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Which social media has character limit?

Which social media has character limit?

Social media platforms have become an integral part of our daily lives. They allow us to stay connected with friends and family, express ourselves, and consume content. However, each platform has its own set of features and limitations. One key difference between social media sites is the character limit for posts. Understanding the character limits can help you maximize your messaging and avoid frustrating cut-offs mid-post.

What is a character limit?

A character limit is the maximum number of characters (letters, numbers, punctuation, and spaces) that can be used in a single post on a social media platform. Platforms enforce character limits to keep posts condensed and optimize the user experience. Posts with character limits are easy to consume quickly, which aligns with the fast-paced scrolling nature of social media.

Why do social media platforms have character limits?

There are a few key reasons social media platforms enforce character limits:

  • Encourage brevity – Character limits motivate users to get their point across in a concise, witty way rather than with lengthy posts.
  • Improve scannability – Shorter posts with character limits are easier to parse at a glance while scrolling.
  • Optimize engagement – Character limits tend to increase engagement as users interact more with shorter, pithier posts.
  • Allow fair use – Character limits ensure users have equitable ability to post within the available space.
  • Control server load – Shorter posts reduce strain on backend servers.

Common social media character limits

Here are the standard character limits for some of the top social media platforms:

Platform Character Limit
Twitter 280 characters
Instagram caption 2,200 characters
Instagram comment 150 characters
Facebook post 63,206 characters
Facebook comment 8,000 characters
Pinterest pin description 500 characters
Pinterest comment 500 characters
TikTok caption 150 characters
TikTok comment 125 characters
Snapchat caption 80 characters
LinkedIn post 700 characters
LinkedIn comment 300 characters
Quora answer 40,000 characters
Reddit post title 300 characters
Reddit comment 10,000 characters

Twitter’s character limit

For years, Twitter only allowed 140 characters per tweet. This severely limited length meant users had to be very concise and creative to convey their full thoughts. The 140-character tweet quickly became emblematic of the Twitter platform.

In 2017, Twitter ran a test expanding the limit to 280 characters for some users. They found the increased length allowed users to better express themselves while still maintaining brevity. Later in 2017, Twitter rolled the 280-character limit out to all users.

Twitter’s character limit history

  • 2006 – 140 character limit established.
  • 2017 – 280 character limit rolled out to all users.

Even with 280 characters, Twitter still requires much more brevity than most other social platforms. The constraint pushes creativity in composing tweets. Fitting an entire thought in a tweet takes some idea distillation. This brevity contributes to Twitter’s fast-paced, information-dense environment.

Tweeting below the limit

Despite having up to 280 characters, the average Tweet length is 34 characters according to Twitter. Most users do not even come close to hitting the 280 character limit. However, the expanded room to tweet provides flexibility. Should a user need to exceed 140 characters for a particular tweet, they have the freedom to do so while maintaining brevity.

Instagram’s character limits

Instagram has longer character limits than Twitter, but still enforces conciseness in different ways. There are two primary areas with character limits on Instagram:

  • Caption – 2,200 characters
  • Comment – 150 characters

Caption limit

Instagram increased the caption limit from 150 to 2,200 characters in 2021. This change aimed to provide more room for users to add context and depth to their posts. However, most Instagram users still keep their captions rather short.

Even though the caption limit is over 2,000 characters, ideal Instagram caption length is around 125 characters. Long blocks of text tend to get ignored in favor of the visual media on Instagram. A 125-character caption balances informative while still keeping the focus on the imagery.

Comment limit

Comments on Instagram are capped at 150 characters. This helps keep comment threads short and manageable. The comment character limit reduces overwhelming blocks of text after image posts. Instagram wants commentary that is snappy and effective. Drawn out conversations typically move to other messaging platforms.

Facebook’s evolving character limits

Facebook has actively adjusted character limits for posts and comments over the years. They have landed at much higher limits than other social platforms.

Post limit

Currently, Facebook allows up to 63,206 characters per post. This equates to about 9,000 words or 18 paragraphs. Prior to 2017, the limit was 63,206 characters. At launch, Facebook restricted posts to 5,000 characters.

The extensive per-post limit makes Facebook ideal for long-form sharing. Multi-paragraph stories and notes are commonplace on Facebook. You see fewer of the ultra-short posts characteristic of Twitter and Instagram.

Comment limit

Facebook comments allow up to 8,000 characters. That’s nearly double the allowable characters of pre-2017 Facebook posts. Comments are essentially micro-blog posts in their own right.

Prior to 2015, Facebook capped comments at only 2,200 characters. The increase to 8,000 characters aimed to spark deeper conversations in comment threads. However, extremely lengthy comments can still get hidden with user feedback on Facebook.

