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Why am I not getting notifications on comments on Facebook?

Why am I not getting notifications on comments on Facebook?

There are a few possible reasons why you may not be getting notifications when someone comments on your Facebook posts:

You have notification settings turned off

The most likely reason is that you have your notification settings for comments turned off. To check your settings:

  1. Click on the arrow in the top right corner of Facebook
  2. Select “Settings” from the drop down menu
  3. On the left side, click “Notifications”
  4. Under the “Posts” section, make sure “Comments on your posts” is turned on

If this is turned off, Facebook will not send you notifications when someone comments on your posts. Simply switch it on to start getting notifications again.

Your notifications are going to another folder

Facebook may be sending your notifications, but they are being sorted into a different folder rather than your main inbox. On desktop, check the following folders:

  • Message Requests
  • Filtered Messages
  • Spam

On mobile, tap on the menu icon and select “Filtered Messages” or “Message Requests” to check those folders. If your notifications are ending up in the spam or filtered folders, try adjusting your notification settings to prioritize notifications from friends. This can help ensure they get delivered to your main inbox.

You’ve muted the commenter

If you’ve muted the person commenting on your posts, you won’t receive any notifications when they comment. To check if you’ve muted someone:

  1. Go to their profile page
  2. Click on the three dots in the top right corner
  3. Select “Mute [name]”

This will tell you if you currently have that person muted or not. Unmute them to start receiving their comment notifications again.

Your account is temporarily restricted

In some cases, if your account has been temporarily restricted for violations of Facebook’s policies, your ability to get notifications may be limited. Check to see if you have any active restrictions or blocks on your account that could be preventing notifications.

App and browser notifications are turned off

Make sure you have allowed notifications from both the Facebook app and website. On your phone, check your notification settings and make sure you have permitted notifications from the Facebook app. On desktop, check your browser settings and make sure you have allowed desktop notifications from Facebook.

Logout and log back in

As a troubleshooting step, try fully logging out of Facebook and then logging back in. Sometimes this can resolve minor glitches that are preventing notifications from coming through correctly. Close out of the app or website completely and then start a fresh session.

Update the app or clear the cache

An outdated version of the Facebook app may have issues delivering notifications. Update to the latest version of the app and see if that helps get your comment notifications back. You can also try force quitting the app, clearing the cache/data for the app, and reopening to refresh things.

Check your notification settings for individual posts

For posts made after March 2021, you have the option to disable notifications for comments on specific posts. So you may have notifications turned on overall but disabled on certain posts. When viewing a post, check to see if comment notifications are enabled or disabled for that particular post using the toggle switch next to the comments icon.

See if others can comment and tag you

In your general account settings, make sure you have “Who can comment on your public posts?” set to “Public” and “Who can see posts you’re tagged in on your timeline?” set to “Everyone.” If these are restricted, it can prevent you receiving comment notifications.

Try an alternate notification method

If you are still not receiving comment notifications after troubleshooting the above issues, try using an alternate notification method as a workaround. You can set up comment notifications to be sent via email or text message rather than through the app. This may help surface the notifications through a different channel.

Report the issue to Facebook

If you cannot get comment notifications working again after trying all troubleshooting steps, report the problem directly to Facebook. They may be able to look into your specific account and identify any issues preventing notifications from coming through. Providing details on exactly when the problem started and what troubleshooting you’ve already tried can help them resolve the issue faster.

Use a third party app for notifications

Consider using a third party app like Buffer or Hootsuite to manage your Facebook notifications. These tools can sync with your Facebook account and deliver notifications through their platform rather than relying on Facebook’s built-in system. This provides an alternate way to get notified of comments.

Frequently check back for new comments

If you are still not getting Facebook comment notifications after trying all other options, one last resort is to frequently check back on your posts manually to look for new comments. It’s inconvenient, but does ensure that you will see any feedback on your posts by regularly checking them rather than relying on notifications.


