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Why am I getting Facebook codes texted to me?

Why am I getting Facebook codes texted to me?

If you have recently been receiving text messages containing Facebook verification codes even though you didn’t request them, it likely means someone is trying to access your Facebook account. These verification codes are designed as a security measure to confirm it’s really you trying to log in or make changes to your account.

What are Facebook verification codes?

Facebook uses text message verification codes as an extra layer of security when you try to log into your account from a new device or make certain changes to your account settings.

When you attempt to log in or make a change, Facebook will send a 6-digit code to your registered phone number. You need to enter this code on Facebook to complete the login or change. This helps ensure that only you can access your account, even if someone else has your password.

Why am I getting Facebook codes I didn’t request?

There are a few possible reasons you may be receiving unsolicited Facebook verification codes:

  • Someone is trying to access or hack your Facebook account. They may be manually entering your phone number or email address to trigger a login code to be sent.
  • Your Facebook password has been compromised in a data breach and is available on the dark web. Attackers obtain passwords from breaches and attempt to access associated accounts.
  • You recently gave your phone number to a fishy website or app. Your number could have been sold to hackers who are now trying it with Facebook.
  • Your number was randomly generated. Attacks will sometimes randomly generate numbers to send codes until they luck upon real accounts.

How can I secure my Facebook account?

If you’re receiving unsolicited Facebook codes, here are some steps you should take to secure your account:

Change your Facebook password

First and foremost, change your Facebook password immediately. Make sure it is long and complex – at least 12 characters, with mixed case, numbers, and symbols. Don’t reuse it anywhere else.

Enable two-factor authentication

Two-factor authentication adds an extra layer of security beyond just a password. With 2FA enabled, you’ll need to enter a code from your phone or an authenticator app whenever you log in from a new device.

Remove any unknown linked accounts or devices

Check your Facebook settings and remove anything you don’t recognize. Unrecognized linked accounts or devices could be tied to the unauthorized access attempts.

Watch for suspicious posts or messages

Monitor your account activity closely for any unusual posts made in your name or messages sent. Delete anything suspicious right away.

How can I stop the unauthorized code requests?

Here are some tips to help prevent further unsolicited Facebook verification codes being sent to your phone number:

  • Temporarily deactivate your Facebook account if the codes persist. This will reset all login attempts.
  • Change your listed phone number on your Facebook profile to temporarily stop texts.
  • Contact your phone carrier and request they block short code messages from Facebook.
  • Add your number to the Facebook block list to prevent further texts.

When should I be concerned about these codes?

As a general rule, any text message containing a Facebook verification code that you didn’t personally request is cause for concern. However, one-off occurrences where you receive a single unsolicited code are usually not too worrisome.

You should be more worried if:

  • You receive repeated Facebook codes in a short time period.
  • The codes persist after you changed your password.
  • You observed suspicious account activity in addition to the texts.

In these cases, your account may be under active attack and you should take immediate steps to secure it.

Should I report the unauthorized codes to Facebook?

If you receive one or two stray Facebook verification codes, it’s generally not necessary to report it to Facebook. However, if you experience repeated texts spanning hours, days, or weeks, then yes, you can report it to Facebook for investigation.

To report suspicious texts:

  1. Go to the Facebook Help Center
  2. Search for “suspicious text messages”
  3. Select “I’m getting texts with Facebook codes I didn’t request”
  4. Choose the option to have Facebook’s security team investigate

Facebook may work with your carrier to identify the source of the texts and block further attempts.

Can I determine where the codes are coming from?

Unfortunately, there is usually no way to pinpoint the exact source of unsolicited Facebook verification codes. The texts are sent from an automated Facebook system, not directly from a hacker’s device. Your best bet is to secure your account and report persistent texts to Facebook for investigation.

Am I at risk of being hacked?

Receiving a smattering of random Facebook codes generally does not mean your account has been compromised. However, the fact someone has your phone number and is requesting codes is concerning. You should take proactive steps to lock down your account just in case.

Change your password, enable 2FA, review linked accounts, monitor activity, and consider reporting persistent texts to Facebook. With proper precautions, your account should remain secure.


Getting mysterious Facebook verification codes can be startling, but in most cases it simply means someone is trying account numbers at random. Secure your account and be vigilant, but don’t panic. With proper precautions, you can rest assured your account remains protected.

Facebook’s text codes provide an important security layer, even if they may occasionally reach you in error. Manage your notifications settings, report suspicious activity, and keep your login details safe. Taking a few simple steps can help ensure you stay in control of your account security.