Pinterest’s moderate character limits

Pinterest sticks to limits under 600 characters. But Pinterest’s focus is much more visual than text-based compared to other social platforms.

Pin description limit

Pin descriptions allow 500 characters. This gives space for a beefy paragraph summing up a pin. However, many Pins forgo detailed descriptions. The visuals are central, while text plays a supplementary role.

Comment limit

Pinterest caps comments at 500 characters – the same as pin descriptions. Pinterest commenting is not extensive, though. The platform is more about collecting and sharing visual content than engaging in discussions.

YouTube’s extensive comment limit

YouTube has no limit on video description length. But comments max out at 16,384 characters.

With close to 16,000 characters available, YouTube commenters have room for very thorough thoughts. Paragraph-long comments are prevalent on the platform. YouTube commenting helps build video communities and discussions around content.

However, overly lengthy comments can be perceived as tangential or irrelevant. YouTube works to highlight the most relevant comments and hides excessively long ones.

TikTok’s concise limits

Text character limits on TikTok are highly condensed, fitting the truncated video format.

Caption limit

TikTok captions max out at 150 characters. This means captions must be extremely tight. One or two sentences at most. Any substantial thought requires very artful wording to pack meaning into the limited space.

The 150-character caption drives users to be clever and experimental with the text overlaying their short videos. Abbreviating and emojis help keep ideas expressive within the confines.

Comment limit

Comments have a 125-character limit on TikTok. This restricts comment threads to the bare essential exchanges. TikTok is tailored for fleeting entertainment, not extensive discourse.

Snapchat’s tight limit

Snapchat started as an app for ephemeral messaging. So it limits permanent text you can overlay on Snaps.

Snapchat caps captions at 80 characters. This tiny limit means minimal space for any elaboration. You have to boil down any text to the very basics.

The tight limit pushes creativity in maximizing messaging within the confines. Overlays are primarily designed to be visual rather than text-based. Any text serves more as accessory rather than focal point.

LinkedIn’s post and comment limits

As a professional social network, LinkedIn allows for reasonably lengthy posts and comments. But they still enforce limits to encourage some concision.

Post limit

Standard LinkedIn posts permit up to 700 characters. At just over 100 words, this approaches paragraph length but stops short of being a full blog post.

The 700-character limit is great for substantial industry updates, key takeaways from an article, or driving questions for your network. But any much longer, and it’s better to write a LinkedIn article post.

Comment limit

Comments on LinkedIn posts allow up to 300 characters, or about 50 words. This gives commenters a couple sentences to offer thoughts, feedback, or questions.

300 characters is ample space for meaningful interactions without allowing treatise-length diatribes. The comment limit promotes focused, relevant insights rather than tangent-filled walls of text.

Quora’s 40,000 character answers

As a Q&A platform built around lengthy written responses, Quora boasts a whopping 40,000 character limit for answers.

This allows for highly comprehensive answers with extensive detail and depth. Subject matter experts can provide essay-length commentary on questions in their wheelhouse. The hefty limit is vital for Quora’s core value proposition as a knowledge-sharing community.

Reddit’s post title limit

Reddit is a hybrid of several types of social media with components of messaging boards, link aggregation, and social news. As such, Reddit has post title limits but relatively high body text limits.

Post title limit

Reddit caps post titles at 300 characters. Titles need to concisely describe the content so redditors can quickly parse posts. A tight 300-character limit forces succinct but descriptive titles.

Self-post body text limit

The body text of Reddit self-posts has a 40,000 character limit – about the same as a 35-page single-spaced essay. This massive limit allows for lengthy anecdotes, creative writing, and complex discussions as Reddit self-posts.

Comment limit

Reddit comments have a 10,000 character limit. This supports multi-paragraph thoughts while discouraging comment responses that essentially become full blog posts.

Key Takeaways

  • Character limits keep social media posts scannable and snackable for the modern short attention span.
  • Twitter’s 280-character limit drives creativity and brevity.
  • Instagram caps captions at 2,200 characters but 125 is optimal for engagement.
  • YouTube allows extensive 16,384-character comments to build video communities.
  • TikTok and Snapchat limits are under 150 characters fitting their ephemeral formats.
  • Facebook permits lengthy posts up to 63,206 characters and 8,000-character comments.
  • Quora has a 40,000-character limit for in-depth Q&A responses.


Each social media platform tailors character limits to match their intended use case. Understanding the restrictions of different sites lets you maximize your messaging within the confines. While overly long content can work on certain platforms, brevity and wit are broadly advantageous social media skills. Distilling your thoughts into more compact forms drives creativity. So work within the limits to impress and engage your audiences.