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Why am I banned from Facebook Dating?

Why am I banned from Facebook Dating?

Getting banned from Facebook Dating can be frustrating and confusing. Here are some quick answers to common questions about Facebook Dating bans:

What are the most common reasons for getting banned from Facebook Dating?

The most common reasons for getting banned from Facebook Dating include:

  • Violating Facebook’s Community Standards or Terms of Service – This includes things like bullying, harassment, hate speech, nudity, etc.
  • Creating multiple or fake accounts
  • Spamming or repetitively contacting people who haven’t shown interest
  • Sharing contact information and trying to continue conversations off of Facebook Dating

How do I know if I’m banned from Facebook Dating?

If you’re banned from Facebook Dating, you’ll get a notification saying your account has been blocked from using Dating. You won’t be able to access the Dating section of the Facebook app anymore.

Can my Facebook account be completely disabled if I’m banned from Dating?

Getting banned from Facebook Dating does not automatically disable your entire Facebook account. However, if you repeatedly violate Facebook’s rules, your entire account could potentially get disabled.

Is a Facebook Dating ban permanent?

Facebook Dating bans can be temporary or permanent, depending on the severity and frequency of the violations. Minor first-time offenses typically result in a temporary ban of a few days or weeks. Repeated or more serious violations can lead to a permanent ban.

How long do temporary Facebook Dating bans usually last?

Temporary Facebook Dating bans typically last anywhere from 2-4 weeks, though they can be shorter or longer depending on the specifics of the violation. The notification you receive about the ban should indicate how long it is expected to last.

What happens when my temporary ban is over?

Once your temporary ban from Facebook Dating is over, your access to Dating will be restored automatically. You don’t need to do anything – you’ll just be able to open the Dating section again as normal.

Can I appeal a Facebook Dating ban?

Yes, you can appeal a Facebook Dating ban if you feel it was a mistake or unfair. To appeal:

  1. Go to the Help Center
  2. Find the option to “Appeal Restriction”
  3. Select Facebook Dating as the product you want to appeal
  4. Explain why you feel the ban was a mistake

It may take Facebook up to a week to review your appeal and reach a decision. But appeals can sometimes lead to bans being shortened or overturned.

How can I reduce my risk of getting banned again in the future?

To help avoid getting banned again after your ban is lifted or appealed, be sure to:

  • Carefully follow all Facebook Dating and Community Standards rules
  • Don’t harass or repeatedly message people who haven’t responded
  • Don’t ask to continue conversations outside of the app
  • Use Dating respectfully and don’t make unwanted advances
  • Report other users who violate the rules

What happens to my Facebook Dating profile if I get banned?

If you get banned from Facebook Dating, your Dating profile and conversations will be hidden until your access is restored. Temporary bans won’t delete your profile, but a permanent ban will remove it.

Can I delete my Facebook Dating profile if banned?

No, you can’t manually delete your Facebook Dating profile while you are banned. Your profile remains inaccessible but intact until the ban is lifted. If it’s a permanent ban, Facebook will automatically delete the profile.

Will people see my Facebook Dating profile while I’m banned?

No, your Facebook Dating profile and conversations are completely inaccessible to other users while you are banned. Your profile, matches, and conversations will reappear when the ban is over.

Can I access Facebook Dating on my desktop if banned on mobile?

No, a Facebook Dating ban applies across all platforms – desktop and mobile. You won’t be able to access the Dating section at all on any device.

Does deleting the Facebook app uninstall Dating too?

Yes, if you delete the Facebook app from your mobile device, it will also delete the Dating section. But this will not lift or undo an existing ban from Dating.

Can I use Facebook Dating if my regular Facebook account is suspended?

No, you cannot access Facebook Dating if your main Facebook account is suspended or disabled. Your Dating access is tied to your overall Facebook account status.

Summary of key points:

  • Common ban reasons include rule violations, fake accounts, harassment, etc.
  • Temporary bans last 2-4 weeks usually but can be longer
  • You can appeal a ban within Facebook Help Center
  • Avoid rule breaking behavior to reduce future ban risk
  • Profiles are inaccessible but remain intact during bans
  • All access is revoked across desktop and mobile when banned

What steps can I take to get unbanned from Facebook Dating?

