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Why am I not getting notifications on Facebook when someone comments?

Why am I not getting notifications on Facebook when someone comments?

There are a few potential reasons why you may not be getting notifications on Facebook when someone comments on your posts or tags you in a post or photo:

Your Notification Settings are Turned Off

The most likely reason is that your notification settings for comments are disabled. To check your settings:

  1. Go to your Facebook homepage and click on the down arrow in the top right corner.
  2. Select “Settings” from the drop-down menu.
  3. On the left sidebar, click “Notifications.”
  4. Under the “Posts” section, make sure “Comments on your posts” is turned on by toggling the button to blue.
  5. Also check that “Tags of you on posts” is turned on.
  6. Scroll down and make sure any other notification settings related to comments are enabled as well.

Be sure to click “Save Changes” at the bottom of the page to save your new notification settings. Once enabled, you should start receiving notifications again when people comment on or tag you in posts.

Your News Feed Preferences are Set to See Fewer Posts

Another possibility is that your News Feed preferences are set to show fewer posts. When this setting is enabled, you may miss notifications because you aren’t seeing all new posts from friends, Pages, and groups in your News Feed.

To adjust your News Feed preferences on desktop:

  1. Go to your homepage and click on the three line “hamburger” icon in the top left corner.
  2. Select “News Feed Preferences.”
  3. Make sure “Relevance” or “Most Recent” is selected, not “Favorites” or “Unfollowed.”

On mobile:

  1. Tap the three line menu icon in the bottom right corner.
  2. Tap “News Feed Preferences.”
  3. Make sure “Most Recent” is selected, not “Favorites.”

Choosing “Most Recent” will show you all posts from friends, Pages, and groups in chronological order, while “Relevance” prioritizes the top posts you’re most likely to engage with. Either option is better for ensuring you see notifications.

You Missed the Notification

It’s also possible you simply missed seeing the notification. Keep in mind that comment notifications can disappear pretty fast as new ones come in.

To check for notifications you may have missed:

  1. Click the notifications (bell) icon at the top right of Facebook.
  2. Review the list to see if any recent comment notifications are showing up here.

You can also click “More” at the bottom to see prior notifications. Check to see if any comment notifications are listed that you may have accidentally dismissed or overlooked. Re-engaging with the notification could trigger it to appear again the next time someone comments.

You Have the Person or Page Restricted

If you have a friend, group, or Page restricted in your News Feed preferences, you may not get notifications when they comment or tag you. To check if you have any restrictions set up:

  1. Go to your homepage and click on the three line “hamburger” menu.
  2. Select “News Feed Preferences.”
  3. Review the “Restricted” list on the right – if anyone is listed here, comments from them will be limited.

Remove anyone you may have inadvertently restricted to ensure you see their notifications.

The Person Commented on a Restricted Post

Similarly, if someone comments on a post that you’ve hidden or otherwise restricted, the notification may be suppressed. Try reviewing your News Feed and looking for posts you may have hidden or snoozed to see if that’s impacting your notifications.

You Unfollowed the Person Who Commented

If you completely unfollow someone, you will stop getting notifications when they comment or tag you. To make sure you haven’t unfollowed someone by mistake:

  1. Go to your Facebook profile.
  2. Click “Friends” on the left sidebar.
  3. Review the list to see if everyone you expect to get notifications from is checked as following.

Re-follow anyone you may have unchecked accidentally.

The Commenter Has Their Account Restricted

In some cases, if the person commenting has their own account restricted in some way, their comments may not trigger notifications. This could happen if their account is temporarily suspended or subject to another type of limitation.

There’s not much you can do about this as the issue is on their end. You may want to check with them to see if they have any active restrictions in place.

It’s a Problem With Facebook’s Servers

Very occasionally, an outage or glitch with Facebook’s servers can also disrupt notifications. If the notification feature stops working entirely, it may be a site-wide problem being experienced by others as well.

Check Downdetector to see if others are reporting Facebook issues. Typically widespread problems are resolved within hours, so try again later.

You’ve Reached the Notification Limit

Facebook also limits the number of notifications that can be stored at one time. It’s possible your unread notifications queue filled up if you didn’t check it for a while.

If you have a very large number of unread notifications, the oldest ones start to disappear as new ones are added. This could result in some comment notifications being dropped if they occurred days or weeks ago.

To avoid this, try to engage with notifications as they come in more regularly so they don’t build up.

You’re Not Tagged in the Post or Photo

If someone comments on a post that doesn’t directly tag you, you may not get a notification. For example, if they comment on a friend’s post that you are also tagged in, or a photo posted in a group you’re both a member of, you likely won’t be notified unless they tag you directly.

The exception is posts made directly on your own timeline – you should get notifications for all comments on your posts regardless of tags.

You’re Temporarily Blocked From Post Notifications

If you flood someone’s posts with a lot of comments, Facebook will sometimes restrict your ability to get notifications from that person for a short period. This is to prevent notification spamming.

