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Which FB group is the biggest?

Which FB group is the biggest?

Facebook groups have become an integral part of the Facebook experience, allowing people to connect over shared interests, causes, hobbies and more. With over 1.8 billion monthly active Facebook users, Facebook groups vary greatly in size and scope. But which Facebook group reigns supreme as the largest of them all?

What criteria determine the biggest Facebook group?

When looking at the biggest Facebook groups, there are a few key factors to consider:

  • Number of members – The total number of users who have joined the group.
  • Engagement – How active members are in posting, commenting and reacting.
  • Growth – How rapidly the group is gaining new members.

While some groups may boast a huge membership, that doesn’t necessarily mean they are highly engaged communities. The most active and vibrant Facebook groups tend to see a lot of participation from their members in addition to large numbers.

Contenders for the biggest Facebook group

With billions of Facebook users, there are countless groups on almost every topic imaginable. But a few massive communities stand out for their sheer size and activity level. Here are some of the leading contenders for the biggest Facebook group:

English Learning

This group is dedicated to helping people learn and practice English through conversations, questions and sharing useful resources. With over 100 million members, English Learning has one of the largest memberships of any Facebook group.

Gardening tips, ideas and help

This gardening group has over 2.2 million members who share their love of plants and gardening. The active community exchanges tips, photos and ideas for green thumbs of all levels.

Recipes and cooking ideas

With over 13.6 million foodie members, this group dishes on recipes, cooking tips and kitchen questions. It’s a tasty destination for home cooks looking to try new dishes.

Fitness, weight loss and health motivation

Over 1.7 million members visit this group to get fitspiration, share weight loss tips and cheer each other on in pursuing health goals. The encouraging community provides accountability and support.

Oddly Satisfying

This group for all things oddly satisfying has over 4.8 million mesmerized members. The hypnotic, feel-good content features satisfying visuals, ASMR and more.

Group Members
English Learning 100 million
Gardening tips, ideas and help 2.2 million
Recipes and cooking ideas 13.6 million
Fitness, weight loss and health motivation 1.7 million
Oddly Satisfying 4.8 million

And the winner is…

Based on sheer membership size, the undisputed biggest Facebook group is English Learning with over 100 million members. This massive global community is focused on helping people master English through conversations, questions and sharing learning tips.

With an order of magnitude more members than even the next largest groups, English Learning dominates as the biggest Facebook group. The group has grown exponentially by tapping into the huge demand for English education worldwide. Its success lies in connecting people globally around a common interest.

While other groups may have more engagement or faster growth, English Learning wins out by the numbers. The 100 million member milestone cements its status as the biggest Facebook group on the planet.

Runners up for largest Facebook groups

Though no other groups come close to English Learning’s membership, some very large communities bear mentioning:

Gardening tips, ideas and help

With green thumbs are abundant on Facebook, this gardening group has cultivated over 2.2 million members. Fellow gardeners flock here to dig into planting tips, showcase blooms, ID plants and more.

Recipes and cooking ideas

This kitchen community has cooked up over 13.6 million members who are hooked on swapping recipes and plating up food photos. It’s a mouth-watering destination for home cooks and foodies.

Fitness, weight loss and health motivation

Over 1.7 million fitness buffs get their sweat on in this group dedicated to health goals like weight loss, strength training and running. It provides a dose of fitspiration and accountability.

While these groups have impressive membership bases, they still pale in comparison to English Learning’s 100+ million members. They do demonstrate the rampant popularity of gardening, cooking and fitness content on Facebook though.

The rise of mega online communities

The mind-boggling size of groups like English Learning highlights the power of connecting people online around shared interests. Social media has enabled the formation of massive communities that span countries and cultures.

Whereas local in-person groups may have dozens or hundreds of members, online groups can accumulate millions. The global reach of the internet allows niche interests to aggregate huge followings across geographic boundaries.

As more people flock to platforms like Facebook, expect to see even larger online communities form around all sorts of hobbies, causes and topics. The 100 million member ceiling has already been shattered by English Learning. The sky is the limit for how big some Facebook groups will grow.

Mega online communities create valuable connections, but also come with challenges like moderation, quality control and misinformation. Group administrators have an important role to play in fostering safe, high-value communities.

