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Why am I blocked from posting on Facebook Marketplace?

Why am I blocked from posting on Facebook Marketplace?

Being blocked from posting on Facebook Marketplace can be frustrating, but there are a few common reasons why this happens. In this article, we’ll explore the most likely causes and what you can do to get your posting privileges back.

You’ve violated Facebook’s Commerce Policies

The most common reason for being blocked from Marketplace is that you’ve gone against one or more of Facebook’s commerce policies. These policies prohibit certain types of content and behavior, such as:

  • Posting prohibited or restricted products – Facebook prohibits the sale of certain products like illegal drugs, weapons, animals, and more. Trying to sell these items could get you blocked.
  • Price gouging – Dramatically inflating prices on essential items during times of crisis is not allowed. Doing so may result in your Marketplace privileges being revoked.
  • Misrepresentation – Providing false information about yourself, your items, or anything else can lead to a block. Facebook aims to keep Marketplace transparent.
  • Scams – Any attempt to defraud buyers will be met with a block. This includes things like taking payment without delivering goods.

Carefully reviewing Facebook’s commerce policies and making sure you comply with them is the best way to avoid getting blocked for policy violations.

You’ve had policy violations on Facebook before

If your Facebook account has been penalized for violations in the past, even if not related to Marketplace, this can sometimes result in limits on your access to Marketplace. Facebook’s approach here is to restrict features for users who have shown they may misuse parts of the platform.

So if your account has been suspended or restricted previously, this history could explain Marketplace blocks. The best solution is to ensure you have no further policy issues going forward.

You have multiple Facebook accounts

Maintaining more than one Facebook account for yourself goes against Facebook’s rules. If they detect you have multiple accounts, restrictions may be placed on all of them as a penalty. This could include losing Marketplace access on the extra accounts.

The solution here is simple – stick to just one Facebook account to avoid complications like this.

Your account is new or lacks activity

Facebook restricts certain features on very new accounts or those with low activity. This is to help prevent spam and other bad behavior. So if your account is brand new or hasn’t been used much, you may need to be patient and actively use Facebook more before Marketplace becomes available.

You’ve posted too frequently

There are limits in place for how many Marketplace posts a single user can create in a certain period of time. If you’ve posted very frequently, you may have triggered Facebook’s anti-spam controls. Slowing down your posting rate can help lift this type of block.

What to do if you’re blocked from Marketplace

If you find yourself blocked from Facebook Marketplace, here are some steps to try:

  1. Read through Facebook’s commerce and Marketplace policies again carefully. Ensure you are not violating any of the rules laid out there.
  2. Check that you have only one Facebook account for yourself. Delete any extras.
  3. If your account has any previous violations or restrictions, make sure you have followed all guidance from Facebook on regaining full account privileges.
  4. Avoid posting too frequently. Stick to 1-2 posts per day at most.
  5. If your account is very new, give it time to establish more of a posting history and show legitimate engagement.

In many cases, if you follow all Facebook policies and best practices around posting, your access to Marketplace may be restored over a period of days or weeks. However, certain very serious violations can result in indefinite bans.

Requesting a review from Facebook

If you believe you have been wrongly blocked from Facebook Marketplace, you can try requesting a review:

  1. Go to the Facebook Help Center
  2. Search for “Marketplace” and find the option for reporting issues related to it
  3. Choose the category “Posting issues” then the sub-category “Restricted from posting”
  4. Follow the on-screen prompts to provide details and submit your request

Facebook reviews these requests and may lift improper restrictions. However, if they determine your block was justified based on policy violations, it will remain in place.

Creating a new Facebook account

Setting up a brand new Facebook account just to access Marketplace is an option some blocked users consider. However, this likely won’t work. Facebook normally recognizes if the same person is behind multiple accounts and will then penalize both of them.

The only appropriate use of an additional account is when it represents a legitimate separate business entity and complies with Facebook’s rules around business accounts.

Why you may stay blocked from Marketplace

In some cases, despite your best efforts, Facebook may decline to lift your Marketplace block. Here are some reasons this can happen:

  • You’ve been banned multiple times before – Repeat offenders may face permanent loss of privileges.
  • You violated policies severely – Doing things like selling illegal or dangerous regulated goods could warrant an indefinite ban.
  • You have disputed Facebook’s decision – Contesting their enforcement rather than acknowledging any policy violations tends to reinforce blocks.
  • Time has not passed – Some blocks are temporary, like 30 days, and cannot be reversed sooner.

Essentially if Facebook has determined you are a serious policy risk, your prospects of getting unblocked are low. Prevention is always better than trying to deal with the consequences here.

Can you get around a Marketplace block?

