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Which is better to use Facebook or Facebook Lite?

Which is better to use Facebook or Facebook Lite?

With over 2 billion monthly active users, Facebook is one of the most popular social media platforms in the world. However, regular Facebook can be data and battery intensive on mobile devices. That’s why Facebook created a stripped down version of their app called Facebook Lite in 2018.

Facebook Lite provides the core Facebook experience using less data and battery life. This makes it ideal for people with limited data plans or older smartphones. But does sacrificing features make Facebook Lite a better choice compared to the full Facebook app? Here is an in-depth comparison of Facebook vs Facebook Lite to help you decide which version is right for you.

Data Usage

One of the biggest differences between Facebook and Facebook Lite is the amount of data they use. The regular Facebook app can use up a lot of data by loading high resolution photos, auto-playing videos, and downloading advertisements.

Facebook Lite is optimized to use much less data. It compresses photos, loads lower resolution videos, and eliminates data-heavy ads. Facebook claims that Facebook Lite uses less than 1 MB per session versus around 5 MB for regular Facebook. This means Facebook Lite uses around 80% less mobile data than the full app.

If you have a limited data plan, Facebook Lite can help you avoid costly overage charges. You’ll be able to browse the app longer each month without maxing out your data allotment. Facebook Lite is especially useful if you are traveling internationally where you may only have access to extremely limited data.

Data Usage Winner: Facebook Lite

Battery Life

In addition to using less data, Facebook Lite also extends battery life compared to the regular Facebook app. It uses less processing power and doesn’t have resource intensive features like autoplaying videos.

Tests have shown Facebook Lite uses around 15% less battery versus the full Facebook app when performing identical tasks. That may not seem like a huge difference, but every little bit helps prolong your battery if you are nowhere near a charger.

The lighter app size of Facebook Lite also contributes to battery savings. The full Facebook app is over 100 MB while Facebook Lite is under 1 MB. That smaller app takes up less storage space and RAM which reduces power consumption.

Battery Life Winner: Facebook Lite


Many assume that Facebook Lite would be faster than the regular Facebook app due to its smaller size and stripped down nature. But Facebook has actually optimized the full app over the years to improve performance.

In head-to-head speed tests, there wasn’t a noticeable difference between Facebook and Facebook Lite. They both launched in around 5 seconds and took about the same time to refresh the newsfeed or load profiles. Performance was nearly identical in areas with strong network connectivity.

Facebook Lite does have a small speed advantage in areas with slower networks. By eliminating data heavy elements, Facebook Lite has smaller pages that require less time to load. But in general speed is comparable between both apps.

Speed Winner: Tie


The full Facebook app contains far more features compared to the stripped down Facebook Lite. Here are some of the key features only available in the regular Facebook app:

  • Live videos
  • AR filters and masks
  • Games
  • Notifications dots
  • Messenger chat heads
  • Latest emojis
  • Streaming music and video
  • Marketplace shopping

By sticking to core functionality like the newsfeed, profiles, groups, events, and messaging, Facebook Lite provides a more streamlined user experience. But you miss out on many interactive features that make Facebook fun and engaging.

Features Winner: Facebook


Advertisements are an important revenue source for Facebook, but they can clutter up your screen. Facebook Lite was designed to display much fewer ads than the regular Facebook app.

You’ll see far fewer ads in your newsfeed and none on the sides of pages in Facebook Lite. This contributes to the faster performance and lower data usage compared to regular Facebook.

However, businesses may prefer to have their ads seen by as many people as possible. And Facebook benefits from showing more ads to recoup their development costs.

Ads Winner: Tie

User Interface

Facebook Lite uses the same general interface as regular Facebook, just with fewer tabs along the bottom. Here is a comparison of the tab options in each app:

Facebook Facebook Lite
Home Home
Watch Recent
Marketplace Groups
Groups Menu

As you can see, Facebook Lite removes some tabs like Watch, Marketplace, and Gaming. This simpler interface focuses on core social networking capabilities. However, some users may prefer having direct access to all of Facebook’s features.

User Interface Winner: Tie


Facebook is continually tweaked with new features and redesigns. Facebook Lite tends to lag behind the main Facebook app in terms of updates.

It may take days or weeks for new Facebook capabilities to make their way to the Lite version. And major redesigns rollout much later. This is likely due to the extra development work required to optimize new features for lower data usage.

So if you want to use all the latest Facebook features as soon as possible, you’re better off with the full app. But the core Facebook Lite experience remains relatively consistent with only periodic updates.

Updates Winner: Facebook


Facebook Lite is more accessible in certain circumstances. Its ultra small app size of under 1MB allows it to be installed on nearly any Android device, no matter how little storage is available. Facebook Lite can even run on older phones with little RAM or processing power.

In developing countries where many people still use basic smartphones, Facebook Lite may be the only version of the app that works properly. It helps expand Facebook’s reach to regions where mobile data is expensive and smartphone technology lags behind.

But in areas with widespread access to fast networks and modern phones, the regular Facebook app poses no installation issues. Both apps are also available on iOS, though the differences between them are less pronounced compared to Android.

Accessibility Winner: Facebook Lite


Facebook has access to vast amounts of user data which helps them target advertising and improve their services. However, some people are uncomfortable with how much personal data Facebook collects.

Facebook Lite requests access to significantly less data and tracking capabilities compared to regular Facebook. It provides a pared back Facebook experience without as much intrusive data collection.

However, Facebook claims they use analytics from the full app to improve user experience and catch malicious activities. By collecting less data, Facebook Lite may be unable to provide the same level of customization and security protections.

Privacy Winner: Facebook Lite

Messenger Integration

Facebook split off Messenger from their main app back in 2014. On iOS and newer Android versions, Facebook and Messenger function as separate apps. But Facebook Lite takes a different approach.

Messenger capabilities are directly integrated into Facebook Lite. You can message friends, create group chats, and see your inbox all within the Facebook Lite interface. This saves the trouble of constantly switching between two different apps.

However, hardcore Messenger users may miss out on some newer messaging features only available in the standalone app. And if you prefer to segment Facebook and Messenger, the split apps may actually be preferable.

Messenger Integration Winner: Facebook Lite


So which is better between Facebook and Facebook Lite overall? It really comes down to your priorities and smartphone usage habits.

If you have an expensive data plan and modern device, the full Facebook app provides the most complete experience with all the latest features. Power users will probably want to stick with the regular Facebook.

But Facebook Lite is a great option for people concerned about data usage and battery life, especially in developing markets. The core Facebook functionality remains intact while requiring fewer system resources.

In the end, both provide access to the world’s largest social network. Having two options tailored towards different needs and capabilities demonstrates Facebook’s commitment to providing global access. The choice ultimately depends on which version fits your personal preferences and mobile setup.

Facebook Lite does have notable advantages for emerging markets with limited data and older phones. But regular Facebook remains the optimal choice for those with unlimited data plans and modern devices who don’t want to miss out on any features. Evaluate your own habits, priorities and phone capabilities to decide if you’re better off with Facebook or Facebook Lite.

Facebook and Facebook Lite share the same login so you can easily switch between the two apps anytime. Install both versions to see which provides the best experience for your needs.

Facebook will likely continue iterating on and optimizing their full app experience. But Facebook Lite fills an important niche, giving more people access to Facebook’s services around the world. Having two tailored apps broadens Facebook’s reach while providing options for different types of users.

So while the stripped down Facebook Lite serves a purpose, especially in emerging markets, regular Facebook remains the best choice for most users who want the full, cutting-edge Facebook experience.