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Why am I having trouble posting a video on Facebook?

Why am I having trouble posting a video on Facebook?

Posting videos on Facebook can sometimes be tricky. There are a few common reasons why you may be having trouble uploading or posting a video on Facebook.

Video file format not supported

One of the most common reasons for video posting failures on Facebook is that the video file format is not supported. Facebook only allows videos to be uploaded and posted in the MP4 or MOV file formats. Here are some of the most common video file formats and whether they are supported:

Video File Format Supported by Facebook?
MP4 Yes

If you are trying to upload a video file saved in a format other than MP4 or MOV, Facebook will not accept it. You will need to convert the video file to one of the supported formats before uploading.

Video file size too large

Facebook also places limits on the size of video files that can be uploaded. The maximum file size for videos uploaded to Facebook is 4GB. If your video file exceeds that size limit, the upload will fail.

To post larger videos on Facebook, you need to split the video into smaller parts that are under 4GB each before uploading. There are various third party applications and video editing software that can help split large video files.

Uploading from mobile device

Trying to upload and post videos from the Facebook mobile app can also lead to issues. The Facebook mobile app has stricter limitations on video formats and file size than the desktop version.

For example, videos uploaded from iOS devices must be in MP4 or MOV format, while Android apps may allow 3GP or M4V files. The app may fail to properly upload videos that exceed these mobile format and size restrictions.

If you are having trouble with a video upload on mobile, try reducing the video’s resolution and file size before uploading. Or wait until you are on a desktop computer to upload the video instead.

Privacy settings blocking video posting

Facebook’s privacy settings could also be the culprit if your videos are failing to upload correctly. Here are some privacy settings that can interfere with video posting:

Restricted audience selection

If you have your default privacy setting for posts set to “Friends” or a customized list, but are trying to post a video publicly, it may fail to upload. Try changing the audience for the post to “Public” first.

Video posting disabled

Under the privacy settings, you can disable the ability to post videos and photos entirely. If video posting has been turned off, you will need to re-enable the setting in order to upload videos.

Age restrictions

Facebook does not allow users under 18 to post publicly. If you are below 18, your videos can only be shared with friends. Double check your age settings if your video fails to post publicly as expected.

Technical issues on Facebook’s end

In some cases, video upload failures may be due to temporary glitches or technical issues on Facebook’s end. Some common technical problems include:

Server errors

Issues with the Facebook servers can prevent videos from uploading properly. Server outage or high traffic volume can interrupt video uploads.

Software bugs

Bugs or errors in the Facebook platform software may also lead to video posting errors. Facebook regularly updates its software, so bugs are usually resolved quickly.

Integration failures

If you are trying to cross-post videos from another platform like YouTube or Instagram, any integration issues could interfere with uploading.

If the problem seems to be on Facebook’s end, try again later. The issue is likely temporary and should be resolved as Facebook’s team works to fix any bugs disrupting video uploads.

Copyright issues

Facebook’s automated systems scan all uploaded videos to check for copyright violations. If you are trying to post a video that includes copyrighted material you do not have legal permission to use, Facebook may block the upload.

Music copyright

One of the biggest copyright issues is with music. Any songs playing in the background of your video need to be royalty free or you need permission from the artist. Otherwise, Facebook’s Content ID system will flag and block the upload.

Movie and TV clips

Using clips from copyrighted movies, TV shows, sports events etc. without permission is another thing the Content ID system looks for. Even small excerpts can cause your video to be rejected.

Brand logos and trademarks

The Content ID scan also checks for unauthorized use of brand names, logos, trademarks and other proprietary content. Make sure you have permission before including anything copyrighted.

If you believe your video upload is being incorrectly flagged for copyright claims, you can dispute the claims. However, if you do not have licensing or permission to use the content, your video will likely remain blocked.

Account restrictions or bans

In some cases, specific restrictions or bans placed on your personal Facebook account can prevent video posting. Here are some examples of account restrictions that may block video uploads:

Posting bans

If you have violated Facebook’s Community Standards in the past, especially around nudity or copyright, your account may receive a temporary or permanent ban on posting photos and videos.

Disabled accounts

Disabled or deactivated Facebook accounts are unable to post any content, including videos. You must have an active account status to upload videos.

Security blocks

If Facebook detects suspicious behavior such as hacking attempts or spamming coming from your account, you may be temporarily blocked from posting any content as a security measure.

If your account has been outright banned or disabled, you will need to submit an appeal to Facebook to get your posting privileges restored. For other security blocks, the restrictions are usually temporary as long as you verify your account and prove you are posting legitimate content.

How to troubleshoot and fix video posting problems

If you are running into frustrating issues uploading and posting videos on Facebook, here is a step-by-step troubleshooting guide:

1. Check video file format

As discussed above, the video must be saved as an MP4 or MOV file. Other formats will be rejected. If needed, convert the video to one of Facebook’s approved formats before uploading.

2. Verify video file size

Make sure the video file is under 4GB in size. If it exceeds that limit, use video editing software to split it into smaller parts.

3. Use the desktop uploader

Try uploading the video using Facebook on a desktop computer rather than mobile. The desktop version has fewer restrictions.

4. Adjust privacy settings

Confirm your audience selection and sharing privacy settings allow public video posting. Temporarily change to public if needed.

5. Check for Facebook technical issues

See if Facebook has reported any bugs, glitches, or outages that could be impacting video uploads. If so, wait and try again later.

6. Review video content for copyright issues

Carefully inspect the video for any unauthorized copyrighted content. Remove or get licensing for any copyrighted material.

7. Verify account status and restrictions

Check that your Facebook account is active and in good standing, with no restrictions or bans placed on video posting.

8. Retry the upload

After addressing any potential issues, attempt to re-upload the video file to Facebook. The upload should now complete successfully.

9. Seek additional support

If you still cannot get the video to post after troubleshooting, you may need to open a support ticket with Facebook describing the specific error you are encountering.


Uploading and posting videos on Facebook involves meeting certain formatting, size, copyright, privacy, and account standards. By understanding the requirements and troubleshooting any issues, you can resolve most video posting failures. Double check your video meets Facebook’s specifications, adjust privacy settings as needed, rule out temporary technical problems, fix any copyright violations in your video content, and confirm your account status is in good standing. With some diligent testing and tweaking, you should be able to get your video to post successfully on Facebook.