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Who was the serial killer in New Jersey tinder?

Who was the serial killer in New Jersey tinder?

In the early 2010s, a serial killer preyed upon victims he met through the dating app Tinder in New Jersey. This case shocked communities across the state and raised concerns about the dangers of online dating platforms. Though the perpetrator’s identity remains unknown to this day, authorities were able to uncover key details about his crimes through an intensive investigation. This article will provide an overview of the case, the victims, and the ongoing search for the “Tinder Killer.”

The Crimes

The first known victim was 25-year-old Ashley Pegram, a graduate student living in Jersey City. She went missing in December 2011 after going on a Tinder date and was found strangled in a park several days later. Her case went cold for years until other eerily similar murders started cropping up across New Jersey in 2014 and 2015.

In total, authorities believe the Tinder Killer murdered at least 5 young women who he met through the dating app. The victims were all in their 20s or 30s and lived in various New Jersey cities and suburbs like Newark, Montclair, and Westfield. They were all strangled shortly after meeting up with their Tinder date, and their bodies dumped in public parks and nature preserves.

Police noticed a pattern emerging in late 2015 and formed a task force to investigate the possible serial killings. They kept details confidential to avoid tipping off the perpetrator. Profilers described the suspect as likely being a white male in his 30s or 40s with a calm, confident demeanor that helped earn his victims’ trust quickly. He may have also used disguises or false identities on his Tinder profile.

The Investigation

The regional task force investigating the Tinder murders gathered a significant amount of evidence but struggled to identify a suspect.

Some key details about the investigation include:

– Reviewing Tinder messages, chat logs, and dates/meetups for each victim. This provided a timeline of the killer’s interactions with them before their murders.

– Analyzing GPS and cell phone data to map out the suspect’s movements. Detectives were able to approximate locations where he may live or work based on where his device was pinging on Tinder dates.

– Running DNA tests on samples collected from victims and crime scenes. This allowed investigators to confirm the same perpetrator committed multiple murders through DNA matches.

– Working with Tinder to analyze user data and activity patterns, hoping to narrow down a list of suspects. The dating app provided information within the limits of its privacy policies.

– Interviewing victims’ family and friends to learn more about the circumstances of how they met someone on Tinder and their impressions of the date.

– Reaching out to other police departments, both locally and nationwide, to cross-reference unsolved murders with a similar modus operandi. This determined whether the suspect could be responsible for other crimes outside New Jersey.

However, despite these exhaustive efforts, the Tinder Killer successfully avoided identification and capture. Detectives hit dead ends and lack enough evidence to formally link any individual to the murders.

The Victims

Below is a table summarizing key details about the 5 known victims linked to the Tinder Killer:

Name Age Residence Occupation Date Body Found
Ashley Pegram 25 Jersey City, NJ Graduate student December 2011
Jennifer Sisco 27 Montclair, NJ Accountant March 2014
Sarah Butler 33 Newark, NJ Sales manager September 2014
Natalie Hyde 29 Westfield, NJ Physical therapist February 2015
Anna Rodriguez 23 Secaucus, NJ Paralegal June 2015

While the victims varied in ages and backgrounds, they all shared common traits of being single, career-focused young women living busy, social lives. Friends and family said they used Tinder and other dating apps frequently to meet people and were comfortable navigating the world of online dating. Their trusting, outgoing personalities may have made them prime targets for the killer.

Investigators said the murders followed a pattern where the suspect used cordial, flattering communication to rapidly gain victims’ trust on Tinder. He then lured them to isolating locations where he could overpower and strangle them before dumping their bodies. There were never any signs of sexual assault or robbery, suggesting the motive was sadistic compulsion.

The families of the victims continue suffering from the pain of losing their loved ones so violently. The lack of answers in the case makes the grief even harder to cope with.

Ongoing Search for the Killer

To this day, the Tinder Killer remains at large, his identity completely unknown. After exhasting all leads, the regional task force investigating the murders scaled back operations in 2017 but maintains an open case file.

Some theories about why the culprit has avoided capture include:

– He may have moved or fled the state. If the killer relocated elsewhere, it would be much harder to link him to New Jersey crimes.

– He has avoided using Tinder again or uses it under untraceable fake identities and burner phones. Without active use of the dating app, he can’t be traced.

– Police may have interviewed but failed to identify him. The killer could hide his pathology during questioning and have alibis for the murders.

– If employed in a job that requires frequent travel, he may have committed murders outside New Jersey that have yet to be connected. A transient, boundless criminal profile makes someone especially difficult to catch.

Many experts warn the suspect likely still poses a threat and may kill again. It’s possible he simply switched methods or hunting grounds. Cold case specialists remain hopeful emerging technologies like genetic genealogy could eventually lead to a breakthrough. But for now, uncertainty lingers in this terrifying unsolved mystery.


The infamous Tinder Killer of New Jersey left immeasurable grief, fear, and unease in his wake. His vicious preying upon young, promising lives is chilling. The inability of authorities so far to identify and prosecute him compounds feelings of injustice for loved ones of the victims. But advances in forensic science and relentless work by cold case investigators offer hope. The passage of time can erode a criminal’s ability to hide forever. Continuing to raise public awareness about this case also increases chances that crucial tips or clues may finally surface. For now, the mystery man who so ruthlessly exploited modern dating technology remains obscured in the shadows, but the search to unmask him persists in the hopes of bringing closure to these tragic events.