Here are the main steps you can take to try to get unbanned from Facebook Dating:

  1. Appeal the ban – File an appeal through the Facebook Help Center explaining why you feel the ban was a mistake. This is the main way to get your access back.
  2. Review Community Standards – Read through Facebook’s rules to ensure you understand what types of content and behavior are not allowed. Don’t repeat violations.
  3. Contact support – If your appeal is rejected but you believe the ban was unjustified, you can try contacting Facebook support through alternate channels to explain your situation.
  4. Wait it out – If you received a temporary ban, you simply need to wait out the duration before your access will be automatically restored.
  5. Request review after a period of time – If you’ve engaged positively on Facebook for a while after a permanent ban, you can ask for a review of your status.

Following these steps does not guarantee your ban will be overturned, but they give you the best chance of getting your Facebook Dating privileges reinstated.

What happens if I create a new Facebook account after getting banned from Dating?

Here’s what to expect if you create a new Facebook account after being banned from Facebook Dating:

  • Your new account will likely get banned again – Facebook’s systems are designed to detect and penalize duplicate accounts from banned users.
  • You could get IP banned – Repeated creation of new accounts after bans can result in Facebook prohibiting any accounts from your IP address.
  • Your devices could get banned – Facebook may associate your device IDs with your banned account status and prohibit new accounts on the same devices.
  • You’ll lose your Dating profile and matches – Any conversations, connections, and time invested into your dating profile will be erased with your banned account.
  • It’s against Facebook rules – Creating a duplicate account to evade a ban violates Facebook’s Terms of Service.

In summary, making a new account usually results in that account getting rapidly banned as well. The only official way to regain access is by appealing your original banned account.

What are some dating app alternatives if I’m banned from Facebook Dating?

If you’re banned from using Facebook Dating, here are some alternative dating apps you could try instead:

App Key Features
Tinder Swipe right/left on profiles, match when interest is mutual, chat in app
Bumble Women make the first move, time limits to send messages
Hinge “Designed to be deleted”, profiles promote personality/dialogue
OkCupid Match by detailed personality profile, quizzes, questions
Coffee Meets Bagel Women get curated matches daily, focuses on quality over quantity

These are just a few of the top alternatives to consider. Each app has its own strengths and features, so explore different options to find one that best fits your preferences and style.

How can I use Facebook Dating safely and avoid getting banned?

Here are some tips to use Facebook Dating carefully and avoid situations that could get your account banned:

  • Fully read Facebook’s Dating rules and Community Standards to understand what types of content and activity is not allowed.
  • Never harass, spam, or make unwanted advances toward other users – even if they don’t explicitly tell you to stop.
  • Don’t ask to continue conversations outside of the Facebook Dating app via other channels.
  • Be cautious sharing personal contact information like phone numbers with matches.
  • Make sure your profile and photos align with Facebook’s guidelines.
  • If someone is rude or violates standards, unmatch and report them – don’t retaliate.
  • Never create fake or duplicate accounts.

The safest approach is to use Facebook Dating respectfully, follow all listed rules, and disengage/report any suspicious activity. Being proactive about safety and standards compliance makes a ban very unlikely.

What should I do if someone I matched with gets banned from Facebook Dating?

If someone you’ve matched and been chatting with on Facebook Dating gets banned, here are some recommendations on what to do:

  • Unmatch and stop communicating with them – You won’t be able to continue conversing anyway once they’re banned.
  • Report their account – This helps Facebook identify and take action against violating accounts.
  • Block them – Blocking prevents their account from viewing yours if they create a new account later.
  • Be cautious if they reach out elsewhere – Don’t give them personal info or continue chatting off Facebook Dating.
  • Evaluate your own conversations – Reflect on whether anything seemed suspicious in your chats together.
  • Avoid associations with known policy violators – Prevent possible bans by disengaging as soon as rule-breaking behavior surfaces.

In summary, immediately end all engagement, report them, and avoid further contact on/off platform. Their ban is a red flag, so exercise caution going forward.


Getting banned from Facebook Dating can be frustrating, but understanding the reasons bans happen and your options to appeal can help regain access. The safest approach is carefully following all Facebook rules and standards to avoid risky behavior that triggers bans. If you do get banned, filing an appeal and waiting it out are typically the only ways to resolve it. With enhanced awareness and diligent self-monitoring, most folks can successfully use Facebook Dating without issue.