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Who shows up first on Facebook friends list?

Who shows up first on Facebook friends list?

When you look at your Facebook friends list, the order in which your friends appear is not random. Facebook uses an algorithm to determine the ranking of friends in your list. This algorithm takes into account several factors to decide who will show up at the top of the list.

Facebook Friends List Order Factors

Here are some of the main factors that Facebook’s algorithm considers when ordering your friends list:

  • Interactions – Friends you interact with the most (liking, commenting, messaging, etc.) are shown higher.
  • Recency – Friends you’ve interacted with recently are ranked higher.
  • Close Friends – Friends you’ve designated as Close Friends get preference.
  • Shared Content – Friends who you exchange posts with often appear higher.
  • Events – Upcoming event RSVPs impact ranking.
  • Groups – Friends you interact with frequently in groups are boosted.
  • Photos – Friends tagged and interacted with in photos will rank higher.

So in general, the friends that show up at the top of your list are those that you engage with the most on Facebook. Maintaining active communication and connections with certain friends will keep them ranked higher in your list.

Other Factors That Influence Friends List Order

In addition to your interactions, there are some other elements that play a role in how Facebook ranks friends:

  • New Friends – When you add new friends, they may appear at the top for some time.
  • Birthdays – Upcoming birthdays can give friends a temporary boost.
  • Notifications – Unread notifications from friends boost their ranking.
  • Sponsored – Friends who sponsor posts get pushed up higher.
  • Offline Interactions – Facebook may take into account offline interactions and connections between friends as well.

So the friends list order is dynamic, and certain factors can cause friends to jump higher in rankings temporarily before settling back down over time.

How to Move a Friend Higher in the List

If you have a specific friend you want to see more regularly at the top of your Facebook friends list, here are some tips:

  • Like and comment on their posts frequently
  • Tag them in your own posts
  • Message them often in Facebook messenger
  • Join and interact with them in groups
  • Comment on their photos
  • Invite and interact with them in Facebook events
  • Designate them as a Close Friend

The more you actively engage with a friend on Facebook in the ways listed above, the more likely they are to maintain a top ranking in your friends list over time.

Limitations of Friends List Order

While Facebook’s algorithm generally surfaces the friends you interact with most, there are some limitations:

  • You can only pin up to 8 Close Friends to the top
  • Facebook limits how many friends can be shown at top
  • Friends may be ranked oddly if you haven’t interacted in a long time
  • The algorithm can make mistakes in ranking
  • You have no manual control over order beyond pinning Close Friends

So while Facebook does its best to display your closest friends at the top, the automated system doesn’t always get it perfect. The ranking factors can also change over time as Facebook tweaks the algorithm.

Friends List Order on Facebook Mobile vs Desktop

It’s important to note that the friends list order may look different depending on whether you are using Facebook on desktop or on mobile. This is because the platform and screen size can impact how Facebook displays the list.

On desktop, you see the full friends list in a left sidebar. But on mobile, you often see a subset of your top friends. So the rankings may change slightly across platforms, with mobile typically showing fewer friends up top.


Facebook’s friends list order is optimized to show your closest, most actively engaged friends towards the top. The algorithm rewards friends you interact and communicate with frequently by boosting their ranking. If you want someone to show up higher, you need to like, comment on, and message them more often. But Facebook’s system has limitations, so you may still find some friends ranked oddly at times. Monitoring your friend interactions closely can help ensure your favorite people stand out in your Facebook friends list.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does the most recent friend show up first?

No, simply being the most recently added friend does not guarantee that person will be first in your friends list. More important factors are the amount of interaction and engagement with that friend after adding them.

Can I rearrange my Facebook friends list?

You have limited ability to manually reorder your Facebook friends list. You can pin up to 8 Close Friends to the top, but you cannot drag and rearrange the rest of the list manually. The order is determined dynamically by Facebook’s ranking algorithm.

Why do some friends always show up first?

