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Why am I getting a message when tagged on Facebook?

Why am I getting a message when tagged on Facebook?

There are a few potential reasons why you may be getting a message when someone tags you in a post or photo on Facebook:

Your Notification Settings

The most likely reason is that you have your notification settings configured to send you an alert whenever you’re tagged. Facebook’s default setting is to notify users via email or push notification when they are tagged. So if you haven’t changed your settings, getting a message is expected behavior.

To check or modify your notification settings on Facebook:

  1. Click on the down arrow in the top right corner of any Facebook page
  2. Select “Settings” from the dropdown menu
  3. On the left side of the page click “Notifications”
  4. Under the “How You Get Notifications” section you’ll see the various notification triggers. Make sure “Someone tags you” is toggled on if you want to keep getting alerts.

You can also choose to get notifications about tags via email only, Facebook mobile push notifications only, or both methods. Adjust these settings to your preferences.

Notification from the Person Tagging You

In some cases, the person who tagged you may also be sending you a personal message to explicitly notify you of the tag. They may do this if they think you might miss the automated tag notification from Facebook.

For example, if someone knows you don’t check Facebook frequently, they may tag you in a post and then also send you a text or email that says “Hey, just wanted to let you know I tagged you on Facebook.” This is done as a courtesy out of concern that the Facebook notification alone may not be sufficient.

So in this scenario you are getting two notifications – one generated automatically from Facebook when the tag occurs, and a second personal message from the individual who tagged you just to call extra attention to it.

Your Privacy Settings

Facebook has customizable privacy settings that control who can see posts you are tagged in. It’s possible someone tried to tag you in a post, but because of your privacy settings the tag didn’t actually link to your profile. When this happens, Facebook will sometimes still send you a notification to make you aware of the tag attempt.

To view and adjust your tag privacy settings:

  1. Click the down arrow in the top right and select “Settings”
  2. Click “Privacy” in the left column
  3. Go to the “How people can find and contact you” section
  4. Click “Who can see posts you’re tagged in on your profile?”
  5. Choose from the available options: Public, Friends, Custom, or Only Me.

If you have a more restrictive setting like Only Me, you may still get notified when someone tags you, even though the tag is invisible to anyone else. The notification acts as an alert that someone tried to interact with your profile.

You Were Tagged in a Comment

In addition to tagging people in the main posts on their profile, you can also tag someone in a comment on a post. For example, if your friend posted a photo, someone could leave a comment tagging you to get your attention or mention you.

Just like a regular tag, getting tagged in a comment will trigger a notification to you. So if you received an alert about a tag, check the comments on your friends’ recent posts and see if anyone mentioned you there.

Tag Notifications for Pages You Follow or Manage

If you are an admin or editor for a Facebook Page, you can get notifications when someone tags that Page in a post or comment. The notification settings are separate from your personal profile.

To manage notifications for a Page:

  1. Go to the Page and click “Settings” at the bottom of the left sidebar
  2. Click “Notifications” on the left
  3. Adjust notification triggers as desired

Turning these notifications on will inform you whenever someone interacts with the Page by tagging it. You’ll also get alerts if the Page itself gets tagged by another Page or public figure in the Facebook community.

You Were Tagged in a Private Message

Facebook offers group messaging via its Messenger application. If someone tags you in a group message thread, you’ll receive a notification even though it wasn’t a public post tag.

For example, if your friend starts a Messenger group for planning an event and tags you to make sure you see the plans, you’ll get an alert. Check your recent Messenger threads to look for tags if you received a notification.

You Were Tagged in a Story

Facebook and Instagram Stories allow people to tag you in photo and video slides. Getting tagged in someone’s Story will send you a notification. The tag won’t include a link to the Story, but serves as a heads up that you were mentioned.

If you want to actually see the Story where you were tagged, you would need to find it on that person’s profile within 24 hours before the Story disappears. Or the person who tagged you would have to manually send you the specific Story slide.

Your Email Was Tagged

Some Facebook notifications are triggered when specific personal information is tagged, even if your name isn’t mentioned. For example, if someone tags your email address or phone number in a post or comment, you’ll get an alert about it.

Facebook’s automated systems can detect when certain account details like a registered email or phone number are entered. To protect your privacy, you’ll be made aware through a notification.

You Were Tagged in a Post You’re Not Allowed to See

In rare cases, someone may tag you in a post or photo that you can’t actually view. This can happen if the visibility is limited to a friend list or group that doesn’t include you.

