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Why am I getting unnecessary notifications on FB?

Why am I getting unnecessary notifications on FB?

It can be frustrating to get bombarded with notifications on Facebook that you don’t need or want. There are a few potential reasons why you may be seeing an influx of unnecessary notifications:

You have notifications turned on for too many things

Facebook allows you to customize what types of notifications you receive in your settings. This includes notifications about comments, tags, friend requests, and more. It’s possible you have more notification types enabled than you really need. Going through your settings and turning off notifications for things you don’t care about can help reduce the clutter.

You’re part of too many active groups

Being a member of many active Facebook groups can lead to a constant stream of notifications. Every new post and comment within those groups can trigger a notification. Evaluate the groups you’ve joined and consider leaving ones that aren’t relevant or that you don’t have time to keep up with. The fewer active groups you belong to, the fewer notifications you’ll get.

You have a lot of friends and followers

The more friends and followers you have on Facebook, the more potential sources there are for notifications. Every time one of your friends posts, comments, tags you, etc., it can create a notification. Unlike groups, you probably don’t want to remove friends simply to cut down on notifications. But realizing that more connections mean more notifications can help set proper expectations.

Your friends are very active on Facebook

Some people use Facebook constantly, posting updates, sharing articles, commenting on posts, joining groups, and more. If you have a lot of highly active friends, you’re naturally going to get more notifications based on their behaviors. You may want to snooze or unfollow friends who are oversharers or who don’t post content relevant to you.

You interact frequently on Facebook

The more you post, comment, react, join, and interact on Facebook, the more you open yourself up to notifications in return. When you actively engage with a Group, Page, or friend, you signal to Facebook that you want to keep getting updates from them. Be choosy about what and who you interact with to limit unnecessary notifications.

Facebook’s algorithms think you want more notifications

Facebook uses complex algorithms to determine what types of notifications to send users and how frequently. The more you interact with certain notifications, the more Facebook will send similar ones. If you’ve been actively clicking on certain notifications, Facebook will assume you want more of them and adjust accordingly. Be cautious about giving too much feedback through your notification behavior.

You have notifications from Facebook itself enabled

In addition to notifications from your friends, groups, and pages, Facebook sends its own notifications for things like recommended/sponsored content, announcements, prompts to use certain features, etc. Make sure you have Facebook notifications disabled in your settings to prevent non-essential notices from Facebook itself.

You’re getting notifications for things you’ve liked or followed

Any time you like or follow a Facebook Page, you open yourself up to notifications from that Page as they post updates. Go through the list of Pages you’ve liked and unfollow ones that aren’t relevant. You can also turn off notifications entirely for Pages if you just want to like things quietly without ongoing notices.

Your friends are liking and commenting on lots of public content

Facebook will send you notifications when your friends are active on public posts, Pages, or Groups that you may not be part of. For example, if a friend comments on a public news article, you may get a notification about it even though you’re not part of the conversation. Limiting who can see your friends list can reduce unnecessary public activity notifications.

You’re getting notifications for trending or recommended content

Facebook may send notifications for popular content the algorithms think you’ll be interested in based on your activity and interests. These can feel like irrelevant notifications since they aren’t tied to your direct social connections. Adjust your notification settings to disable notices for suggested content.

Your notification filters need adjustment

Facebook allows you to filter notifications by keywords or Pages/Groups/Friends. Use this to silence notices from specific people, groups, or topics you don’t need updates on. But check that your filters aren’t accidentally filtering out important notifications you want to receive.

You have multiple accounts with overlapping connections

If you maintain multiple Facebook accounts that have overlapping friends and group memberships, you may get duplicate notifications as actions impact both accounts. Consolidate down to a single account or be diligent about turning off notifications where crossover creates multiples.

You’re overwhelmed in general and need a break

At a certain point, notification overload can occur simply because your brain is exhausted from constant pings and alerts. Step back and take a break from Facebook for a while if it has become an anxiety-inducing notification bombardment. Temporarily disabling notifications can provide relief.