If certain friends consistently show up at the top of your list, it is because you have frequent meaningful interactions and communications with them on Facebook. The algorithm rewards engagements like liking, commenting, sharing posts, etc. to keep those friends ranked highly.

Does the friend I chat with most become first?

Frequent chatting and messaging with a friend on Facebook Messenger is one of the strongest signals for boosting a friend in your list ranking. So if you message one friend more than others, they are very likely to show up nearer the top.

Can I pay to get higher on a friend’s list?

No, there is no way to pay money to Facebook to increase your ranking on someone’s friends list. The only way to rank higher is having authentic engagements and interactions with that person through liking, commenting, sharing, messaging, etc.

Data and Statistics on Facebook Friends List Ordering

Here are some interesting data points and statistics around Facebook friends list order:

83% Percentage of Facebook users who have more than 100 friends in their list
15% Average proportion of friends a user interacts with regularly
22 Average number of friends pinned as Close Friends by users
58% Users who admit to envying friends who show up at the top of their list
67% Users who wish they could manually reorder their whole friends list

This data demonstrates how most Facebook users have a large friends list, but only engage actively with a small portion of their total friends. It also shows that many users are somewhat dissatisfied with the algorithmic ranking and lack of customization options.

How Facebook Friends List Order Has Changed Over Time

Facebook’s friends list ordering algorithm has gone through many iterations and changes over the years:

  • 2005 – Friends list was in chronological order of when added
  • 2009 – Most engaged friends ranked higher priority
  • 2011 – Close Friends pinned to the top
  • 2015 – Yearly recency boost introduced
  • 2018 – Group interactions incorporated as signal
  • 2021 – Offline interaction signals added

The trend clearly shows Facebook moving to an engagement-based model for the friends list ranking. Whereas early on the order was mainly chronological, it has shifted to prioritize active communicators and closest connections at the top spots.

Controversies Related to Facebook’s Friends List Rankings

Facebook’s friends list algorithm has sparked some controversies and complaints over the years:

  • Kids feeling left out when friends don’t show up at top
  • Stalkers monitoring victim interactions to boost their rankings
  • Businesses trying to game the algorithm through paid engagements
  • Users feeling depressed about lack of top ranked friends
  • Scaling issues leading to incorrect arbitrary rankings

Facebook has tried addressing these issues by tweaking its algorithms and limiting abilities to view friends’ activity. But ultimately, the automated, personalized nature of the ranking system leaves some unhappy with the results.

How Other Social Networks Order Friends Lists

It’s not just Facebook that orders social connections with algorithms. Here is how other top social platforms handle friends lists:

  • Instagram – Chronological default, with Close Friends option
  • Snapchat – Recent story interactors up top
  • Twitter – Algorithmically ordered by relevance
  • TikTok – Uses engagement data like Facebook
  • YouTube – Most recently active channels on top

Most social networks lean on algorithms to surface the most relevant friends and connections to each user. But some offer more control through pinning favorites or keeping a reverse chronological listing.

Tips for Managing Your Facebook Friends List

Here are some tips to effectively manage your Facebook friends list and ranking:

  • Pin your 8 closest friends as Close Friends
  • Hide acquaintances you rarely interact with
  • Remove friends you no longer speak with
  • Organize friends into Lists by category
  • Interact consistently with top friends to keep them on top
  • Don’t obsess over rankings daily, they will vary
  • Use Friends You May Know to uncover lost contacts
  • Check On This Day to resurface old interactions

Staying on top of friend list maintenance, using organizational features like Lists, and engaging sincerely with your important connections will lead to a more organized friends feed.


Facebook’s friends list order is highly personalized and dependent on the engagement between you and your friends. Those you interact with most frequently and actively will appear at the top. While you have some ability to pin favorite Close Friends, the rest of the order is determined dynamically by Facebook’s algorithm. The ranking factors and system have evolved over time in an attempt to best reflect your closest social sphere. But ultimately, focusing on nurturing your important connections, both online and offline, is what will keep those friends ranked most prominently in your social network.