Even though you won’t be able to see the post itself, you will still get a notification about the tag attempt. This serves as an alert that someone interacted with you, even if the actual content remains hidden.

It’s Possible Spam or a Mistake Tag

In some instances, tag notifications can be triggered accidentally or by spammy behavior:

  • Someone may have tagged you incorrectly by mistyping a name or tagging the wrong person.
  • A bot or hacked account could be mass tagging people in posts as spam.
  • A new Facebook friend may be tagging you excessively in unimportant posts or comments.
  • Your account could have a technical glitch causing false tag notifications.

If the tags seem random, excessive, or keep happening from accounts you don’t know, it could bespammy behavior or a mistake. You can report the content or adjust your notification settings.

You Have Notifications Turned On for Group Mentions

Facebook has a feature that allows people to tag an entire group of friends in one mention using an @ symbol. For example: “@friends road trip this weekend!” This will notify everyone in the tagged group.

To enable or disable group tag notifications:

  1. Go to Settings
  2. Click Notifications on the left
  3. Scroll down and turn the “Groups you’re mentioned in” notification on or off

Having it on means you’ll get alerts whenever someone tags a friend list or group you’re a part of. Turn it off to avoid group callout notifications.

You Were Tagged Via the Tag Suggestions Feature

Facebook’s AI technology can detect faces in photos and automatically suggest tags for people it recognizes. If someone approves the suggestion to tag you, this will generate a notification.

Tag suggestions notifications can occur when:

  • Someone uploads new photos with you in them
  • Someone is tagging old photos using the suggestion tool
  • An acquaintance tags you for the first time after Facebook suggests it

The tag suggestion feature is meant to streamline tagging in posts, but can occasionally result in unwanted or unsolicited tags since it’s automated. But any notification still signifies someone interacted with your profile.

Your Friends Are Particularly Active at Tagging

Some people are simply more prolific when it comes to tagging friends and contacts. Extreme social butterflies who tag constantly, participators of tag games/chains, and loyal Instagram story taggers tend to be the most tag-happy.

If your social circle includes people like that, you’ll naturally see more tag notifications as a result of their hyperactive tagging habits.Their enthusiasm for dragging friends into posts fuels constant alerts.

You can mute specific people if their tag notifications become bothersome. Or hide from them on Facebook to avoid being tagged altogether.

You Made a New Facebook Friend Connection

When you establish new friend connections on Facebook, it’s common to receive an uptick in tags as you begin interacting. You tag them, they tag you back, and it increases overall tag notifications.

New friends may also scroll through your old posts and retrospectively tag you in content they find funny or cool. This tagging flurry happens as you integrate the person into your social circles.

As the friendship matures, the frequency of tagging often plateaus. But expect a spike when letting new friends into your Facebook ecosystem.

You Have a Lot of Friends Who Tag

The number of Facebook friends you have correlates to how often you’ll get tagged. The more friends, the higher probability someone will tag you frequently.

Naturally, having 1,000+ friends means tons of tagging opportunities. Whereas someone with only 50 friends will see fewer alerts.

You can get tagged by close family and friends who tag thoughtfully. But also acquaintances who liberally tag everyone as social fodder.

Prune friends who tag excessively or revert to “Acquaintances” to decrease their tagging impact.


Receiving a notification when tagged on Facebook is usually the result of intended interaction from a friend, page, or group you’re connected to in some way. However, sometimes unwanted tags occur like spam behavior, mistakes, or overzealous friends.

Adjust your notification settings, review your privacy controls, and curate your friend list to ensure you’re seeing tags from people you care about. Mute or unfollow notoriously excessive taggers who clutter your alerts.

Tags from friends and family can be enjoyable notifications that keep you involved. But be selective about which taggers you give access to interact with your profile and notifications.

Reason for Tag Notification Details
Your notification settings Facebook’s default is to notify on tags. Adjust in your settings.
Personally messaging you Manually contacting you about the tag
Your privacy settings You still get notified if tag hidden by your settings
Tagged in a comment Notifications for comment tags too
Page/group notifications Alerts for Pages and groups you manage
Tagged in Messenger Tags in group chats will notify you
Tagged in a Story Instagram and Facebook stories tags notify
Email/number tagged Notifications if personal info like email is tagged
Can’t see the post You’ll still be notified if tag hidden from you
Spam/mistakes Bots or accidental tags happen
Group mentions @group tags you’re a part of will notify
Tag suggestions Face recognition tagging features
Friends who tag a lot Some friends are more tag-happy than others
New friend connections New friends often tag each other frequently
High friend count More friends, more potential taggers