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Who can see your Facebook featured?

Who can see your Facebook featured?

Facebook’s featured photos allow users to showcase important photos at the top of their profiles. However, many users wonder exactly who can see their featured photos. Here’s a look at how Facebook’s complex privacy settings impact featured photo visibility.

What Are Facebook Featured Photos?

Facebook’s featured photos, also sometimes called cover photos, appear at the top of a user’s profile page. These large, banner-style photos span the entire width of the page above a user’s profile picture and information.

Users can upload nearly any photo as their featured photo on Facebook. The images autofit to 851 x 315 pixels on desktop or 640 x 360 pixels on mobile. Popular featured photos include:

  • Vacation photos
  • Family photos
  • Pet photos
  • Scenic landscape photos
  • Photos with friends
  • Wedding photos
  • Holiday photos

In addition to adding visual interest to profiles, featured photos allow users to express their personality or current interests. They essentially serve as customizable banners reflecting users’ chosen aesthetics.

Who Can See Your Facebook Featured Photo by Default?

By default, your Facebook featured photo is visible to the following groups:

  • Friends – Any Facebook friends can see your featured photo. Friends are Facebook users you’ve added and confirmed as friends who can see most of your profile information.
  • Friends of Friends – For newer Facebook profiles, friends of friends may also be able to see your featured photo and full profile. After your profile reaches a certain age threshold, friends of friends visibility is automatically disabled.
  • Public – Anyone visiting your Facebook profile can see your featured photo, even if they are not your Facebook friend. Your featured photo is fully public.

Limiting Featured Photo Visibility with Privacy Settings

While featured photos are public by default, you can limit their visibility using Facebook’s granular privacy settings:

Adjusting Featured Photo Privacy Settings

To edit who can see your featured photo:

  1. Click the three dots in the upper right corner of your Facebook profile.
  2. Select “View As” from the dropdown menu.
  3. Click “View As Public” to view your profile as a non-friend would see it.
  4. Hover over your featured photo and click the “Edit Featured Photo” pencil icon.
  5. Adjust the audience selector from “Public” to your desired setting, such as “Friends Except” to exclude specific friends.
  6. Click “Save Changes.”

Featured Photo Privacy Options

When editing your featured photo privacy settings, you can choose from several options:

  • Public – Anyone including non-friends can see your featured photo.
  • Friends – Your Facebook friends list can see your featured photo.
  • Friends Except… – Choose specific friends to exclude from seeing your featured photo.
  • Specific Friends… – Select individual friends who can view your featured photo.
  • Only Me – No one else besides you can see your featured photo.

Adjusting these settings for your featured photo does not affect the visibility of other profile components like your profile picture, about info, or posts. You must edit those sections separately.

Controlling Featured Photo Tagging

In addition to adjusting visibility, you can also control tagging in your featured photo. Tagging allows friends to identify people in your featured photo.

Preventing Featured Photo Tagging

You may wish to disable tagging for certain photos to protect friends’ privacy. To prevent tagging:

  1. Click the three dots above your cover photo.
  2. Select “Update Featured Photo” then “Edit Privacy.”
  3. Toggle “Enable tagging” to off.
  4. Click “Close.”

With tagging disabled, friends cannot tag people in your featured photo.

Hiding and Deleting Tags

For existing tags, you can:

  • Hide tags – Tags will not appear on your featured photo but will still be visible on friends’ profiles.
  • Delete tags – Permanently deletes tags from your featured photo.

Keep in mind that hiding or deleting tags only affects your view of the photo. Friends may still see tags unless they also edit their settings.

Making Your Featured Photo Private

For complete featured photo privacy from non-friends, set your visibility to “Only Me.” With this setting:

  • Only you can view your featured photo.
  • Friends and non-friends will see a blank space or your cover photo.
  • Any existing tags on your photo will be hidden.

“Only Me” gives you full control over your featured photo visibility. However, friends may still be able to see your photo if it appears in their own featured photos or content.

Limiting Old Featured Photos

When you update your featured photo, previous featured photos remain tied to your timeline. Anyone who could see your old featured photo can still see it in your history.

To limit visibility of old featured photos:

  1. Click the three dots at the top of your profile.
  2. Select “View Featured Photos.”
  3. Hover over a photo and click “Change Privacy.”
  4. Edit the privacy settings as desired.
  5. Click “Close.”

Repeat for each old featured photo you wish to hide. This prevents outdated or unflattering photos from being viewed.

Hiding Your Featured Photo Entirely

If you do not want any featured photo displayed at all, you can opt to hide it:

  1. Click your current featured photo.
  2. Select “Remove Featured Photo.”
  3. Choose to remove the featured photo.

This will delete your current featured photo and display a blank space instead. You can easily upload a new featured photo at any time.

How Featured Photos Impact Privacy

Facebook’s featured photos come with unique privacy considerations:

  • Featured photos are always public by default unlike other content.
  • Anyone can view featured photos on your profile unless visibility is limited.
  • Friends may tag people in your featured photo you do not want tagged.
  • Old featured photos remain visible even when updated.
  • Featured photos also appear on friends’ profiles if you are tagged.

Because these photos are so prominent, it is important to adjust your privacy settings accordingly. Tailor your featured photo audience to only those you are comfortable viewing it.

Responsible Featured Photo Sharing

To share featured photos responsibly:

  • Avoid nudity, graphic violence, hate speech, or illegal content.
  • Check that any people pictured agree to be in the photo.
  • Tag friends responsibly and ask before tagging.
  • Use photos that represent your true interests and personality.
  • Update your featured photos regularly to keep your profile engaging.

With proper featured photo privacy settings and responsible sharing, you can get the most out of Facebook’s featured photo functionality.


Facebook’s featured photos offer a customizable way to share photos reflecting your interests and personality. Optimizing your featured photo privacy ensures you control how the photos are viewed. Limit visibility using Facebook’s granular privacy settings and update preferences for old featured photos as well. Responsible sharing and tagging will keep your profile professional and accurate. With the right balance of personalization and privacy, Facebook featured photos can enhance your profile.