Troubleshooting Facebook comment notifications starts by checking your settings are enabled, notifications aren’t filtered, and the app/browser have permission to send notifications. Clearing caches, updating software, logging out and back in, and reporting issues to Facebook can also help resolve notification problems. As a workaround, setting up email/text notifications or using a third party tool are options. And if all else fails, manually checking posts works as an inconvenience measure. With the right mix of settings adjustments and troubleshooting steps, you should be able to get notifications working properly again.

Reason Solution
Notification settings turned off Go to Settings > Notifications and enable “Comments on your posts”
Notifications going to another folder Check Message Requests, Filtered Messages, and Spam folders
Commenter is muted Go to their profile and unmute them
Account is restricted Check for any active restrictions or blocks
App/browser notifications off Enable notifications in app settings and browser settings
Need to refresh session Log out fully and log back in
App needs update Update to latest version of Facebook app
Notifications disabled for specific post Check notification settings for individual posts
Commenting/tagging permissions restricted Adjust comment and tagging permissions in settings
Use alternate notification method Set up email or text notifications as a backup

Facebook’s notification system can encounter glitches at times that prevent comment notifications from coming through. With the right troubleshooting techniques, reviewing settings, and workaround options, you can get your notifications working properly again. Consistent issues may need to be reported to Facebook for further investigation. But in most cases, a few simple checks and adjustments will have your notifications coming through as expected in no time.

Having problems getting comment notifications on Facebook can be frustrating. Our connections and conversations on social platforms have become an important part of how we interact. When technical issues pop up and prevent us from staying updated, it feels like we’ve lost touch. Fortunately, Facebook’s notification system offers many controls and ways to troubleshoot. It just takes a bit of diligence to review possible causes and retry solutions until notifications are successfully delivered again. With the right mix of settings checks, app updates, account refreshes, alternate configurations, and manual backup checks, you can get comment notifications working properly once more.

Staying on top of responses and mentions on social platforms has become a vital part of managing our online presence and connections. When issues arise with Facebook notifications, it can feel disconnecting and leave you unsure if people are still engaging with your content. The good news is that with the right troubleshooting approach, you can typically resolve notification problems and restore proper working order. Don’t let dysfunctional notifications leave you out of touch – take control with a few simple checks and fixes to keep the conversation flowing.

In today’s digital era, we rely on social media platforms like Facebook to stay up-to-date with our friends, family, interests, and more. When you stop getting notified of comments on your posts, it can be incredibly frustrating and leave you feeling out of the loop. Thankfully, by methodically working through notification settings, app configurations, account refreshes, alternate delivery methods, and manual checks, you can get to the bottom of the issue and restore proper notifications. Stay diligent, leverage every troubleshooting option, and you’ll be back engaging with your community in no time.

Connecting and conversing online has become a pillar of modern life. When technical quirks arise and you inexplicably stop getting comment notifications on Facebook, it can feel isolating. But don’t retreat just yet. In many cases, a few targeted pokes and prods of your settings, permissions, and configurations can get notifications flowing freely once more. Regain your place in the conversation by patiently and thoroughly addressing each potential cause. Before you know it, you’ll be notified and engaged again.

We live busy, connected lives, so staying on top of Facebook notifications is a necessity for most of us. If you notice conversations happening without you because comments are no longer triggering alerts, it can be immensely frustrating. But by walking through a checklist of common notification issues, you can typically resolve the problem. Confirm your settings are enabled, update software, check alternate folders, and try different delivery methods. With a mix of system tweaks, troubleshooting procedures, and manual checks, you’ll have your notifications back in working order in no time at all.

As social media increasingly becomes our town square, it’s essential to stay current with notifications so we don’t miss out on the conversation. If Facebook is failing to alert you of new comments, try not to get discouraged. More often than not, the issue can be fixed with a few adjustments to settings, permissions, software updates, and configurations. Stay calm, be diligent, and you’ll get notifications flowing freely once again. The discussion awaits you.