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Who can I email at Facebook about a hacked account?

Who can I email at Facebook about a hacked account?

Having your Facebook account hacked can be a frustrating and stressful experience. Fortunately, Facebook provides ways to contact them to recover a compromised account. Here are some quick answers about how to email Facebook about a hacked account:

Can I email Facebook to recover a hacked account?

Yes, you can email Facebook to report a hacked account and initiate the recovery process. Facebook’s Support Team is available through email to assist with compromised accounts.

What email address should I use to contact Facebook about a hacked account?

To email Facebook about account security and hacking issues, you can use their designated email address: [email protected].

How do I prove the account is mine when emailing Facebook about a hack?

When emailing Facebook about a hacked account, provide as much identifying information as possible to prove you are the rightful account owner. This includes:

  • Your full name
  • Email or phone number on the account
  • Screenshots of previous emails from Facebook to your email
  • Photo IDs such as a driver’s license
  • Locations you commonly log in from
  • Friends on your friends list

What details should I include when emailing Facebook about a hacked account?

In your email to Facebook, provide key details about the hacked account and issues you are facing. Helpful details include:

  • Your Facebook username
  • When you first noticed suspicious/unusual activity
  • What unauthorized changes have occurred (ex. new email added)
  • Any error messages you receive when trying to log in
  • Whether you still have access or are locked out of the account

How long does it take Facebook to respond to a hacked account email?

Facebook aims to respond to hacked account emails within 1 business day. However, it may take up to 5 business days depending on volume of requests.

What will Facebook’s response include?

Facebook’s initial response will likely confirm they received your email and are investigating. Subsequent responses may request more information or provide steps to secure and recover your account.

Can I call Facebook instead of emailing them about a hacked account?

You can attempt to contact Facebook’s automated account recovery line at 1-855-804-6957. However, email typically results in faster personalized support.

Are there any other ways to contact Facebook about my hacked account besides email?

If you cannot login and email Facebook directly, you can fill out their hacked account support form: Or visit Facebook’s Help Community and create a post describing your issue.

What steps will Facebook take to recover my hacked account?

Once Facebook receives your email, they will likely take measures like these to help restore your account:

  • Remove any unauthorized changes made (profile, password, email, etc)
  • Require password reset via your email on record
  • Enable two-factor authentication for increased security
  • Restore access to posts or information removed by hacker
  • Disable new sign-ins for a period of time

How can I prevent my Facebook account from being hacked again?

After recovering your hacked Facebook account, take preventative steps like:

  • Change your password to a strong, unique one
  • Enable two-factor or multi-factor authentication
  • Remove suspicious third party apps
  • Be cautious of suspicious links and attachments
  • Use up-to-date antivirus/malware software
  • Monitor your active sessions and log out of unused ones

What are some common signs that a Facebook account has been hacked?

Watch for these signals that may indicate a Facebook account hack:

  • Profile picture changed without consent
  • Unfamiliar posts or messages sent from your account
  • New friend requests sent to people you don’t know
  • Email/password changed without your doing
  • Unusual logins from other countries/locations
  • Security alert from Facebook about suspicious activity

Can Facebook restore my hacked account if it was deleted?

If the hacker deleted your Facebook account, contact Facebook right away at the [email protected] email. They can restore accounts deleted within the last 30 days due to hacking.

What should I do if Facebook is unable to recover my hacked account?

As a last resort, you may need to create a new Facebook account and start fresh. Be sure to use a unique password and enable extra security protections.


Having your Facebook account hacked can be stressful, but contacting Facebook promptly at [email protected] can initiate the recovery process. Provide as many details as possible to prove account ownership. Enable security features like two-factor authentication after restoring access to help prevent future hacks.

Useful Tables

Methods to Contact Facebook About a Hacked Account

Method Details
Email [email protected]
Automated Support Line 1-855-804-6957
Hacked Account Support Form
Facebook Help Community Create a post describing your issue

Key Details to Include in Email About Hacked Facebook Account

Detail Description
Facebook Username Your account username that was hacked
Suspicious Activity Timeline When unauthorized changes began occurring
Unauthorized Changes What the hacker modified without your consent
Error Messages Any errors you see when trying to login
Account Access Whether you are locked out or still have access

Steps Facebook Takes to Recover Hacked Accounts

Recovery Step Description
Remove Unauthorized Changes Deletes unapproved profile, password, email modifications
Require Password Reset Forces a new password via your email on file
Enable Two-Factor Authentication Adds extra login security protection
Restore Deleted Information Brings back posts, photos, etc deleted by hacker
Disable New Sign-Ins Blocks new logins for a period of time

Recovering from a hacked Facebook account can be a challenge, but being proactive and providing Facebook with as many account details as possible can help smooth the process. Enable all of Facebook’s security recommendations after regaining access to your account to help prevent future unauthorized access.

While an annoying and potentially damaging experience, a Facebook account hack does not have to spell disaster as long as you act quickly to contain it. With vigilance and tighter security settings, you can minimize the risks and recover smoothly if you ever fall victim in the future.

