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Why am I blocked from running ads on Facebook?

Why am I blocked from running ads on Facebook?

There are a few common reasons why you may find yourself blocked from running ads on Facebook:

You have ad account restrictions

Facebook may restrict your ad account if you violate their Advertising Policies repeatedly. Some of the main reasons for ad account restrictions include:

  • Running misleading ads (e.g. clickbait, false claims)
  • Using targeting options or creative that is discriminatory
  • Promoting prohibited products or services (e.g. illegal drugs)
  • Using improper ad practices like cloaking or scraped content

If your account is restricted, you will see a notification explaining why you can’t run ads. The restriction may apply for a limited time like 24 hours, or it may remain until you take corrective actions based on Facebook’s feedback.

Your ads were disapproved

Another common reason your ads may be blocked is if you have too many individual ads disapproved for policy violations. Some examples include:

  • Using unauthorized or copyrighted content
  • Making misleading claims about the product, service or business
  • Promoting adult products or services in restricted areas
  • Using profane, offensive or sensational language

If you submit too many ads that get rejected for violations, Facebook may pause your ability to run new ads until you comply with their policies and quality standards. Review their Advertising Policies thoroughly and ensure your ads meet the requirements.

You have outstanding balance issues

Facebook expects advertisers to pay their advertising invoices promptly. If your payment fails or you accrue an outstanding balance, they may restrict your ability to run new ads.

To regain access, you will need to resolve any billing issues and pay off the balance. Keep your payment methods up to date and make sure your daily ad spend doesn’t exceed your payment capabilities.

Your Page quality is low

For Facebook ad accounts linked to a Facebook Page, your Page quality score can impact your ability to run ads. Factors that determine quality include:

  • How complete your Page info and profile fields are
  • How responsive you are to commenters and messengers
  • Whether you have any Page quality violations
  • Your follower and engagement metrics

If your Page quality is deemed inadequate, Facebook may disable your access to advertising until you improve your score. Ensure your Page is fully fleshed out and provides a good user experience.

You are running prohibited ad types

Certain types of ads are restricted or prohibited by Facebook. If you run these ad types repeatedly, your account can be blocked. Some prohibited ad types include:

  • Ads promoting cryptocurrency products or services
  • Ad farms focused solely on clicks or impressions vs conversions
  • Misleading diet or weight loss ads
  • Adult oriented escort, dating or webcam services

Carefully review the range of ad formats, products and services which you are not permitted to promote through Facebook ads, and avoid anything on the prohibitions list.

Your account was hacked or compromised

If your Facebook ad account is accessed without your consent, it may be restricted while Facebook investigates unauthorized activity. Signs your account was hacked include:

  • Seeing ads you didn’t create and don’t recognize
  • Notices that your ad account password was changed
  • Ads running to destinations or offers you didn’t approve
  • Sudden changes in payments and billing info

If you believe your account was compromised, contact Facebook right away. You will need to secure your account and prove ownership before advertising access can be restored.

Preventing Facebook ad account restrictions

Here are some tips to avoid common pitfalls that can get your Facebook ad privileges restricted:

  • Carefully study Facebook’s Advertising Policies and comply fully
  • Use appropriate language, images and targeting in all ads
  • Don’t make misleading claims about products, services or your business
  • Keep your payment information current and pay invoices on time
  • Maintain a complete, high-quality Facebook Page
  • Secure your account with strong login credentials
  • Respond promptly if you receive any policy violation notices

Appealing Facebook ad account restrictions

If you believe your advertising access was wrongly disabled, you can file an appeal with Facebook. Steps include:

  1. Locate the restriction notification email or notice in Facebook Ads Manager
  2. Look for the “Appeal to Facebook” option or link
  3. Carefully follow the appeals process and submit any requested info
  4. Explain clearly why you believe the restriction was incorrect
  5. Provide compelling evidence supporting your appeal
  6. Wait for Facebook’s review of your appeal request

Keep in mind restrictions are often automated based on repeated policy violations or account risks. So appeals may only be successful if you can demonstrate the limitation was in error. Monitoring your ads and account status closely can help avoid getting unfairly restricted.

Getting help with Facebook advertising restrictions

If you cannot resolve your Facebook ad block through internal appeals, a few other options for assistance include:

  • Facebook Ad Support – Reach out for help understanding and appealing the restriction
  • Facebook Account Support – Get assistance securing and regaining access to your account
  • Facebook Ads Community – Ask others who manage large-scale Facebook ad campaigns for their advice
  • Facebook Marketing Partners – Hire an ads management agency familiar with Facebook’s policies

With patience and persistence, many advertisers can get their Facebook ad privileges reinstated. Continuing to invest in your account’s security, integrity and compliance will help minimize future risk of restrictions.


Facebook advertising can be a powerful platform for reaching targeted audiences. But access to run paid ads requires continually meeting Facebook’s guidelines and policies. Account restrictions often occur due to violations around misleading claims, inappropriate content, or outstanding payments. Appealing restrictions directly and tightening up your advertising practices will give you the best chance of regaining your Facebook advertising abilities.

Summary of Main Reasons for Facebook Ad Blocks

Reason Description
Ad account restrictions Repeated policy violations lead to temporary or permanent ad restrictions
Disapproved ads Too many violations cause ad review and ability to be paused
Outstanding balance Overdue or unpaid advertising invoices lead to disabled accounts
Low Page quality Incomplete Pages or those with quality issues see limits
Prohibited ad types Running banned products or services leads to blocks
Hacked account Compromised accounts are restricted during investigations