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Why am I not getting any hits on Marketplace?

Why am I not getting any hits on Marketplace?

There are a few key reasons why your Marketplace listings may not be getting any hits or views:

Your photos and descriptions need improvement

High-quality photos are extremely important for catching potential buyers’ attention. Make sure your photos are well-lit, in focus, and showcase your item from multiple angles. Avoid cluttered backgrounds.

Write detailed, accurate descriptions mentioning key features, dimensions, condition, etc. Include keywords that buyers may search for. Proofread for spelling and grammar errors.

You have little or no seller feedback

Buyers are more likely to consider listings from sellers with positive feedback and high ratings. If you’re just starting out, offer buyers reassurance by mentioning your commitment to honest transactions and stellar customer service in listings.

Your items are not competitively priced

Research prices for similar items that recently sold on Marketplace. Price your items at or below the current market rate. Periodically reassess and adjust your prices downward if needed.

Your listings aren’t targeted or optimized

Carefully choose descriptive titles and fill in all detailed attribute fields when creating listings. Maximize exposure with relevant keywords throughout listings and in your seller profile.

You haven’t shared your listings

Leverage social media and other channels to share your Marketplace links. Ask friends and existing customers to share your listings too. More potential eyes on your items will increase chances of sales.

Your account or listings are restricted

Make sure your Marketplace account is in good standing. Listings may be suppressed if you have policy violations or reports of prohibited items. Carefully review and follow all Marketplace rules.

Tips for Getting Your Marketplace Listings Noticed

Here are some additional tips to improve visibility and generate more interest in your Marketplace listings:

Renew stale listings

Listings drop down in search after 30 days. Renew yours frequently.

Offer promotions or discounts

Special offers can incentivize buyers. Just make sure to price competitively upfront.

List at optimal times

Weekday evenings and weekends tend to see more Marketplace browsing. Time new listings accordingly.

Cross-promote on other platforms

Link to your Marketplace listings from your website, emails, social posts, etc.

Ask for feedback and reviews

This builds up your seller reputation and trustworthiness over time.

Reprice items that don’t sell

If an item sits for several weeks, consider lowering the price or experimenting with promotions.

Stay active and bump listings

Frequently update listings with new photos or details to bump them up in search.

Troubleshooting Tips If You’re Still Not Getting Hits

If you’ve tried all the tips but still aren’t getting any views or inquiries on your Marketplace listings, here are some troubleshooting suggestions:

  • Verify your listings are actually live and available for buyers to see
  • Check if you have any listing restrictions due to policy violations
  • Try creating a fresh listing for the item using optimal SEO practices
  • Double check prices against similar items that are selling
  • Consider switching up the title, description, photos, or condition
  • Repost at a different time of day or on a different day of the week
  • Ask friends or family to search for your item to test visibility
  • Work on building up your seller ratings and reputation over time

When to Stop Wasting Time on Non-Performing Listings

As a rule of thumb, if a listing still isn’t generating any interest after trying the above tips for 2-3 weeks, it may be time to quit wasting effort on it. At that point, consider these options:

  • Relist under a new category or with an entirely refreshed approach
  • Dramatically slash the price if it was an over-estimate of value
  • Give up and delete the listing if it’s a dud
  • Sell in a different venue like an auction, classifieds or your own website
  • Repurpose or reuse the item instead of continuing to try to sell

Don’t get discouraged if an item just doesn’t attract buyers on Marketplace for whatever reason. Chalk it up to experience, move on, and refocus your energy on listings that generate interest.


With some strategic optimizations and patience, you can get your Marketplace listings in front of motivated buyers. Focus on great photos, competitive pricing, targeted keywords, and building up your seller reputation over time. Try remixing stagnant listings, and don’t be afraid to ditch any consistently underperforming products after a few weeks. Stay proactive, leverage promotions when possible, and keep fine-tuning your approach to get your unique offerings the marketplace exposure they deserve.