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Who viewed my Facebook page story?

Who viewed my Facebook page story?

With Facebook Stories becoming an increasingly popular way to share photos and videos, many users wonder exactly who has seen their stories after they’ve been posted. Unfortunately, Facebook does not have a built-in way to see who has viewed your stories like it does for posts on your timeline. However, there are a few methods you can use to get an idea of who has potentially seen your Facebook Stories.

Does Facebook show who viewed your story?

No, Facebook does not have a view tracker for Stories like it does for regular timeline posts. For normal posts, you can click on the audience selector under the post to see a list of people who have viewed, liked, or commented on that post. But for Stories, no such view tracker exists.

The reason is that Facebook designed Stories to be casual sharing meant for close friends and family. Stories disappear after 24 hours, so Facebook chose not to include a way to monitor the specific people who viewed them. Other social media sites that have Stories like Instagram and Snapchat also do not reveal who views your content.

Can you see Facebook story views?

You cannot see exactly who has viewed your Facebook Stories. However, there are some ways to estimate which friends have potentially seen your story:

  • Check who has viewed your Facebook profile recently. Friends who have viewed your profile are more likely to have also seen your story.
  • Look at who has reacted to or commented on the story. This signals they have definitely viewed it.
  • See if close friends have viewed or reacted to the story, as your story is more likely to be shown to close connections.
  • Look at metrics like reach and impressions to get an idea of how many saw the story.
  • Consider who is frequently active on Facebook around the time you posted.

While not foolproof, using these clues can give you an idea of who your story reached. But there is no way to know for sure who saw a particular story.

Why can’t you see who viewed your Facebook story?

There are a few reasons why Facebook does not allow you to see exactly who has viewed your Stories:

  • User privacy – Facebook wants to protect user privacy and prevent people from monitoring who is looking at their content.
  • Reduced social pressure – The inability to see views makes sharing feel lower pressure and more casual.
  • Technical limitations – At the scale of billions of users, tracking detailed analytics on all Stories poses technical challenges.

The idea is to create an environment where people feel comfortable posting everyday moments without worrying about judgments from a specific viewer list. So if you really want to see who saw a post, a regular Facebook post may be better than a Story.

What statistics can you see about Facebook story views?

Although you can’t see a list of who viewed your story, Facebook does provide some high-level statistics and metrics you can access:

  • Reach – The total number of unique people who saw the story.
  • Impressions – The total number of times the story was viewed. This counts multiple views by the same people.
  • Replies – The number of replies/comments on the story.
  • Likes and Reactions – Number of reactions like Love, Haha, Wow, etc.
  • Shares – The number of times the story was shared via Messenger.
  • Exits – Number of times people exited the story early by tapping away.
  • Taps Forward/Backward – How often people moved forward or backward through your story slides.

Checking these metrics under the “Seen by” section when viewing your story can give you a sense of how many people interacted with or skipped through your story.

How does Facebook determine who sees my story?

When you share a story, Facebook’s algorithm determines who to show it to based on things like:

  • Your interactions and connection to people.
  • How often you interact with specific people.
  • Whether people frequently view stories when available.
  • Relevance of the story content to people.

In general, Facebook will show your stories to your closest friends and followers first. If your story gets a lot of engagement, Facebook may then surface it to a wider audience. But most stories are only displayed to your inner circle rather than all of your friends.

Tips to increase Facebook story views

If you want to try to get your Facebook stories seen by more people, here are some tips:

  • Post at optimal times like weekday evenings when engagement is high.
  • Use relevant hashtags people are following.
  • Ask questions or encourage comments in the story to boost engagement.
  • Share content your target audience would find interesting or valuable.
  • Promote your best stories as ads to reach more people.
  • Invite friends to view your story using Facebook Messenger.
  • Share stories frequently and consistently so the algorithm surfaces your stories more.

Third-party tools to estimate Facebook story viewers

While Facebook doesn’t have a built-in view tracker for stories, some third-party social media tools claim to provide estimates of who has seen your story based on different signals.

Some social media management platforms like Hootsuite, Sprout Social, and Iconosquare integrate with Facebook to provide stories analytics. Keep in mind their potential viewer data is still an estimate, not definitive.

There are also browser extensions like Story Viewer for Facebook that try to determine views based on who visited your profile after you posted. However, this metric could be inaccurate since profile views don’t correlate perfectly with story views.

These tools can give you a rough idea of reach, but treat their results as estimates rather than a foolproof viewer list. Here is a table comparing some top tools:

Tool Metrics Provided Free or Paid
Hootsuite Reach, replies, exits Free plan with limited features, paid plans with full analytics
Sprout Social Impressions, reach, reactions, shares Paid plans only
Iconosquare Reach, impressions, taps, exits, replies, reactions Free plan with limited features, paid plans with more analytics
Story Viewer for Facebook Estimated viewer list based on profile visits Free browser extension

Should Facebook add a story view tracker?

The topic of whether Facebook should add a way to see exactly who viewed your stories is debated within the social media community. Some argue a view tracker would be helpful to gauge engagement and reach. But others say it goes against the intended ephemeral nature of stories.

Here are some pros and cons of Facebook adding a story viewer list:


  • Let you evaluate which stories resonate best with your audience.
  • Increase engagement as users try to get more views.
  • Provide insight into which friends interact most.
  • Match functionality available for posts and videos.


  • Go against the casual, ephemeral vibe Facebook wants for Stories.
  • Raise privacy concerns andmake some users uncomfortable.
  • Increase competitive pressure and discourage storyposting.
  • Technically difficult to implement at Facebook’s scale.

Overall, the drawbacks seem to outweigh the benefits for Facebook. A public viewer list could undermine the informal use case for Stories. But providing some limited analytics to page owners could strike a balance between understanding reach while maintaining user privacy.


Facebook currently does not offer a way to see exactly who viewed your Stories. While some third-party tools try to estimate viewers, the results are inherently imprecise. Facebook seems unlikely to add a full public viewer list due to concerns over privacy and social pressures.

But checking your reach metrics and responses can still give you a sense of how many people your Stories connect with. Focus on creating compelling content your audience would appreciate rather than fixating on vanity metrics. Great Stories can engage your community without needing to know exactly who saw them.