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Who can help me with Facebook ads?

Who can help me with Facebook ads?

Facebook ads can be a great way to promote your business, but running effective ads requires expertise. If you need help setting up, optimizing, and managing Facebook ads, here are some options to consider:

Hire an In-House Facebook Ads Expert

The best way to ensure your Facebook ads get the attention they need is to have someone dedicated to Facebook ads on your team. Look for someone experienced in:

– Setting up and optimizing Facebook ad campaigns
– A/B testing different creatives and targets
– Analyzing performance data and making optimizations
– Staying on top of Facebook algorithm changes

While having an in-house expert is ideal, it may not be feasible for all businesses. Be prepared to pay a competitive salary to attract top Facebook ad talent.

Use a Facebook Ads Agency

Facebook ad agencies specialize in managing Facebook ads for clients. They take care of the setup, optimization, reporting, and ongoing management. This allows you to outsource the work to experts.

Pros of using an agency include:

– Access to Facebook ad experts
– Strategic guidance based on experience
– Time savings compared to managing ads in-house

Be sure to research agencies thoroughly. Look for proven results and expertise specific to your industry. Agency fees can be high, so make sure the ROI is there.

Work with a Freelancer

Hiring a freelance Facebook ads specialist can give you access to high-level skills without the ongoing expense of an in-house hire or agency. Look for freelancers who:

– Have a proven track record running Facebook ad campaigns
– Specialize in your industry
– Can provide references from past clients
– Have availability to collaborate when you need them

Freelancer rates vary greatly depending on experience. Be clear on deliverables and define a clear scope of work. Using a freelancer gives you flexibility if your needs change.

Use Facebook’s Tools and Resources

Facebook provides a range of free tools and resources to help you get the most out of your ads:

– **Facebook Blueprint** – Facebook’s free e-learning platform to teach advertising skills. Offers courses and certifications.
– **Facebook IQ** – FB’s resource center for latest news, tips, insights, and best practices for advertising.
– **Facebook Ad Library** – Database to see ads any Facebook Page is running. Research competitor ads.
– **Facebook Support** – Talk to Facebook reps and experts to get help with your campaigns.
– **Facebook Events and Groups** – Attend free virtual events or join Facebook Groups to connect with other advertisers.

While these resources are helpful for learning, most businesses will still benefit from outside expertise to execute campaigns.

Types of Expert Help You Can Hire

There are specialists who focus on different aspects of Facebook ads. Here are the types of experts you may want to hire:

Facebook Ad Strategists

Ad strategists help plan and optimize your overall Facebook ad approach. Their focus is higher-level strategy:

– Setting objectives and KPIs
– Competitive research
– Targeting and positioning
– Ad testing frameworks
– Budget allocation

They provide strategic oversight for best results.

Facebook Ad Designers

Great ad creative is key to Facebook ad success. Design experts make compelling, effective visuals tailored to your goals and audience. Services include:

– Designing multiple ad creatives
– Optimizing visuals for mobile
– Creating animations and videos
– Ensuring ads stand out in news feeds
– Designing for different placements (Instagram, Audience Network, etc)

Facebook Ad Copywriters

The text in your Facebook ads can make or break results. Professional copywriters create compelling ad text designed to convert:

– Headline and description writing
– Captivating storytelling
– Conducting research for resonant messaging
– Writing text for different formats (link ads, carousel ads, etc)
– Localization and translation

Facebook Ad Media Buyers

Media buyers specialize in purchasing Facebook ad inventory at the optimal cost per result. Their expertise includes:

– Managing the media buying process
– Negotiating and optimizing costs
– Leveraging Facebook buying options like auctions
– Monitoring KPIs and adjusting bids
– Pacing budgets and delivery

Facebook Ad Audience Insights Analysts

Audience insights analysts leverage Facebook’s data and tools to identify who to target and how to connect with them. Key responsibilities:

– In-depth audience research
– Creating detailed audience profiles and personas
– Identifying interests, behaviors, and connections between groups
– Data analysis to surface insights
– Applying insights to ad targeting and creative

Questions to Ask When Hiring Someone

Here are some key questions to ask when looking to hire someone to help with Facebook ads:

What is your Facebook ads experience?

Look for specifics here – how many years of hands-on experience do they have actively managing Facebook ad campaigns? What types of campaigns have they worked on? How large were the budgets and audiences? You want someone who has depth of experience specifically with Facebook advertising.

