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Why am I getting an unexpected error on Facebook Dating?

Why am I getting an unexpected error on Facebook Dating?

Facebook Dating is a popular feature on the Facebook app that allows users to match with potential romantic partners. However, like any technology, it is prone to occasionally showing unexpected errors. In this article, we’ll explore some of the common reasons you might encounter an error on Facebook Dating and provide troubleshooting tips to help resolve them.

You don’t meet the eligibility requirements

Facebook has set certain eligibility requirements that users must meet in order to access Facebook Dating. Here are the requirements:

  • You must be 18 years old or older
  • Your Facebook account must be more than 1 day old
  • Your profile must have at least 1 photo, your gender, and your preferred gender to match with set up

If you try accessing Facebook Dating without meeting these prerequisites, you’ll likely see an error informing you that you’re ineligible. To fix it, make sure your Facebook profile meets the criteria listed above.

Your Facebook account is locked or disabled

If your Facebook account is currently locked or disabled due to suspicious activity, you won’t have access to Facebook Dating either. Trying to open Dating in this scenario will show an error.

To resolve this, you’ll need to restore your Facebook account first. The steps depend on why your account was locked, but may include confirming your identity or resetting your password. Once your main Facebook account is restored, Facebook Dating should start working again as well.

The Dating feature isn’t available in your country

While Facebook Dating is available in many countries worldwide, it has not yet launched everywhere. If you try opening Dating in an unsupported country, you’ll get an error saying the feature isn’t available.

Unfortunately the only way around this is to either use Facebook Dating while traveling in a supported country, or continue waiting for it to launch in your homeland. Facebook rolls out Dating slowly to new regions so it may take some time.

There’s a temporary technical issue

Like any app, Facebook Dating sometimes experiences temporary glitches or outages that prevent it from functioning properly. Trying to use Dating during an outage will display an error or failure to load.

Issues like this are usually resolved within a few hours. Check Facebook’s status page to see if they are aware of an ongoing outage. If it’s not a known issue, try again later or contact Facebook support if the error persists.

Your account was banned from Facebook Dating

In some cases, users may find themselves banned from using Facebook Dating due to violations of Facebook’s dating policies.

Some examples of behavior that can get you banned include:

  • Harassing or inappropriate messaging
  • Spamming or repetitively sending unwanted messages
  • Catfishing or using fake profiles
  • Soliciting money or financial assistance

If you try opening Facebook Dating after being banned, you’ll see an error stating your access has been revoked. To appeal the ban, you can submit feedback through the Facebook app explaining the situation.

You have an outdated version of Facebook

In order to use Facebook Dating, you need the most up-to-date version of the Facebook app installed on your device.

If you are trying to access Dating on an older version of Facebook, you may see errors indicating the feature isn’t supported. Updating to the latest Facebook app from your device’s app store should resolve this.

Your Facebook app has bugs or glitches

Sometimes issues with the Facebook app itself, like crashing or freezing, can prevent Facebook Dating from working properly.

Try force quitting and relaunching the Facebook app to see if it fixes any strange errors you encounter with Dating. Additionally, make sure both the Facebook app and your mobile operating system are updated to their latest versions.

If problems persist, uninstalling and reinstalling the Facebook app can clear out any corrupted files or cached data causing conflicts with Dating.

You have privacy restrictions enabled

Facebook allows you to limit some profile data being shared with third-party apps like Dating. If you have these privacy restrictions enabled, it can sometimes interfere with Facebook Dating functioning properly.

To check your privacy settings related to third-party app data sharing:

  1. Go to Settings & Privacy > Settings on Facebook
  2. Scroll down and click on Apps and Websites
  3. Ensure the options “Apps, Websites and Games” and “Facebook Dating” are both switched ON

Toggling these on will share the appropriate data with Facebook Dating and potentially fix any errors caused by privacy restrictions.

You have an account restriction

In some cases, there may be a restriction placed on your Facebook account by Facebook moderators that prevents full use of features like Dating. This is uncommon but can happen if your account has been flagged for potential policy violations.

Trying to access Facebook Dating with an account restriction will show an error explaining that your account is limited. To resolve it, you will need to appeal the restriction through the Facebook app and get it lifted by demonstrating your account follows all guidelines.

Your account was hacked

If your Facebook account has been hacked or compromised, the hacker may have changed settings, installed malicious software, or otherwise altered your account in a way that disables Facebook Dating.

If you notice you suddenly can’t access Dating after noticing other signs of a hack like strange posts or messages, secure your account immediately and then investigate any changes the hacker may have made. You may need to restore compromised settings or remove unauthorized linked apps before Facebook Dating starts working again.

You don’t have the latest Messenger update

Facebook Dating relies on some functionality from the separate Facebook Messenger app. If your Messenger app is outdated, it can sometimes create issues using Dating.

Check that you have installed the latest version of Messenger. On Android devices, you may need Messenger version 191.0 or higher. Updating to the most current release can help resolve any conflicts between the two apps.

You’re using an unstable internet connection

Facebook Dating requires a steady internet connection to operate. Using it over a slow, unstable public WiFi network or with poor cellular service can result in errors loading data or features.

Try moving to a location with a stronger WiFi or cellular signal and reload Facebook Dating. This will allow all data and content to properly load without any interruptions to your connection.

Your device’s time settings are inaccurate

Facebook Dating relies on having the accurate date and time set on your device. If your device’s time settings are misconfigured or set incorrectly, it can sometimes create issues using Dating features.

Double check that the date and time displayed on your device are correct. On mobile phones, also enable “Set Automatically” in your device settings to sync the time using the cellular network if it gets out of sync.

You have Facebook login issues

Problems logging into your main Facebook account can also prevent accessing Facebook Dating. This could happen if you get locked out due to forgetting your password, entering the wrong login credentials, or having two-factor authentication enabled.

Resolve any Facebook login issues first before attempting to use Facebook Dating again. Recover your account access by resetting your password or following two-factor authentication prompts.

Your Facebook profile is incomplete

While Facebook doesn’t require completing your entire profile to use Dating, having incomplete basic information can sometimes create issues. Make sure key profile fields like your name, age, gender, location, and photos are filled out.

Adding missing details helps ensure Facebook has all the necessary data to properly generate your dating profile and surface compatible matches.

You violated Facebook Dating’s policies

Breaking any of Facebook Dating’s Terms of Service or Community Standards can result in your access being restricted or banned.

Review Facebook’s dating rules and ensure your conduct and content adhere to them. If you were banned for previous violations, appealing through Facebook support is the only way to regain access.

You changed your age or gender

Facebook Dating heavily relies on details like your age and gender to determine matching and visibility. If you change these core profile details, it can sometimes create problems with existing data in your dating profile.

Allow some time for Facebook Dating to sync up after altering key information like your age or gender. Ensure you meet the minimum age requirements as well. In rare cases, you may need to delete your dating profile and create a fresh one.


Facebook Dating can be a finicky feature that relies on many factors working properly, from your account settings to the device itself. If you encounter any unexpected errors, systematically check each possibility to identify and resolve the underlying issue.

Patience is key, as temporary glitches do happen. But if problems persist, don’t hesitate to reach out to Facebook support for additional troubleshooting. With some diligence, you should be able to get Facebook Dating working again so you can get back to matching with potential dates.