Trying to evade restrictions and post on Marketplace against Facebook’s wishes is not recommended. Methods some sellers attempt include:

  • Using a VPN to mask your IP and location
  • Creating a new Facebook account
  • Having someone else post for you

Facebook monitors for behaviors like these and will catch on eventually. You run the risk of having your main account banned for good if you are discovered trying to get around a block.

Best practices to avoid blocks

Here are some tips sellers should follow to stay in good standing on Marketplace:

  • Learn Facebook’s commerce policies thoroughly
  • Vet items carefully before posting
  • Provide accurate descriptions and images
  • Ship items promptly after purchase
  • Do not overpost – keep it to 1-2 times per day
  • Respond to buyers in a timely, professional manner
  • Avoid used regulated goods like car seats unless allowed
  • Do not attempt to sell prohibited items

If you stick to legit selling of lawful, non-restricted goods while following all Facebook rules, you should have no issues participating in Marketplace.

What can you sell if blocked?

If faced with a Marketplace block, you still have options for selling items online. Some popular alternatives to explore include:

  • eBay
  • Craigslist
  • OfferUp
  • Letgo
  • Facebook Groups – You can still post in relevant buy/sell groups unless your entire account is restricted.

These platforms have their own policies to review, but can serve as good Marketplace replacements while you work to regain Facebook privileges.

Should you use a different account?

As covered earlier, attempting to use a secondary account to evade Facebook blocks is risky. Your main profile could end up disabled for good if they detect you are behind multiple accounts.

A better approach while blocked may be asking a trusted friend or family member to post your items for you temporarily using their account. This does still violate the spirit of the restriction, though, so proceed with caution.

Appealing the block

If you believe you have been wrongly prohibited from Facebook Marketplace, you can appeal the decision through Facebook’s Help Center:

  1. Go to the Marketplace Restrictions section of the Help Center.
  2. Click “Continue” then choose the specifics of your issue and details.
  3. On the next page, click “Request Review.”
  4. Check back after several days for an update on your request.

However, appeals only tend to work if Facebook made an error. Just wanting access back to sell is unfortunately not grounds for overturning a block. But legitimate mistakes do happen, so it is worth asking Facebook support to reconsider if you believe that’s the case here.

What information do you need to appeal?

To give your Marketplace block appeal the best chance of success, provide as much relevant detail as possible. Helpful information includes:

  • Your Facebook name and email/phone on your account
  • The exact date you were blocked
  • Screenshots showing the block message
  • Reasons why you believe the block was a mistake or incorrect
  • Assurances you now understand all Facebook commerce policies

The more evidence you can give to back up your claim of an unjust block, the better. But appeals with substance have a better chance than brief requests asking for access back without justification.

What reasons work for appealing?

Valid reasons to cite when disputing a Marketplace block include:

  • Being incorrectly flagged for policy violations you did not commit
  • Having a disability that led to posts being misconstrued as inappropriate
  • Having an account restriction lifted but Marketplace still blocked
  • Having a ban extended indefinitely without cause after temporary period

Essentially anything indicating Facebook made a mistake in blocking you specifically could potentially justify overturning the decision on appeal.

Preventing blocks from happening

The easiest approach is to avoid getting barred from Facebook Marketplace altogether in the first place. Here are some tips:

  • Read all Facebook sales policies thoroughly and regularly
  • Never attempt to sell prohibited, questionable, or legally ambiguous items
  • Post at reasonable volumes of 1-2 times per day at most
  • Provide timely customer service and ship orders promptly
  • Do not maintain multiple Facebook accounts
  • Ensure any past restrictions have been lifted before sales posts
  • Be very careful when posting regulated goods like automotive seats

Staying in the clear legally and per Facebook rules will help you have an issue-free time using Marketplace.

Can you get preemptively approved for Marketplace?

Unfortunately there is no official way to get pre-approved for Facebook Marketplace access. The ability to post just enables automatically based on factors like:

  • Account being in good standing
  • Having no past violations
  • Meeting minimum age requirements
  • Being located in a supported country

As long as your account and history meets the requirements, you should not have to request any special permissions to access Marketplace.

Should you use a business account?

Facebook does allow creating separate business accounts specifically for managing company pages and ad campaigns. Maintaining your personal profile and business presence as entirely separate entities can help limit risk.

If you intend to sell frequently or in high volumes on Marketplace, having a dedicated business account not tied to your individual identity may provide extra protection against personal blocks.

Just ensure you comply with Facebook’s policies around maintaining legitimate business accounts.


Losing Facebook Marketplace access can be extremely limiting for regular sellers. But by focusing on compliance, appealing blocks you feel were unjustified, and leveraging alternative sales platforms, you can manage until your privileges are restored.

With some due diligence around Facebook’s guidelines and commerce best practices, most blocks can be avoided completely though. This ensures dependable Marketplace usage for your sales needs.