What results have you achieved?

Ask for examples of tangible results and metrics they have achieved for past clients through Facebook advertising. Results could include sales, leads, traffic, engagement, etc. If they don’t have proven examples, it’s a red flag.

What is your expertise in my industry?

Ideally you want someone who has worked with other similar businesses or brands and understands your target audience and goals intimately. If most of their experience is with very different types of companies, they may not be the best fit.

What is your process?

Ask how they would approach setting up, managing, optimizing, and reporting on your Facebook ad campaigns. Look for a proven methodology tailored to your business objectives.

What other services do you provide?

Understand the full range of Facebook advertising services they offer. Can they provide supporting services like ad design, copywriting, and audience research? The more full-service they are, the less you may need multiple vendors.

What are your pricing and contracts?

Be clear on how they charge for Facebook ad services – flat monthly fees, hourly consulting rates, or commissions on spend are common. Compare to market rates. Also understand what contracts or commitments are required so there are no surprises.

Vetting Someone’s Facebook Ad Skills

When evaluating a potential Facebook ads specialist, look for these indicators of skill and experience:

Case studies and client results

Experts should share case studies detailing results achieved and strategies used for past clients. Concrete metrics and ROI numbers demonstrate their skills in action.

Years of hands-on experience

Ideally they have 3+ years actively managing campaigns day-to-day. Longevity shows deeper mastery of the ever-changing Facebook advertising ecosystem.

Facebook certifications

Completing Facebook’s certifications through Blueprint demonstrates they have invested in mastering Facebook’s platforms and offerings.

Specialized expertise

Do they focus solely on Facebook advertising or take a broader approach? Deep Facebook ad expertise is ideal.

Up-to-date knowledge

With Facebook advertising changing constantly, look for someone who actively keeps up with the latest updates and best practices. They should be fluent in new developments.

Strategic approach

Experts should take a comprehensive strategic approach to driving results, not just running ads tactically. Planning, testing, optimizing, and analyzing performance are key.

Reviews and testimonials

Positive feedback from current and former clients is telling. Reviews show they have delivered results for others consistently.

Expected Costs for Help

Facebook ad management costs vary based on the expert’s level of experience, services provided, and the scale of your campaigns. Here are typical pricing ranges:

In-House Expert Salary

$50,000 – $150,000+ per year

Agency Fees

10-20% of ad spend managed

Freelancer Rates

$50 – $150 per hour

Entry-Level Specialists

$50 – $75 per hour

Senior Specialists

$100 – $150+ per hour

Larger ad budgets, broader service offerings, and more experience command higher prices. Carefully weigh the potential ROI – with the right expertise, the ad performance boost can offset the costs.

Getting Set Up for Success

Once you choose an expert to help with Facebook ads, set them up for maximum success:

Share knowledge about your business

Provide relevant background, goals, audiences, and pain points to inform the ad strategy.

Give access to accounts

Add them as an admin on applicable Facebook accounts and ad accounts so they can manage campaigns and reporting.

Set objectives

Define your KPIs and what ad success looks like. Concrete targets keep efforts aligned.

Introduce to stakeholders

Have them connect with other team members who collaborate on ad efforts to foster cohesion.

Review regularly

Set up recurring meetings to review results and strategies. Frequent alignment ensures you’re on track.

Communicate needs

Share any changes regarding your goals, targets, or strategy so they can adjust approaches accordingly.

With an added focus on Facebook ads from the right expert, your campaigns can reach the next level. An investment in expertise pays dividends in the form of superior ad results and ROI.

Expert Type Pros Cons
In-House Expert – Fully dedicated to your brand

– Builds institutional knowledge

– Alignment with company goals
– High salary cost

– Benefits expense

– HR administration
Facebook Ads Agency – Depth of expertise

– Strategic guidance

– Handles entire function
– Less control

– Potentially higher cost

– Less customization
Freelancer – Affordable rates

– Specialized skills

– Flexible, as-needed help
– Less oversight

– Individual capabilities

– Potentially unreliable


Facebook ads provide immense opportunities to effectively reach and engage your target audience. But realizing their full potential takes specific expertise. Whether you hire an individual specialist, freelancer, agency, or in-house expert, dedicating sufficient Facebook ad resources can pay off exponentially. With the right help guiding your Facebook ad investment, your brand can thrive.