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Why am I getting charged by Facebook?

Why am I getting charged by Facebook?

Facebook is a free service, so seeing unexpected charges on your account can be concerning. However, there are a few legitimate reasons why Facebook may charge you. In this article, we’ll go over the most common reasons for Facebook charges and what you can do about them.

Purchasing Credits

The most likely reason for surprise Facebook charges is purchasing Facebook Credits. Facebook Credits are a virtual currency used to buy items in games and apps on Facebook. Here are some things to know about Facebook Credits:

  • Credits can be purchased directly through the Facebook website or mobile app. The minimum purchase is $1.
  • When you make in-app purchases in games like Farmville or Mafia Wars, the charge often shows up as a Facebook Credit transaction.
  • If you have a recurring subscription to a game or app, monthly charges will show up as Facebook Credits.
  • Kids and teenagers sometimes purchase Credits without realizing it while playing games.

If you see Credits charges you don’t remember making, check to see if other members of your household may have made them accidentally. Also check to see if you have any monthly subscriptions set up.

Facebook Payments

Facebook Payments allow users to send money to friends or pay for items directly through Facebook. Here’s what to know about Facebook Payments:

  • You can add a debit card or PayPal account to make Facebook Payments.
  • When you send money to friends, it shows up as a Facebook Payments charge.
  • Some groups and pages charge subscription fees for access, which show up as Payments.
  • Charitable donations made through Facebook are facilitated by Payments.

Review your Facebook activity to identify any Facebook Payment transfers you may have initiated. You can also check your Payments settings to see payment methods you have linked.

Advertising and Boosted Posts

Facebook charges for ads and promoted posts:

  • Ads you directly pay for through Facebook Ads Manager will show up as charges.
  • “Boosted” posts that you pay to promote will appear as charges.
  • Pages you manage that run Facebook ads will result in charges.

If you see ad charges you weren’t expecting, check your ad settings and any pages you manage for active campaigns. You can also download your Facebook data to review a history of ads you’ve run.

Facebook Marketplace

Facebook Marketplace allows users to post items for sale. If you sell an item, Facebook will charge a fee. Here are some key points about Facebook Marketplace:

  • Facebook charges 5% of the listed price as a selling fee, up to a maximum of $250.
  • The fee is deducted when the sale is marked as complete.
  • Shipping costs are not included in the calculation of the 5% fee.

Review your Marketplace activity to identify any items you may have sold and forgot about. The charge will correspond with when the sale was marked completed.

Oversight Fees

In some cases, Facebook may charge an oversight fee. This is much less common but can happen if:

  • You refunded a purchase but used the Credits anyway.
  • A Payments transfer was reversed or disputed.
  • You sold an item prohibited by Facebook’s commerce policies.

Oversight fees are intended to offset costs incurred by Facebook and discourage policy violations. The fee is usually around $10.


While most of Facebook is free, they do offer some optional subscription services that cost money:

  • Facebook Blueprint: Online education courses for marketing on Facebook. Monthly subscription.
  • Oculus: VR headset and games. Hardware costs money, as do some premium games.
  • Workplace Premium: Advanced features for business teams. Monthly fee based on number of users.

Double check that you haven’t accidentally subscribed to one of these paid services if you notice regular monthly charges.

How to Get Charges Refunded

If you were charged by Facebook unintentionally or for an unauthorized transaction, you can request a refund:

  1. Go to Facebook Payments settings and find the charge in your history.
  2. Click “Report a Problem” next to the charge.
  3. Select the reason you are disputing the charge and submit your request.

Facebook reviews refund requests on a case-by-case basis. Make sure to provide clear details on why the charge was unauthorized or accidental.

Avoiding Unexpected Charges

Here are some tips to avoid surprise Facebook charges in the future:

  • Turn off in-app purchases if you play games on Facebook.
  • Only give your Facebook login to people you trust.
  • Review your payment accounts and remove any you don’t recognize.
  • Check subscriptions you may have forgotten about.
  • Pay close attention when clicking around games and apps.

Contact Facebook Support

If you are unable to resolve an issue through the Facebook website, you can contact their customer support:

  • Go to the Facebook Help Center and click “Contact Us” to find options.
  • Start a live chat with a support agent if available.
  • You can submit a request or email Facebook Support.
  • Phone support may be available depending on the issue.

When contacting support, provide as many order details as possible. Support agents can investigate charges more thoroughly with details like date, time, charge amount, and originating app/game.


Unexpected Facebook charges are usually caused by purchasing Credits, sending payments, running ads, selling items, or signing up for subscriptions. If you were improperly charged, request a refund through Facebook’s Help Center. Prevent future surprises by monitoring your account closely and enabling payment notifications.