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Who are the biggest advertisers on Facebook?

Who are the biggest advertisers on Facebook?

Facebook has become one of the most important advertising platforms in the world. With over 2.8 billion monthly active users as of Q3 2022, Facebook offers advertisers an unprecedented opportunity to reach a massive global audience. But which companies are spending the most money to get their ads in front of Facebook users? While Facebook does not disclose its largest advertisers, analysis of available data provides some insights into the brands dominating Facebook ads.

Why Do Brands Advertise on Facebook?

There are several key reasons why brands allocate significant portions of their advertising budgets to Facebook:

  • Huge audience – As mentioned, Facebook has over 2.8 billion monthly active users globally. This provides access to a diverse, engaged audience that can be targeted based on location, demographics, interests and behaviors.
  • Ad targeting – Facebook offers advanced targeting capabilities enabling advertisers to zero in on specific audiences based on enormous amounts of data Facebook collects on its users.
  • Ads in News Feed – Sponsored posts in the News Feed allow brands to insert their messages directly into the content people are scrolling through.
  • Range of ad formats – From photos and videos to Stories and boosted posts, Facebook offers a variety of ad formats to match different campaign objectives and creative needs.
  • Retargeting – The Facebook pixel allows advertisers to track user activity across devices and the web and then retarget them with relevant ads.
  • Measurable results – Facebook provides robust analytics and reporting features to help measure ad performance and optimize campaigns.

For major consumer brands, the opportunity to get their marketing messages in front of Facebook’s highly engaged user base – boosted by advanced targeting and measurement capabilities – makes it an essential platform warranting significant ad investment.

Top Advertising Industries on Facebook

Facebook divulges some high-level data on its top-spending advertising industries. According to Facebook’s advertising information site, the top industries globally are:

  1. eCommerce
  2. Entertainment and media
  3. Consumer packaged goods (CPG)
  4. Mobile apps
  5. Professional services

The predominance of eCommerce is not surprising given the category includes massive brands like Amazon, Walmart and Target that spend billions on digital advertising. CPG giants like P&G, Unilever and Coca-Cola also dedicate huge budgets to Facebook ads.

Entertainment companies (Disney, Netflix, etc.) and mobile app makers (Spotify, Uber, etc.) likely make up large portions of the entertainment and mobile app categories. Professional services, such as software companies, are major digital advertisers as well.

Estimated Top Facebook Advertisers Worldwide

While Facebook keeps its largest advertisers confidential, analysis of available data by various research firms provides estimates of the biggest brands:

Rank Advertiser Industry
1 Amazon eCommerce
2 Apple Technology
3 Netflix Entertainment
4 Google Technology
5 Microsoft Technology

Source: Pathmatics

According to estimates by marketing intelligence firm Pathmatics, Amazon was the largest advertiser on Facebook worldwide in 2021 based on estimated spending. Amazon is believed to have allocated over $9 billion to Facebook ads globally last year to promote its eCommerce business.

Other top positions are held primarily by U.S. technology giants investing heavily in digital advertising to promote their products and services, including Apple, Netflix, Google and Microsoft.

Leading Advertisers by Industry

Estimates also indicate leading advertisers on Facebook by industry vertical:

  • eCommerce – Amazon, Walmart
  • CPG – P&G, Unilever, Coca-Cola
  • Technology – Apple, Google, Microsoft, Samsung
  • Entertainment – Netflix, Disney+, ESPN
  • Telecom – Verizon, AT&T

Cross-referencing these lists with companies known to spend enormous amounts on advertising provides likely candidates for Facebook’s biggest advertisers.

Estimated Top Advertisers in the U.S.

Analyzing top industry spenders in the critical U.S. market further identifies leading Facebook advertisers:

Rank Advertiser Industry
1 Walmart Retail
2 Verizon Telecom
3 Geico Insurance
4 Target Retail
5 AT&T Telecom

Source: Pathmatics

U.S. retailers Walmart and Target allocated the most estimated spending to Facebook ads in 2021 as they battle for eCommerce share. Verizon and AT&T lead telecom, while insurance giant Geico is a major spender.

Categories Attracting the Most Spend

In addition to leading advertiser analysis, data provides estimates of the Facebook ad categories attracting the most spend globally:

  1. eCommerce
  2. Mobile App Installs
  3. Technology
  4. CPG
  5. Entertainment

The eCommerce category includes all retail advertising driving website traffic and sales. Mobile app install ads are massive with consumers now spending most of their digital time in apps. CPG, technology and entertainment reflect the analysis of top advertising industries and brands on Facebook.


While concrete data on Facebook’s largest advertisers is not available, analysis indicates the biggest brands spending on Facebook ads globally include Amazon, Apple, Netflix, Google and Microsoft. Top industries represented are eCommerce, technology, CPG and entertainment. Estimates also suggest leading advertisers in the critical U.S. market consist primarily of major retailers like Walmart and Target along with telecom brands like Verizon and AT&T. With over 2.8 billion monthly users, Facebook offers an advertising opportunity too substantial for most major brands to ignore.