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Why am I not able to login my Instagram account?

Why am I not able to login my Instagram account?

Being unable to access your Instagram account can be frustrating. There are several potential reasons why you may be locked out of your account.

You Forgot Your Password

One of the most common reasons for not being able to log in to Instagram is simply forgetting your password. We all create so many online accounts these days that it’s easy to lose track of that complicated password you created years ago.

If you can’t remember your Instagram password, don’t panic. Here are some steps you can take to recover your account:

  • Click ‘Forgot password’ on the Instagram login page. This will prompt you to enter your username or the email/phone number linked to your account.
  • Instagram will send you an email or text with a reset link. Click on this link which will allow you to create a new password.
  • If you no longer have access to the email or phone number on your Instagram account, you can complete Instagram’s account recovery process. This involves entering details about your account like usernames of friends or locations you’ve tagged.

Resetting your password is usually the quickest and easiest way to regain access to your Instagram account.

You Have Been Locked Out

Another possibility is that your account has been temporarily locked, and you cannot log in as a result. There are a few reasons why Instagram may lock an account:

  • Suspicious activity from an unknown device or location
  • Entering an incorrect password too many times
  • Violating Instagram’s community guidelines

If your account has been locked, you will see a message from Instagram about why this has occurred. Depending on the reason, you may have to complete steps like resetting your password, confirming your email/phone number, or submitting an appeal.

Reset Your Password

Similar to if you forgot your password, you can use Instagram’s ‘Forgot password’ flow to reset your password and regain access. This often resolves any type of suspicious login activity lock.

Confirm Your Information

If Instagram detects suspicious attempts to log in from an unknown location, it may lock your account and require you to confirm your email or phone number again. Check the notification Instagram sent you and follow the instructions to verify your information.

Submit an Appeal

If your account has been locked for violating Instagram’s community guidelines, you will need to submit an appeal within 30 days explaining why you should regain access. Provide as much context as possible and be patient – it may take some time for an appeal to be reviewed.

Your Account Has Been Deactivated

There is also a possibility your Instagram account has been deactivated, either by you or by Instagram itself. Here are some reasons this can occur:

  • You requested to temporarily deactivate your own account
  • You violated Instagram’s terms repeatedly, leading to deactivation
  • Your account has been inactive for an extended time

If you voluntarily deactivated your account, you simply need to log back in to reactivate it. If Instagram deactivated you, carefully review their terms to avoid future violations. And if you were deactivated due to inactivity, logging back in should restore your access.

You Have Been Hacked

Worst case scenario – you cannot access your Instagram because someone else has hacked your account. Being hacked can happen in a few different ways:

  • You reused passwords and your login credentials were compromised on another site
  • You clicked an Instagram phishing link and entered your username/password
  • Keylogging malware or spyware obtained your login info on your device

If you suspect you have been hacked, take action immediately to secure your account:

  1. Use Instagram’s account recovery process to reset your password and regain access
  2. Turn on two-factor authentication for stronger login security going forward
  3. Check your profile for any unusual posts or messages sent during the hack
  4. Run antivirus software to remove any potential malware on your devices

Prevent future hacks by creating a unique, complex Instagram password and enabling authentication apps or text codes for logins.

Your Account Has Been Disabled

Finally, if you violated Instagram’s terms severely, your account may have been permanently disabled. This is different from a temporary deactivation. Reasons for disabling an account include:

  • Committing fraud or deception (like using bots or third-party apps)
  • Impersonating others
  • Bullying or harassing other users
  • Posting illegal, dangerous or nude content

If your appeal to reactivate your disabled account is rejected, the account and all its content is gone for good unfortunately. You can try creating a new account but avoid the activities that got your original account disabled.

Prevent Future Login Problems

No matter the specific reason you cannot access your Instagram account, here are some tips to avoid login issues going forward:

  • Never reuse the same password across multiple sites
  • Create a unique, complex Instagram password that others cannot guess
  • Add two-factor authentication via text or authentication app
  • Keep your login credentials and personal info private
  • Watch out for Instagram phishing emails or texts asking for your password
  • Secure your devices with antivirus software and firewalls

Following security best practices will minimize the chances your account is ever compromised. But if you do get locked out again, this guide outlines how to systematically recover access in most situations.


Trouble logging into Instagram is quite common – we’ve explored the likely reasons here. The most probable causes are forgetting your password or having your account locked temporarily. With password resets and verifying your information, you can typically resolve these problems. Make sure to also rule out the possibilities of deactivation, hacking or permanent disablement. And implement our security tips to avoid future login headaches. Patience and thoroughly working through Instagram’s recovery steps will usually get your account back up and running.