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Why am I not getting matches on Facebook Dating?

Why am I not getting matches on Facebook Dating?

With over 1.5 billion users, Facebook is one of the most popular social media platforms for making connections. In 2019, Facebook launched its own dating service called Facebook Dating, allowing users to match with potential romantic partners right within the Facebook app.

However, some users find that they are not getting as many matches as they expected on Facebook Dating. There are a few key reasons why you may not be getting matches.

Your profile needs improvement

One of the most common reasons for not getting matches on Facebook Dating is an incomplete or low-quality profile. Your dating profile is your chance to make a great first impression and attract matches. But if your profile is sparse or contains unflattering photos, it will be much harder to connect with potential matches.

Here are some tips for improving your Facebook Dating profile:

  • Add at least 3 recent, clear photos of yourself – don’t use group shots, filters, or blurry selfies.
  • Fill out your bio fully. Share your interests, what you’re looking for, and some unique facts about yourself.
  • Be positive – avoid negativity, rants, or lists of dealbreakers.
  • Show off your personality by answering prompt questions thoughtfully.
  • Link your Instagram account so matches can see more of your life and interests.

Putting some time into having an engaging, attractive profile will help you get more matches who are interested in you specifically.

Your preferences are too narrow

Another reason you may not be getting Facebook Dating matches is having a preference setting that is too narrow or restrictive. For example, you may have set an age range of only a year or two, filtered for a very specific height, or set a geographic distance of just a few miles.

Having super stringent preferences dramatically shrinks your potential match pool. Try loosening your preferences and requirements – you may be passing over great matches due to limiting criteria.

Widen your age range, be more flexible on height, and extend the geographic distance. While you shouldn’t compromise on what you truly want in a match, having some flexibility can increase your possibilities.

Your activity level is low

To get matches on Facebook Dating, you need to be actively using the feature. If you created a profile once but rarely check back into the Dating section, you are less likely to come across potential matches.

Make sure to carve out time regularly to scroll through Dating profiles, send some likes, and reply to any messages. Facebook Dating operates by continually showing you new profiles based on your activity. Regularly interacting with the app is key for getting matches.

Setting up notifications for new matches, messages, and secret crushes can also help encourage you to check back in frequently.

Facebook’s algorithm

Part of the reason you may not be getting Facebook Dating matches could come down to Facebook’s algorithm and how it determines which profiles to show you. While the algorithm’s exact workings are proprietary, Facebook likely factors in criteria like:

  • Your activity and response levels
  • How selective you are with likes/dislikes
  • How many people you message and get responses from
  • How choosy other users are when shown your profile

If the algorithm detects that you are rarely liked back or messaged, it may start showing your profile less often. Similarly, if you like and respond to very few people, it has less data to recommend optimal matches.

Boosting your activity levels, having a complete profile, and not being overly selective with your likes can potentially improve the algorithm’s match suggestions.

You live in a low population area

Location is another key factor that impacts your match potential on Facebook Dating. Those who live in sparsely populated suburban or rural areas simply have a smaller pool of local singles.

If there are only a couple thousand other singles within 25 miles, you will encounter fewer possible matches than someone in a densely populated city with millions of other users.

Expanding your geographic preferences beyond your immediate area can help expose you to more options and matches if you are in a remote location.

You have dealbreakers enabled

Facebook Dating allows you to specify certain dealbreakers which automatically exclude people with those characteristics as potential matches. For example, you could set political affiliation, religion, or whether someone has kids as dealbreakers.

While dealbreakers help filter out people you know you are not compatible with, think carefully about if you really need to enable them. Narrow dealbreakers further shrink your possible match pool and limit your matching potential.

Only enable dealbreakers for characteristics that are absolute non-negotiables for you. If you are open to some differences, leave those options unchecked to cast a wider net.

Your standards are unrealistic

Being highly selective and only going after people who represent your imagined “perfect” partner is another reason your match count may be lower. There are likely many great potential matches that do not check every single box.

If you immediately dismiss or swipe left on anyone who doesn’t fit an extremely specific physical type or checklist of interests, you may be unrealistically limiting possibilities.

Keep an open mind when browsing Facebook Dating profiles, and give people a chance even if they are not 100% your usual “type.” The right match for you could come in an unexpected form.


Boosting your number of Facebook Dating matches requires optimizing several elements. Ensure you have an appealing and complete profile, interact frequently on the app, expand your preferences, have realistic expectations, and avoid overly limiting dealbreakers or standards.

While instant matches are not guaranteed, fine-tuning these factors will improve your chances of connecting with more compatible people and finding the right relationship.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does the Facebook Dating algorithm work?

The exact details of Facebook’s Dating algorithm are proprietary. However, it likely considers criteria like your activity level, selectivity, response rate, profile completeness, and the choosiness of others shown your profile. The goal is to optimize matches based on these signals.

How often should I check Facebook Dating?

To boost your match potential, it’s best to check Facebook Dating daily if possible. Interacting with profiles regularly allows the algorithm to refine its suggestions and show your profile to more people. 15-30 minutes per day is recommended.

How many likes should I send on Facebook Dating?

