. Horizontal videos will get cropped and look awkward. Film your Reels holding your phone upright to maximize the viewing space. Use vertical formats that fill the screen nicely.

You’re Using the Same Sounds Repeatedly

While it can be tempting to use trending audio repeatedly, reusing the same sounds too often can cause follower fatigue. Even popular songs get old after people hear them multiple times. Vary up your audio selection to keep things fresh. Look for new, emerging sounds to help your Reels stand out.

You’re Not Collaborating With Others

Collaborating can be an extremely effective Reels strategy. When you team up with other creators in your niche, you instantly get exposure to their audiences as well. Look for relevant influencers or brands to partner with on creative Reels ideas. Cross-promotion will introduce your content to new potential followers.

You Have Low Watch Time

The percentage of your Reel that viewers actually watch before skipping, known as watch time, is tracked by Instagram. Low watch times signal that people aren’t very interested in your content. Work on improving watch time by hooking viewers immediately and providing value throughout your entire Reel.

You’re Not Using Best Practices

Make sure you’re following recommended Reels best practices around ideal length, caption tips, optimal posting times and more. Research what top creators in your niche are doing that’s working well. Analyze the highest-performing Reels in your niche for inspiration. Follow trends set by successful Reels creators.

Your Content is Too Focused on IG

Don’t get too self-referential with your Reels content. Content focused just on getting Instagram likes, follows and views generally doesn’t resonate well. Provide entertainment, value, education or inspiration. Make content focused on benefiting your audience rather than simply benefiting yourself on the platform.


Growing an engaged, active audience on Reels takes time, strategic effort and consistently high-quality content. By understanding the key factors impacting visibility, optimizing your approach and continually improving, you can gradually increase your Reel views and engagement on Instagram. Which solution seems most relevant to improve your Reels strategy right now? Break down the checklist into action steps to boost your success.