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Who uses Facebook Lite?

Who uses Facebook Lite?

Facebook Lite is a lightweight version of Facebook designed for people with slower internet connections or for those who want a more streamlined Facebook experience on their mobile devices. With over 200 million users worldwide as of 2019, Facebook Lite serves a significant user base, especially in developing countries where mobile internet speeds may be slower. But who exactly uses Facebook Lite and what are the main reasons for using it over the regular Facebook app? Here we’ll take a closer look at the demographics and motivations of Facebook Lite users.

Countries Where Facebook Lite is Popular

Facebook Lite usage tends to be highest in countries where mobile internet speeds are slower, data is more expensive, and lower-end smartphones are more common. Some key countries where Facebook Lite has seen significant adoption include:

  • India – With limited fixed broadband access in much of the country, India has quickly become Facebook Lite’s top user base with over 100 million users as of 2018.
  • Indonesia – As the fourth most populous country in the world with average mobile internet speeds under 10 Mbps, Indonesia has over 43 million Facebook Lite users.
  • Bangladesh – With most people relying on 2G and 3G networks still, Bangladesh is a major user base for Facebook Lite.
  • Mexico – With 80% of internet users in Mexico accessing the web solely via mobile, Facebook Lite has appeal for those with data limits or slower 3G networks.
  • Philippines – Low fixed broadband penetration and expensive mobile data make the lightweight Facebook Lite attractive to users in the Philippines.
  • South Africa – Although mobile internet speeds are improving in South Africa, Facebook Lite’s lower data usage helps expand access for many.
  • Brazil – As mobile internet access continues to grow across Brazil, the stripped down Facebook Lite provides an avenue for new users to join the social network.

These developing countries have become the primary markets for Facebook Lite, as regular Facebook can be too data heavy or resource intensive for lower-end devices prevalent among these user bases. However, Facebook Lite has seen growth in some developed countries as well.

Use in Developed Countries

While Facebook Lite’s strongest user bases are in the developing world, the app has also seen adoption in developed countries among:

  • Older devices – Users with older smartphones may install Facebook Lite to improve performance if the regular Facebook app bogs down their device.
  • Pre-paid plans – Those with limited pre-paid cellular plans often use Facebook Lite to conserve their monthly data allotment.
  • Younger users – Some younger users whose first phones are lower-end devices find Facebook Lite more accessible and easier to use.
  • Data conservation – People who frequently access Facebook on the go turn to Lite to reduce their overall mobile data usage.

So while emerging markets make up the majority of Facebook Lite’s user base, the app has value for subsets of users even in wealthy countries.

User Demographics

When looking at the demographics of Facebook Lite users compared to the regular Facebook app, some key differences emerge:


Facebook Lite users tend to skew younger overall, with 50% of users under 25 years old according to Facebook’s internal statistics as of 2016. This contrasts with an average age of 40 across all Facebook users. The lightweight version appeals to younger groups in developing countries who are getting their first mobile devices and accessing the internet for the first time. However, as mentioned, younger users in developed markets also use Lite on entry-level smartphones.


With its widespread use in emerging markets, Facebook Lite naturally caters to lower average income users than the traditional Facebook app. The stripped down nature of Facebook Lite makes it accessible to users across the income and economic spectrum, including those who cannot afford higher-end smartphones or costly data plans.


Perhaps unsurprisingly, Facebook Lite users tend to be less educated on average than users of the full Facebook app. This is attributable again to its predominance in developing nations where educational opportunities may be more limited, as well as its attractiveness for first-time internet users across various markets picking up lower-end mobile devices.


Facebook has touted Facebook Lite’s user base as being more evenly split gender-wise than regular Facebook, which has slightly more women on average. In developing nations where Facebook Lite dominates, women are coming online in greater numbers, helping contribute to this more balanced gender ratio.

Rural vs Urban

Facebook Lite access passes 50% in some rural parts of India, well above its penetration in more urban areas. The lighter app compensates for slower rural 2G networks in nations like India and allows those in remote areas to access Facebook for the first time. This contrasts with more urban skew among regular Facebook users who have access to better connections.

So in summary, Facebook Lite users tend to be younger, lower income, less educated, and more rural dwelling than average Facebook users at a global level. However, these demographic patterns vary significantly by country and region.

Reasons for Using Facebook Lite

What motivates someone to use Facebook Lite rather than the regular Facebook app? Here are some of the top reasons driving adoption of the lightweight version:

Lower data usage

Facebook Lite is designed to use less data than the regular Facebook app, so it appeals strongly to those with limited cellular data plans or those who primarily access the internet only via mobile networks. With Facebook Lite, users can stay within their monthly data limits more easily.

Connectivity issues

In areas with poor internet connectivity, Facebook Lite’s smaller size and stripped down feature set help it perform better than the full version. Rural users and those in countries with 2G networks can maintain access to Facebook with Lite.