There’s no magic number for how many likes to send. But liking around 5-10 profiles per day ensures you are actively engaging with enough potential matches for the algorithm to work effectively.

Should I pay for Facebook Dating?

Facebook Dating is free to use and utilizes the same pool of profiles. Facebook does offer optional in-app purchases to see who already likes you and have your profile promoted. But spending money is not required to match with people.

Is Facebook Dating safe?

Facebook Dating takes measures to maximize safety, such as not allowing photo sharing and keeping first names private until matched. As with any dating platform, exercise caution when meeting strangers online. Meet in public places and let friends know your plans.

Tips to Get More Matches on Facebook Dating

Here are some additional tips to boost your Facebook Dating matches:

  • Use recent, high-quality photos that showcase your interests and personality
  • Write a detailed, engaging bio highlighting positive traits
  • Answer all optional prompt questions thoughtfully
  • Be more inclusive with preferences like age, distance, height
  • Send out more likes per day to increase potential connections
  • Double check your dealbreakers and disable unnecessary ones
  • Don’t be overly selective – give more profiles a chance
  • Check notifications and reply to messages in a timely manner
  • Use Facebook Dating regularly – aim for daily
  • Consider extending your max distance radius if in a remote area

Common Reasons for Lower Match Rates

Some of the most frequent causes of getting fewer Facebook Dating matches include:

  • Inactive account and low app usage
  • Sparse, incomplete user profile
  • Restrictive age, location, height filters
  • Enabling too many dealbreakers
  • Unrealistically high standards for matches
  • Living in a low population density region
  • Poor-quality photos on profile
  • Not responding to messages
  • Selective right-swiping behavior on profiles

Tips for Choosing the Right Photos

Since photos are one of the most important elements of any dating profile, here are some tips for selecting photos that can maximize your matches on Facebook Dating:

  • Use at least 3 recent photos taken within the past year
  • Include both close-up headshots and full body shots
  • Showcase your smile in at least one photo
  • Use natural lighting for the most flattering effect
  • Pick photos that reflect your interests and hobbies
  • Opt for casual poses rather than staged, unnatural selfies
  • Stay away from heavily filtered or edited photos
  • Choose clear, high-quality photos not grainy or pixelated
  • Have both serious and relaxed, fun expressions
  • Wear flattering, stylish outfits but stay true to your usual style

Maximizing Your Profile Completeness

In addition to photos, ensuring you complete your Facebook Dating profile fully can increase match potential. Follow these tips:

  • Fill out the bio section with details on your personality, lifestyle, interests
  • Provide your real job title and employer, if comfortable
  • Share your current city if not revealed already on main Facebook profile
  • Indicate your highest education level completed
  • Answer all optional prompt questions thoughtfully
  • Specify relationship goals – casual, long-term dating, etc
  • List any children if applicable
  • Link your Instagram account so matches can learn more about you

The more information you provide, the better sense matches will have of your personality and life. But stay authentic – embellishing or lying could lead to issues down the line.

Related Questions

Is Facebook Dating free?

Yes, the core Facebook Dating platform is free to use. There are optional in-app purchases for premium features, but spending money is not required to match and chat with people.

Can you message someone on Facebook Dating without matching?

No, on Facebook Dating you can only message someone after you have matched with them. This is unlike the main Facebook platform where you can message anyone.

Is Facebook Dating safe?

Facebook Dating has several safety measures in place, like restricting photo sharing and location visibility. However, basic precautions are still recommended when meeting anyone online. Meet in public, tell friends your plans, and listen to your instincts.

Can you use Facebook Dating on desktop?

Facebook Dating is only available on the Facebook mobile app. The desktop website does not support the Dating feature. You have to access it on your mobile device via the Facebook app.

How is Facebook Dating different from Tinder?

Facebook Dating focuses more on common interests and deeper connections based on your existing Facebook profile and preferences. Tinder places more emphasis on physical attraction and proximity. Facebook Dating also only shows first names initially.

Tables Comparing Facebook Dating Usage By Demographics

Usage by Age Group

Age Range Percentage Who Have Used Facebook Dating
18-29 24%
30-49 13%
50-64 7%
65+ 3%

This table shows Facebook Dating usage broken down by age demographic. Usage is highest among young adults 18-29 at 24%, and lowest among seniors 65+ at only 3%. Usage declines steadily with increasing age groups.

Usage by Gender Identity

Gender Percentage Who Have Used Facebook Dating
Men 16%
Women 14%
Non-binary 18%

This table shows the percentage of men, women, and non-binary people who have used Facebook Dating. Usage is slightly higher among non-binary individuals at 18%, versus 16% for men and 14% for women.

Optimizing Your Facebook Dating Strategy

Here are some final tips for optimizing your Facebook Dating approach:

  • Check new profiles daily and use all your free likes
  • Respond to messages within 24 hours if interested
  • Refresh your photos every few months
  • Don’t be afraid to initiate messaging with matches
  • Tailor your opening messages to something specific in their profile
  • Ask engaging questions to get conversations flowing
  • Be patient – finding the right match takes time

With an effective strategy, consistent app usage, and a little patience, you can improve your Facebook Dating match rate and connect with relationship-minded singles in your area.