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Who was disqualified on the block?

Who was disqualified on the block?

The block is a regular competition during Big Brother where houseguests face possible eviction. Being placed on the block means a houseguest is one of the nominees for eviction that week. While anyone on the block is at risk of going home, sometimes a nominee is disqualified before the eviction takes place. There are a few reasons a Big Brother player could be disqualified while on the block: breaking rules, production interference, or leaving the game voluntarily. When this happens, it shakes up the week and forces the Head of Household to name a replacement nominee. Over the history of Big Brother in the US and Canada, there have been some memorable disqualifications that occurred while a player was on the block.

Chima Simone

One of the most infamous examples of a houseguest being disqualified while on the block is Chima Simone from Big Brother 11 in 2009. Chima was originally nominated for eviction in Week 6 alongside Lydia Tavera by Head of Household Jessie Godderz. However, Chima almost immediately began breaking rules and rebelling against production after being nominated. She refused to wear her microphone, go to the Diary Room when called, and disrupted live tapings. This behaviour resulted in her swift disqualification before the eviction episode aired. Producers determined Chima could not continue in the game and she became the first Big Brother US player ever removed from the show. Her disqualification saved Lydia from eviction that week.

Chima’s Problematic Behaviour

Here are some of the incidents that led to Chima’s removal:

  • Threw her microphone into the hot tub after an argument with houseguests
  • Refused to go to the Diary Room when producers called for her
  • Made an impromptu veto player pick by随机ly selecting names instead of waiting for producer instructions
  • Repeatedly talked about production and attempted to disrupt live tapings

This defiance of the rules left Big Brother no choice but to remove Chima just days before the eviction episode. While controversial, her disqualification remains one of the show’s most memorable moments.

Justin Sebik

Another disqualification that occurred while the player was on the chopping block happened in Big Brother 2 US. Justin Sebik had been nominated for eviction in Week 5 alongside Krista Stegall by Head of Household Mike “Boogie” Malin. But just days later, Justin was removed from the game after holding a knife to the throat of houseguest Krista in a threatening manner, even drawing blood. While initially framed as a playful joke, producers ultimately deemed it unacceptable violence and he was disqualified immediately. This came before the eviction vote, saving Krista from elimination.

Justin’s Troubled History

Justin had exhibited problematic behavior all season:

  • Making crude sexual remarks towards the women
  • Consuming alcohol secretly against rules
  • Encouraging houseguests to riot against producers

His knife incident was the last straw, leading to his dramatic removal. While he maintained it started as a prank, his actions crossed the line into violence that could not be tolerated. Justin remains one of the only houseguests ever ejected for physical aggression.

William Laprise Desbiens

In Big Brother Canada Season 5, nominee William Laprise Desbiens faced disqualification in Week 7 while on the block next to Dre Gwenaelle. He had originally been nominated by Head of Household Demetres Giannitsos. However, William was removed from the game due to an act of unwanted physical contact with houseguest Ika Wong. After an apparently playful encounter in which William repeatedly touched Ika without consent, she voiced her discomfort to producers who decided to eject him. As he had not yet faced eviction, William’s disqualification halted the upcoming vote and saved fellow nominee Dre from elimination that week.

William’s Transgression

Here is what led to William’s removal:

  • Tickling and touching Ika persistently despite her objections
  • Continuing to engage physically with Ika after being asked to stop
  • Producers determining his behaviour was inappropriate contact

While likely not malicious in intent, William’s actions made a houseguest feel violated and he was deemed unfit to remain in the game. This marked a rare Canadian disqualification while on the block.

Other Notable Disqualifications from the Block

While not as high profile, there are a few other instances of houseguests being removed while nominated:

  • Big Brother Canada 1: Danielle Alexander was disqualified in Week 5 after multiple rule-breaks
  • Celebrity Big Brother UK 4: Jermaine Jackson left voluntarily after being nominated in Week 2
  • Big Brother Germany 4: Kristina left for urgent personal reasons after being nominated in Week 5

These departures all disrupted the game at crucial eviction moments. Each led to the remaining nominee being saved and a replacement having to be named by the current HOH. While rare, immediate removals underscore the strict rules houseguests must abide by.

Consequences of Disqualification

When a player is disqualified or ejected while on the block, it has ripple effects on the game:

  • Remaining nominee is saved from eviction
  • Head of Household must name a replacement nominee
  • House dynamics and voting plans are disrupted
  • Ejected player’s alliances crumble without them
  • Can make eviction outcome very unpredictable

It introduces uncertainty during an already turbulent time. While it saves one nominee, it puts someone new at risk and forces quick strategic readjustments. A disqualification causes chaos whether it is for rule-breaking or an unexpected departure, completely shifting the game’s path.

Disqualification Impact on Eviction Order

Disqualified Houseguest Original Nominee Saved Replacement Nominee Ultimate Evictee
Chima Simone Lydia Tavera Natalie Martinez Lydia Tavera
Justin Sebik Krista Stegall Monica Bailey Monica Bailey
William Laprise Desbiens Dre Gwenaelle Jackie McCurrach Jackie McCurrach

As seen, while the original nominee is initially spared, the replacement pick still often results in their elimination. But the intervening disqualification shakes up the expected order.


A Big Brother disqualification during nominations has huge implications. It almost always saves the player who seemed destined for eviction, while putting a new houseguest at risk. Rule-breaking, violence, or personal emergencies are the main reasons for such removals. While rare, a sudden disqualification causes chaos and forces alliances to recalibrate their plans on the fly. Some of the most memorable exits have occurred while the player was still on the block, reminding fans just how strict and unpredictable the Big Brother game can be. The ejected houseguest’s journey ends abruptly, their relationships crumble, and the game continues without them – often still resulting in their intended target being evicted after all.