You will be able to comment as normal, but won’t get alerts when the person posts. The restriction typically lifts after a day or two. Avoid leaving an excessive number of comments to prevent the block from happening again.


To summarize, issues with Facebook comment notifications most often come down to:

  • Having your notification settings disabled
  • Restricted News Feed preferences hiding posts
  • Missed notifications that disappeared
  • Unfollowing or restricting the commenter’s posts
  • The commenter having restrictions on their account

Double check your notification settings, News Feed preferences, likes/follows, and any post restrictions you may have enabled. Make sure Facebook is working properly overall and that the person commenting doesn’t have account limitations. Stay on top of notifications as they come in to prevent losing track of them over time.

With the right settings enabled and no restrictions in place, you should be able to see notifications consistently when people engage with your posts and tags on Facebook.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why are some people not getting my Facebook comment notifications?

If some followers are not getting notified when you comment, a few things could be going on:

  • They may have disabled comment notifications in their settings.
  • Your comments could be getting filtered by their News Feed preferences.
  • They unfollowed you or otherwise restricted your posts.
  • Facebook has temporarily blocked your ability to notify them due to spam.

Have them double check their notification settings and privacy options to troubleshoot the issue on their end. Avoid excessive commenting to prevent temporary spam blocks.

Should I get notifications when I’m tagged in a post?

Yes, anytime someone tags you directly in their own post, you should receive a notification alerting you of this. To ensure this:

  1. Go to Settings > Notifications
  2. Under “Posts,” make sure “Tags of you on posts” is enabled.

If you are still not getting notified when tagged after enabling this, another setting may be interfering like restricted News Feed preferences.

How often do Facebook notification limits reset?

If you reach Facebook’s cap on the number of unread notifications you can accumulate, the limit will reset at the beginning of each week. On Sundays, your notification counter will go back to 0 to allow you to fill it up again.

To avoid hitting the limit, try to actively engage with notifications as they come in throughout the week.

Can I get email notifications if I missed Facebook comments?

Unfortunately Facebook does not send email notifications when someone comments or interacts with your posts. However, you can set up email summaries:

  1. Go to Settings > Notifications
  2. Scroll down and turn on “Email Summaries”

This will email you a summary of your notifications at intervals like daily or weekly, helping you catch up on anything you missed.

Troubleshooting Steps

If you are still not receiving Facebook comment notifications after checking your settings, here are some further troubleshooting steps:

  • Log out and back into Facebook
  • Check again on multiple devices
  • Clear your Facebook cache and cookies
  • Close and reopen the Facebook app
  • Update the Facebook app to the latest version
  • Temporarily disable any ad blockers or Facebook add-ons
  • Ask others if they are having issues with notifications

Doing a full logout/login, cache clear, and app restart can often solve odd notification bugs. Make sure you don’t have anything interfering with Facebook’s default functionality. Check in with friends to see if it’s an account-specific problem or more widespread issue.

You can also try reaching out to Facebook support through the “Help Center” option for additional troubleshooting assistance.

Preventing Notification Problems

Here are some tips to avoid Facebook notification issues in the future:

  • Enable notifications for all comment interactions in Settings.
  • Don’t restrict people or posts unless absolutely necessary.
  • Regularly check your unread notifications instead of letting them build up.
  • Re-follow anyone you may have unfollowed by mistake.
  • Limit third party add-ons that could interfere with Facebook.
  • Periodically check settings to make sure nothing was changed or reset.

Keeping up with your notifications, avoiding unnecessary restrictions, and limiting outside interference can go a long way in minimizing notification issues over time.

Alternative Social Media Options

If you are still struggling with missing comment notifications even after troubleshooting, here are some alternative social media options to consider:


Twitter works similarly to Facebook for notifications. You can enable device, email, and push notifications for interactions like retweets, likes, and replies to your tweets in Settings.


Instagram also provides customizable device, email, and push notification settings for likes and comments on your posts and stories. You can fine-tune preferences under Settings.


For Reddit notifications, you can opt into push alerts, email digests, and desktop notifications for replies, mentions, and more under your User Settings.


For YouTube videos, go to Settings > Notifications to manage alerts for new comments, likes, subscribers, and other activities on your videos and channel.


On LinkedIn, you can enable notifications for reactions to your posts, comments, and mentions under Settings & Privacy > Notifications.

Although they have their own quirks, exploring notification options on other social platforms can provide alternative ways to stay connected with your audience and followers.


Facebook notifications can sometimes be tricky to diagnose when they suddenly stop working as expected. Start by double checking your settings and notification preferences. Make sure the person commenting doesn’t have restrictions limiting their visibility. Be proactive in engaging with notifications and avoiding unnecessary limits on people and posts.

Troubleshoot further by logging out and back in, updating the app, and contacting Facebook support if needed. Consider exploring notifications on other social platforms like Twitter or Instagram if issues persist.

With the right notification settings enabled and limits removed, you should be able to maintain awareness of comments and mentions on the posts and content you share on Facebook.