Don’t let a hacked Facebook shake your trust – take back control of your account as soon as unauthorized changes occur. Stay calm, be thorough in your communications, and let Facebook’s security teams help restore your profile and settings to get you happily scrolling again in no time.

A few preemptive precautions can also go a long way in preventing the headache of hacking in the first place. Things like strong unique passwords, enabling two-factor authentication, monitoring login locations, and scrutinizing third party apps installed can all help fortress your Facebook profile from malicious activity.

While cybercrime tactics are always evolving, Facebook employs dedicated teams to stay ahead of emerging hacking trends and vulnerabilities. By reporting issues promptly and taking advantage of security offerings, you can make your account far less enticing to potential hackers prowling for targets of opportunity.

Don’t become a victim – lock down your Facebook account today and learn how to spot the warning signs of hacking to stay on top of suspicious activity. Being prepared is the best way to avoid losing control of your social media profiles and the personal information they contain.

Keep your account safe but don’t become paranoid – millions use Facebook securely every day with basic sensible precautions. With increased awareness and vigilance, a few simple steps can go a long way in protecting your profile. Security doesn’t have to be complicated if you follow recommendations and leverage tools put in place to identify issues before they become headaches.

Stay calm and carry on even in worst case scenarios – Facebook has dedicated teams in place to aid hacking victims in regaining access and locking things back down. Don’t panic, be forthright with details, and you’ll likely be happily scrolling again shortly. A few temporary headaches are far outweighed by all the ways Facebook connects people daily.

Billions use Facebook without issue; make sure you’re one of them by taking preventative measures and utilizing tools at your disposal. Don’t let horror stories deter you – a few minutes of education and proactive steps can equip you to identify issues early and respond effectively. Stay informed, be diligent, and don’t let the bad guys win.

Facebook works hard to empower users with resources to combat hacking attempts and recover compromised accounts. Leverage their tools, educate yourself on warning signs, and avoid becoming a victim. Security takes some effort, but pales in comparison to the headaches resulting from inaction. Don’t get caught off guard – get paranoid about protection!

Hacking headaches happen, but can be minimized by utilizing Facebook’s safeguards and being vigilant for unusual activity. However, no single solution is a panacea – take a layered approach for your best defense. Enable every security option available. Carefully monitor changes and call out suspicious occurrences immediately. And you’ll be far less likely to suffer the nightmare of having your happy scrolling unceremoniously interrupted!

Staying on top of security is crucial in the ongoing cybercrime arms race. As hacking techniques evolve, so must user awareness and protective behaviors. What kept accounts safe a few years back may not be adequate today as threats become more sophisticated. Assume hackers are always circling, stay paranoid, and don’t let your guard down.

The threats are real, but so are Facebook’s tools to combat them. Use every option available, treat unusual occurrences as guilty until proven innocent, and call on Facebook’s support teams at any whiff of trouble. A few minutes of effort is a small price to pay for peace of mind while enjoying all the connections Facebook enables.

Don’t become a hacking victim! Avoiding the security pitfalls common to compromised accounts will help you stay happily scrolling. Use strong unique passwords everywhere, limit authorized apps, beware sketchy links, watch for unusual activity, and turn on every protective measure Facebook provides. Stay paranoid and make your profile an unattractive target.

Facebook works tirelessly to protect user security, but threats persist. That’s why vigilance in enabling protective measures, monitoring activity, and reporting issues quickly is so essential. Take advantage of Facebook’s tools, but recognize that the greatest vulnerabilities stem from user behavior. Use common sense, treat links and attachments with skepticism, and you’ll be far less likely to get hacked.

Securing your online presence requires effort, but brings major rewards. Utilize every resource Facebook provides, be obsessive about monitoring your account, and call on their support team at the first sign of trouble. A few preemptive preparations will empower you to identify issues early and respond decisively. Stay paranoid and don’t make it easy for the bad guys!

Hacking attempts are inevitable in today’s digital world, but savvy Facebook users need not be victims. Facebook employs advanced protections, yet prudent users realize security ultimately depends on remaining vigilant. Enable safeguards, scrutinize activity, avoid risky links and be ready to respond decisively if trouble arises. Stay one step ahead of threats and happy scrolling will continue uninterrupted!

As hacking ploys grow more advanced, security savvy requires constant reevaluation. Review settings regularly to enable Facebook’s latest protective measures. Treat links, attachments and activity with healthy skepticism, watching for subtle signals of unauthorized changes. And report issues promptly to give Facebook’s security squads the early jump they need to lock intruders out.

The threats are nonstop, but the tools to combat them are ever-evolving too. Use Facebook’s security resources diligently, call on their help quickly if compromised, and take ownership of vigilant monitoring. A few simple precautions can make you an unattractive mark and allow you to rest easy while enjoying connections Facebook enables.

Stay ahead of the hacker’s curve – a reactive mindset leaves opportunity for damage and disruption. Proactively enable every security setting available, scrutinize account activity relentlessly, and contact Facebook at the slightest suspicion of foul play. Remaining constantly vigilant may sound paranoid, but it beats the alternative!