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Which is better Facebook or Twitter?

Which is better Facebook or Twitter?

Social media has become an integral part of our lives. Two of the most popular social media platforms are Facebook and Twitter. Both have their own advantages and disadvantages. But which one is better? Here we will compare Facebook and Twitter on various parameters to help you decide which platform suits you more.


When it comes to popularity, Facebook is the clear winner. As of Q2 2022, Facebook had 2.93 billion monthly active users worldwide. On the other hand, Twitter had 237.8 million monetizable daily active users as of Q2 2022. So Facebook has an order of magnitude more users than Twitter.


Facebook and Twitter serve different purposes for users. Facebook is used more for maintaining existing relationships with friends and family. You can share photos, life events, ideas etc. with your close social circles. Twitter has more of a public social networking focus. It is used more for following celebrities, politicians, athletes, journalists etc. and keeping up with news and current events.

Content Format

The type of content shared also differs. Facebook allows sharing lengthy text posts, multiple photos and albums, live videos, Stories and more. Twitter has a 280 character limit for tweets. You can attach a single photo, video or poll to tweets. So Facebook provides more freedom in the format and length of content you can share.


Facebook offers more options for advertisers. There are standard image and video ads of course. But advertisers can also create branded content posts, advertise in Stories, sponsor events and more. Twitter supports standard image, video and promoted tweets. But Facebook’s targeting and audience reach is much greater for ads.


The algorithms controlling content visibility are also different. Twitter shows tweets chronologically from accounts you follow. Facebook uses complex AI algorithms to determine the order of content shown to you based on factors like types of posts you engage with, people you interact with etc.

Privacy Control

Both platforms allow you to maintain private accounts where only approved followers can see your content. On Facebook, you can limit visibility of posts using friend lists. Twitter has no such option. Facebook groups allow members to interact privately. Overall Facebook gives more control on privacy settings.


Spread of misinformation and abusive content is an issue. Facebook’s broader reach has made it a vehicle for mass misinformation during events like elections, public health crises etc. Twitter has also enabled viral spread of unverified claims and conspiracy theories. Both platforms are trying to devise technical and policy measures to counter such issues.


While both platforms face issues with abusive users and cyberbullying, Twitter is more prone to toxic behavior by anonymous accounts given the public nature of interactions. On Facebook, you mostly interact with connections you already have, which reduces overt toxicity in conversations.

Support for Social Causes

Activism and public political discourse frequently use hashtags on Twitter as a way to rally behind social causes. Twitter provides a public forum for grassroots movements to quickly gain momentum. However, Facebook’s Groups provide a platform for longer term activism and social justice causes to organize.

Local Business Utility

For small businesses and local shops, Facebook can provide more utility as a discovery platform through features like Facebook Business Pages. Neighborhood Facebook Groups also help connect hyperlocal businesses with nearby residents. Twitter does not offer such specialized local business features but can still aid customer outreach.

Influencer Marketing

When it comes to social media influencer marketing, Instagram has become the premier platform. But between Facebook and Twitter, Facebook provides more opportunities for influencer collaborations through branded content and Facebook Live. Twitter is also a viable influencer marketing channel, just smaller in scale.

Visual Content

Visual content does extremely well on Facebook in the form of ads, business Pages posts, images shared on timelines etc. Visual content can also thrive on Twitter, especially with the rise of multimedia tweets. However, Facebook’s bias for visual content gives it an edge for advertisers and creators.

News and Real-time Updates

For staying updated with news in real-time as events unfold, Twitter is the go-to platform. Breaking news typically spreads fastest on Twitter. Facebook also facilitates news sharing but has a slower pace and different algorithmic feed. Professionals like journalists, analysts and politicians leverage Twitter heavily for this purpose.

Customer Service

Twitter is a de facto channel for customer service and user feedback for major brands. Consumers tweet at companies on Twitter to voice complaints, get support for products and services etc. Facebook is not used as much for customer support by brands, though some do maintain a social media presence there.

Younger User Base

While both platforms attract users across ages, Twitter has a greater skew towards younger demographics in the 18-29 age range. Facebook has a more evenly distributed age range of active users, appealing better to middle-aged and older demographics.

Special Interest Communities

Facebook Groups provide a way for people with common interests, professions, affinity groups etc. to congregate in a focused community with shared rules. These Groups reflect real world communities. While you can also find such niche communities on Twitter through hashtags or handles, Facebook Groups have more structure.


We have compared Facebook and Twitter across 15 different parameters. Based on the key differences, here are some conclusions on when one platform has an advantage over the other:

  • For maintaining existing personal relationships – Facebook
  • For getting news, real-time updates and current events – Twitter
  • For advertising products/services to a broad target audience – Facebook
  • For customer service and user feedback – Twitter
  • For activism around social causes – Twitter for immediacy, Facebook for organization
  • For local businesses connecting with community – Facebook
  • For influencer marketing campaigns – Facebook
  • For sharing visual content – Facebook
  • For engaging younger demographics – Twitter
  • For joining special interest communities – Facebook

Both platforms have their own strengths and limitations. The usefulness also depends on individual preferences and demographics. But Facebook tends to have greater overall utility for most people as a platform to engage with existing friends and discover new content. However, Twitter serves an important role for real-time news and public commentary.