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Why am I getting community chats on Messenger?

Why am I getting community chats on Messenger?

In the past few months, many Facebook Messenger users have reported seeing community chats show up in their Messenger inbox unexpectedly. These are group chats that you didn’t initiate, with people you don’t know, discussing topics you didn’t sign up for. It can be jarring and confusing to suddenly get added to chats with strangers out of the blue. So why is this happening, and what can you do about it?

What are community chats?

Community chats are public group chats that any Messenger user can join. They are focused around specific topics and interests, like hobbies, sports teams, universities, cities, etc. For example, there may be a community chat for Boston Red Sox fans, University of Michigan students, or people who live in Nashville.

These chats are created and managed by individual Messenger users. The creator gets to name the chat, define the subject matter, and set the rules. Once created, a community chat acts just like any other group message thread on Messenger – anyone who gets added to the chat can post messages, react, share media, etc. The difference is that community chats are public and open to strangers joining, rather than being limited to a user’s personal connections.

Why am I being added to them?

There are a few reasons you may be getting unexpectedly added to Messenger community chats:

  • The chat creator is manually adding people. If they know you are interested in the topic, they may proactively invite you to join.
  • You share an interest or affiliation with the chat’s subject matter. For example, if you went to the University of Michigan, you may get added to a UM community chat.
  • The chat creator has enabled their chat bot to automatically invite people. Some bots will scrape Facebook profiles and add users based on certain interests, education, locations, etc.
  • Your friends are adding you. Existing members of a community chat can add others they know.
  • You requested to join. You may have accidentally hit “Join Chat” on a prompt from Messenger without realizing what it was.

Most often, it’s because the chat creator or their chatbot is proactively adding people to build up their member base. They want to bring in new people who may be interested in the topic, rather than wait for users to find the chat themselves.

How to prevent being added

If you don’t want to be pulled into random community chats, there are a few things you can try:

  1. Adjust your Messenger settings. Go to the “Message Requests” section and disable receiving messages from “Everyone.” This will limit unsolicited chat adds.
  2. Leave any chats you’re added to. The creators shouldn’t add you again after seeing you leave repeatedly.
  3. Tighten up your Facebook privacy settings. Restrict the visibility of your profile information and posts.
  4. Report problematic community chats to Facebook. If a chat is spammy or otherwise violating standards, you can file a report.

Keep in mind there’s no foolproof way to avoid ever being pulled into public Messenger chats. But taking the above steps can cut down on unwanted additions.

Are community chats safe?

For the most part, joining public Messenger chats is harmless. The experience is similar to any other group messaging thread. All normal Messenger protections still apply.

However, as with any online platform, nothing is 100% risk-free. Here are some potential concerns to keep in mind:

  • Spam messages: Joining chats with an overly-eager chatbot may lead to getting spammed.
  • Inappropriate content: Public chats could contain mature or objectionable content.
  • Bullying and harassment: Anonymity can sometimes bring out poor behavior.
  • Scams: Scammers may create chats to spread malicious links.

The chances of running into serious trouble are low, but not impossible. As always, use caution sharing personal information with strangers online.

Risk Likelihood Potential Impact
Spam messages Moderate Annoyance, inbox clutter
Inappropriate content Low Discomfort, offense
Bullying and harassment Low Upset, distress
Scams Low Phishing, malware

What are the benefits of community chats?

While unexpected chat adds can be disruptive, joining relevant public chats can have some upside as well. Potential benefits include:

  • Making new friends with shared interests.
  • Finding a community tied to your university or hometown.
  • Connecting with fellow fans of a sports team, TV show, hobby, etc.
  • Meeting people across the globe who share your culture or language.
  • Joining entertaining and lighthearted discussions.
  • Being part of positive social change conversations.

Public Messenger chats allow like-minded people to connect in meaningful ways. The challenge is filtering out the less useful groups to find the gems specific to your interests.

Tips for managing community chats

If you decide to experiment with public Messenger chats, keep these tips in mind:

  • Review chat info before joining. Only opt-in if you genuinely want to participate.
  • Mute notifications if a chat gets too noisy.
  • Don’t hesitate to leave a chat that feels spammy or unhelpful.
  • Be selective in which chats you engage in. Quality over quantity.
  • Use nicknames and don’t share personal info in public chats.

Curating your chat list to weed out low-value groups makes the experience much more pleasant. Find the specific topics and communities that really resonate with you.


Unexpectedly getting added to Messenger community chats can be disruptive. But in many cases, it’s simply chat creators trying to build their member base by inviting relevant people. Adjust your settings to minimize unwelcome additions, or simply leave any chats that don’t interest you. If you do decide to participate in public conversations, just use basic precautions as you would elsewhere online. With some selectivity, community chats can connect you with kindred spirits across the globe who share your interests and passions.