Unnecessary Facebook notifications can be managed through a mix of adjusting your settings, reviewing your connections and groups, filtering content, and modifying your behavior on the platform. Find the right balance that keeps you informed without becoming overwhelmed. And don’t be afraid to switch off all notifications for a while if you need a reset.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I turn off Facebook notifications?

Go to Settings & Privacy > Settings > Notifications to review and adjust your notification preferences. You can turn off specific notification types or reduce their frequency. You can also mute Push notifications for Facebook on your device.

Why am I getting Facebook notifications for things I haven’t liked or followed?

Facebook may send you suggested post notifications based on activity from your friends, past interactions, interests, and information in your profile even if you haven’t liked or followed those pages. Disable “Get Notifications from Facebook” in your settings.

Why do some Facebook notifications have red dots?

Red dots on Facebook notifications indicate “priority” notices that Facebook predicts are most relevant and important to you based on algorithms. They don’t necessarily mean the notification is more critical.

Can I mute all Facebook notifications temporarily?

Yes, you can temporarily mute Facebook notifications by toggling off Push Notifications for the Facebook app on your device. You can also Snooze notifications in Facebook for set periods of time.

How do I stop getting notifications from a specific person?

Go to their profile, click the “Friends” button, and choose Unfollow. You can also Snooze their posts for set time periods. Or use notification filters to mute them.

What types of notifications does Facebook send?

Facebook notification types include: friend requests, tags, comments, reactions, shares, follows, live videos, events, groups, messages, recommendations, and more. Review settings.

Tips for Managing Facebook Notifications

Here are some tips to help reduce unnecessary Facebook notifications:

Turn off Push Notifications Disables sounds/pops-ups on your device
Adjust In-App Notification Settings Customize frequency and types of notifications
Leave Noisy Groups Avoid active groups that aren’t relevant
Unfollow Pages Only follow Pages that matter to you
Use Filters Mute specific people, groups or keywords
Limit Public Interactions Comments on public posts increase notices
Review Friend List Unfollow friends who overshare
Take Notification Breaks Disable notifications temporarily

Potential Causes of Unnecessary Facebook Notifications

Here are some common reasons people get more Facebook notifications than they need:

Cause Explanation
Too many notification types enabled Comment, share, tag notifications add up
Membership in many active groups Group posts trigger notifications
High number of friends/followers More connections = more notices
Overly active friends on Facebook Friends who post a lot trigger notifications
Frequently interacting on Facebook Liking, commenting leads to more notices
Facebook’s algorithms The more you click, the more you get

Ways to Reduce Facebook Notification Overload

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by Facebook notifications, here are some ways to help manage them:

Review Notification Settings

Go through each notification type in Facebook’s settings and disable ones you don’t need. For example, you may not need notifications when someone tags you in a post. This can significantly reduce the volume of notices.

Leave Noisy Groups

Evaluate your group memberships and leave groups that are noisy but not useful. Hundreds of group messages can quickly turn into notification overload.

Adjust Public Activity

Limit how often you comment on public posts and Pages that friends can also engage with. More public convos equals more notices.

Follow Fewer Pages

Be selective about liking and following Facebook Pages. Each Page can trigger notifications, so only connect with those you truly want updates from.

Unfollow Friends

Mute friends who share too much or who post irrelevant content. Their updates will no longer trigger notifications.

Use Notification Filters

Filter out specific people, groups, Pages or keywords you don’t need notifications about.

Take Notification Breaks

Disable Facebook notifications temporarily if you need a break from the noise.


Managing notifications requires being proactive about settings, connections, behaviors, and tools like filters and snooze features. Find ways to minimize notifications that aren’t genuinely useful or interesting. Seek the right balance that keeps you informed without being overwhelmed. And don’t hesitate to switch off all notifications if you need time to reset.

With some diligence about notification management, you can ensure Facebook notifications help you connect meaningfully instead of dragging you down with unnecessary clutter and interruption.