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Why Am I Not Getting Views on Instagram Story?

Why Am I Not Getting Views on Instagram Story?

There are a few key reasons why you may not be getting views on your Instagram stories. The main factors are low follower count, poor timing of posts, irrelevant content, and not using features like tags, locations, and stickers properly. Boosting engagement takes time, optimizing your content, and leveraging Instagram’s algorithms.

Low Follower Count

The most obvious reason for low views on Instagram stories is having a small follower base. If you only have a few hundred followers, you can expect similarly low story views. Instagram shows your stories to followers first, so limited reach is directly tied to follower count. The more followers you have, the more views your story will naturally receive.

To increase followers, consistently post high-quality content on your feed and engage with others in your niche. Use relevant hashtags so people can find you. Run giveaways and promotions to incentivize follows. Collaborate with micro-influencers in your industry to tap into their audience. It takes time, but building your follower base will drive up story views.

Poor Timing of Posts

When you post can significantly impact how many people see your story. Peak usage times on Instagram are in the evening, after work and school hours. Early mornings and late nights tend to have lower engagement. Avoid posting stories during those inactive periods.

Analyze when your target audience is most active on Instagram, then share your stories during those high-traffic times. Using Instagram Insights can help you identify when your followers are online. Schedule stories for those prime times to maximize views.

Irrelevant Content

If your story content does not align with your niche or appeal to your target audience, you’ll struggle to get views. Generic, uninteresting content fails to capture attention and leads to people skipping past your story.

Ensure your stories provide value to your audience. Share content related to your niche that educates, entertains, or inspires your followers. Use visuals, polls, questions, etc. to create engaging stories your audience cares about. Consistently posting irrelevant content will cause your follower count and engagement to drop.

Not Using Interactive Features

Leveraging Instagram story features like stickers, questions, polls, emoji slider, location tagging, etc. can greatly boost your views and engagement. These tools grab attention and get followers involved in your story.

Utilize relevant interactive elements in each story. Ask questions related to your post content. Add gifs and stickers that reinforce your brand identity. Poll your audience to get feedback. Tag locations to increase discoverability. The more you can get viewers participating, the better your engagement metrics will be.

Account Privacy Settings

If your Instagram account is private, your story views will be extremely limited. Only approved followers will be able to see your private story. Having a public account significantly increases the potential reach of your stories.

Check your account and make sure your profile is public, not private. You can then assess whether low views stem from other issues like inadequate followers or content. Switching to a public account opens up your content to the broad Instagram audience.

Shadowban or Content Violation

In rare cases, not getting Instagram story views could indicate your account has been shadowbanned or suspended for content violations. Shadowbans restrict your reach without notification, while suspensions block access to posting.

If you notice a sudden, unexplained drop in engagement, it may signal one of these issues. Carefully review Instagram’s community guidelines and terms of service to identify and resolve any violations. Avoid spam tagging, botting, or prohibited content. Contact Instagram support if you feel the limited reach is unjustified.

Not Using Instagram Story Ads

Organic reach will always be limited on Instagram stories. While you can optimize your content to improve views, paid promotion is necessary to maximize visibility.

Leverage Instagram story ads to push your content out to a wider audience beyond just your current followers. Ads allow targeting specific demographics, interests, and competitor followers. They are an effective way to rapidly scale story views and exposure.

Be Patient and Consistent

Gaining traction on Instagram does not happen overnight. It requires patience and consistently posting quality content optimized for Instagram’s platform.

Follow best practices, engage your audience, post at ideal times, collaboratively promote, and utilize analytics. Measure what performs well and refine your approach over time. With consistent effort, your story views and overall Instagram growth will improve.

Check Your Instagram Insights

Analyzing Instagram Insights can reveal valuable data to diagnose problems with low story engagement. Dive into metrics for impressions, reach, exits, replies, and interactions.

This data can pinpoint issues like poor timing, irrelevant content, ineffective captions, or other optimization opportunities. Make data-driven decisions to create more engaging stories that perform better.

Leverage Instagram Algorithms

Instagram’s algorithms are designed to show users the most interesting and relevant content first. Two key factors the algorithms consider are relationship and interest.

Building relationships by engaging with others’ content will signal to Instagram you create value and are worth surfacing. Posting content your audience is genuinely interested in will also increase reach.

Collaborate With Others

Collaborating with complementary influencers or brands allows you to tap into new audiences and get your content in front of more potential followers.

Plan creative co-promotions where you can cross-promote each other’s content and accounts. This exposes your stories to fresh eyes and helps drive awareness. Partner with nano or micro-influencers in your niche to collaborate on giveaways or content stories.

Optimize Your Instagram Profile

An optimized Instagram profile attracts more followers and makes a quality first impression on new visitors. This indirectly boosts story reach and engagement.

Include a strong profile photo and bio that communicates your brand identity. Highlight your best content using Stories Highlights. Organize your quality posts into Collections to showcase your offerings. These profile enhancements signal you are worth following.

Follow Hashtag and Location Stories

Following topic- and location-specific stories gives Instagram signals into your interests. The algorithm then serves you more related story content from across the platform.

Stay up-to-date on your industry’s important hashtags and locations. Follow their stories to see more relevant content. This taps you into broader conversations and trends related to your niche and business.


Maximizing Instagram story engagement requires consistency, optimization, promotion, analytics, and patience. Ensure your account and settings are configured properly. Post valuable content at peak times for your audience. Use interactive features and ads. Collaborate to expand your reach. Study insights to refine your approach. By diligently applying best practices, your story views and follower growth will improve over time.