The lower data requirements and ability to run on cheaper devices also make Facebook Lite more economically accessible to lower-income consumers for whom cost is a barrier. It essentially widens access to Facebook to socioeconomic groups that might not otherwise be able to use it.


Particularly for new internet users just getting their first smartphones, Facebook Lite can be less overwhelming and easier to navigate than the full app. Its simplicity helps new adopters access Facebook in a user-friendly way.


Many users install Facebook Lite for the added speed and lowered resource demands it places on a mobile device compared to the regular app. Devices with limited processing power or RAM can benefit from Lite’s speed.

Storage space

Taking up less than 1MB, Facebook Lite takes up minimal storage space on a user’s smartphone. For devices with limited onboard memory, Lite helps avoid storage capacity issues.


In markets where Facebook Lite has already achieved significant penetration, sticking with the known, lightweight Lite option may feel more comfortable to users rather than switching to an unfamiliar version of Facebook.

So in essence, Facebook Lite removes barriers like high data costs, slower speeds, and limited storage that can prevent some groups from accessing Facebook. The app makes Facebook more inclusive by bringing it to user bases that the full version cannot always effectively serve.

How Facebook Lite Usage Varies by Country

Facebook Lite usage and reasons for adoption differ significantly across markets. Here is a more detailed breakdown of Lite usage in some of its top countries:


With over 100 million users, India is Facebook Lite’s largest market. Factors driving adoption include:

  • Slow 2G networks still used by most Indians, especially in rural areas
  • The cost of data, while falling, remains high relative to income for many
  • Lower-end Android phones are popular, often with limited storage
  • Younger demographic – India’s population skews young

For these reasons, Facebook Lite is poised for continued growth among India’s cost-conscious mobile users.


As Facebook’s third largest market, Indonesia has seen Lite adoption for similar reasons as India:

  • Average mobile internet speeds below 10 Mbps
  • Affordability of data plans relative to income
  • Popularity of Android phones with more limited storage
  • Large young demographic

Lite provides a version of Facebook tailored to these local conditions and user preferences.


With limited fixed broadband infrastructure in Mexico, the vast majority of Facebook’s over 85 million users in the country access it solely via mobile. Facebook Lite is a better fit for these mobile-centric users given:

  • Spotty cellular coverage in some rural areas
  • Pre-paid data plans often used with strict limits
  • Younger users with lower-end devices

Lite offers Mexican users a more constrained but functional Facebook experience.

United States

Despite having excellent mobile infrastructure overall, Lite has still seen adoption among subsets of users in the US:

  • Younger users, often with hand-me-down phones
  • Pre-paid data plan users wanting to conserve data
  • Users of older model iPhones and Android devices
  • Low-income Americans unable to afford costly data plans

So while Lite usage in the US pales in comparison to developing markets, the app still serves niches of users like teenagers and pre-paid data subscribers.

The reasons for using Facebook Lite vary from country to country, but common threads like slower networks, economic constraints, and limited device storage tie most Lite users together despite geographic differences.

User Preferences and Habits on Facebook Lite

In addition to understanding who uses Facebook Lite and why, it’s also helpful to explore how people use the app and what functionality they focus on. Some user behavior patterns and feature preferences on Lite include:

Pages over profiles

Since Lite lacks some profile customization options, users tend to gravitate towards Pages for businesses, celebrities, and organizations rather than personal profiles. Pages allow users to follow public figures and brands without having direct friend connections.

Groups are essential

With Groups being central to the Facebook experience, Group usage is very high among Lite users. Groups allow connections and discussions despite lacking friend networks. Offline access makes Groups highly functional even with spotty connections.

Photos over videos

Lite users post and view more photos than videos overall due to lower bandwidth requirements. But video is increasingly a part of Lite, with ‘Video for Lite’ launching in 2018 to cater to demand.

Lite App for Messaging

Despite dedicated messaging apps gaining adoption in developing markets, Lite users continue relying on native Facebook messaging strongly. Messaging friends and family drives high engagement.

News Feed vital

For most Lite users, News Feed is the central way they discover and engage with content on Facebook. It serves as the gateway to the wider Facebook experience.

Offline use essential

With unreliable mobile networks in many markets, the ability to pre-cache content in News Feed and Groups for offline viewing is hugely beneficial to users. It permits engagement when connections disappear.

Understanding how people in different countries take advantage of Lite’s pared down feature set provides valuable insights for improving the app and keeping it relevant as user bases evolve.


While Facebook Lite was initially targeted at emerging markets, the app has shown global appeal reaching over 200 million users worldwide. Its users tend to be younger, lower-income, and from developing nations where smartphone penetration is still maturing. Reasons for using Lite range from slower network speeds and costly data to usability and storage constraints. And user behavior patterns show Lite’s social and community functions like Groups and Messaging driving high engagement. Going forward, Facebook Lite remains well-positioned to bring new user bases into the Facebook ecosystem as mobile internet access expands across developing nations. Striking the optimal balance between providing a full-featured experience and serving those with limited connectivity and resources will be key to Facebook Lite’s continued growth.