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Why am I getting a text with a Facebook confirmation code?

Why am I getting a text with a Facebook confirmation code?

If you recently received a text message containing a Facebook confirmation or security code, it likely means someone is trying to access or make changes to your Facebook account. While this can be concerning, there are a few common reasons why these texts are sent out.

You Requested the Code

The most obvious reason is that you personally requested the confirmation code. Facebook uses these codes any time a change is made to your account as an added layer of security. Some examples of when you may request a code include:

  • Changing your password
  • Enabling two-factor authentication
  • Adding a new login method such as a new device or phone number
  • Making changes to your profile information
  • Posting from an unrecognized device

If you did any of these things recently, you can safely disregard the text message containing the code. Just enter it on Facebook when prompted to confirm the changes to your account.

Someone Else Requested the Code

If you did not personally request the Facebook confirmation code, the next possibility is that someone else initiated the request. There are a few ways this could happen:

  • Hacked account: If someone was able to access your Facebook account, they may have triggered the text alert by trying to make changes or access personal information from your profile. This could indicate your account has been compromised.
  • Incorrect number entry: When signing up for Facebook or adding a phone number to an existing account, it’s possible the person accidentally entered your number instead of their own. This would result in you receiving their confirmation code text by mistake.
  • Phone number recycling: If you received a new phone number that was previously tied to a Facebook account, the old account may still be set up to send codes to that number. So you could receive messages intended for the past owner of your phone number.

If someone else requested the code, it’s important to secure your Facebook account. You should change your password immediately and enable two-factor authentication if you haven’t already.

Facebook Sent the Code by Mistake

In rare cases, people receive Facebook confirmation texts that were sent entirely by mistake. This seems to happen most frequently when changing phone numbers or migrating accounts.

For example, if you remove a phone number from your Facebook account, their system can accidentally still send codes to that old number. Or if you transfer your account to a new phone number, both numbers may temporarily receive confirmation texts.

While it’s uncommon, glitches do occur and codes get sent to the wrong numbers. If you’re absolutely certain you didn’t request a code and your account seems secure, it may be a mistake on Facebook’s end.

What to Do if You Receive an Unexpected Facebook Code

Here are the recommended steps to take if you receive an unexpected Facebook confirmation text:

  1. Log into your Facebook account and check for any recent changes. Look at your security settings, profile info, login locations and more for anything suspicious.
  2. Change your Facebook password and enable two-factor authentication if you haven’t already. This will secure your account in case someone else has access.
  3. Check the phone numbers listed on your Facebook account. Remove any you don’t recognize.
  4. If there are no signs of account access, it may have been sent by mistake. You can usually ignore it, but report it to Facebook if you’re concerned.

How to Prevent Unexpected Facebook Confirmation Texts

To avoid getting unwanted Facebook verification messages in the future, here are some tips:

  • Set up two-factor authentication, which requires a code from your phone anytime someone logs into your account from a new device.
  • Avoid clicking sketchy links that could compromise your login info.
  • Never share Facebook passwords or codes with anyone.
  • Regularly check your Facebook security settings and review devices that are logged in.
  • Only add phone numbers you control to your Facebook account.
  • Take caution when recycling old phone numbers. The previous owner may have accounts still linked.

What to Do if You Receive Someone Else’s Facebook Code

If you get a Facebook confirmation code intended for another person, here’s what to do:

  1. Do not share or use the code yourself. The code is connected to someone else’s account.
  2. Reply to the text and let the sender know they have the wrong number.
  3. Block the number to prevent more texts.
  4. You can also report the issue to Facebook, but will need to provide the code sent to do so.

While getting someone else’s Facebook code is uncommon, it does mean there is an account out there with your number incorrectly listed. Reporting this to Facebook when possible can help correct the issue and prevent more mix-ups going forward.


Receiving unexpected Facebook confirmation or security codes can be startling, but not necessarily a sign of trouble. In most cases, these texts are triggered by your own account activity, updates by Facebook, or simple mix-ups. However, unfamiliar codes should prompt you to double check your account security and settings just to be safe. With the proper precautions, you can feel confident knowing a rogue Facebook text is nothing to worry about.