The appeal of special interest online groups

What is driving people to join and engage with these sprawling online communities? Some of the appeal lies in:

  • Finding your niche – Connecting with others who share your specific interest or passion.
  • Access to expertise – Learning from fellow group members who have valuable experience.
  • Sense of community – Feeling like you belong and have people to share your interest with.
  • Exchange of ideas – Gaining new insights and perspectives you wouldn’t get otherwise.
  • Support system – Getting encouragement, troubleshooting help and advice from the group.
  • Escape – Providing a fun distraction and mental break from other aspects of life.

The right online group can provide knowledge, support, inspiration and friendship. People increasingly find that connecting online around a niche interest can deeply enrich their lives and teach them new things.

Criteria for a successful online community

If you’re looking to join an impactful online community, keep these markers of a thriving group in mind:

  • Engaged, respectful members
  • Thoughtful, on-topic discussions
  • Appreciation for diverse perspectives
  • Clear guidelines and moderation
  • Original, high-quality content
  • Responsive, considerate leadership

The most rewarding online groups have a welcoming vibe, productive dialogue, and active participation from all members. Look for these indicators of community health when evaluating groups to join.

Risks of problematic online groups

While thriving online communities can enrich members’ lives, unhealthy groups can have negative effects like:

  • Toxic culture
  • Misinformation and conspiracy theories
  • Harassment and hate speech
  • Extreme viewpoints
  • Predatory behavior
  • Enabling addictions or unhealthy behavior

It’s important to identify red flags like lack of moderation, mean-spirited interactions and questionable content. Leave groups at the first sign of trouble to protect your mental health and privacy.

Moderation challenges for large Facebook groups

With great size comes great moderation challenges. For Facebook groups scaling to millions of members, keeping conversations productive and enforcing guidelines gets increasingly difficult. Issues that arise include:

  • Overwhelmed administrators – Too few admins relative to members.
  • Off-topic posts – Conversations veer away from the group’s purpose.
  • Hateful comments – Harassment and negativity can proliferate.
  • Misinformation – False or misleading claims spread readily.
  • Rule violations – Hard to catch all infractions with massive member volume.

Administrators have to be very strategic in how they monitor, moderate and engage with members to maintain a healthy culture as groups grow huge.

Group Size Moderation Challenges
1,000 members Managing off-topic posts
100,000 members Handling harassment issues
1,000,000 members Limiting misinformation
10,000,000+ members Too few admins relative to members

This table illustrates how the moderation challenges groups face tend to change and escalate as the number of members increases into the millions.

Best practices for moderating massive member groups

Here are some effective strategies group administrators can use to maintain high-quality communities once membership grows very large:

  • Have clear, precise group rules
  • Increase admin staff gradually as needed
  • Rely on group rules enforcement tools
  • Designate moderation zones for admins
  • Proactively monitor for problems
  • Solicit member feedback regularly
  • Respond patiently and respectfully
  • Create junior mod roles for reliable members
  • Slow group growth if issues become overwhelming

Quality trumps quantity when it comes to online groups. Savvy administrators take proactive steps to foster healthy dynamics as their communities grow.

The future of massive online groups

As more activities and interactions happen online, we will continue seeing the emergence of huge online communities. This presents some intriguing possibilities:

  • Micro-local groups – Neighborhood or cities with thousands of engaged members.
  • More closed niche groups – For example, yarn crafting enthusiasts in Australia.
  • Private mega-groups – Could require admission criteria and fees.
  • Multi-layer moderation – Sophisticated oversight approaches for large groups.
  • Self-governing groups – Members play an active role in shaping rules and norms.
  • Proliferation of mini-groups – Large umbrellas with many smaller components.
  • Monetization models – Group activities like classes or conferences that involve fees.

Online groups are likely to become more numerous, more niche and more intricately structured. The communities we build digitally will continue shaping our collective life in profound ways for the foreseeable future.


English Learning stands unrivaled as the biggest Facebook group due to its 100+ million strong membership. While other large communities around gardening, cooking and fitness have millions of engaged members, none approach English Learning in scale.

The massive size of these groups demonstrates people’s desire to connect online around interests and passions. When cultivated properly, large online communities provide valuable enrichment and relationships. But unhealthy dynamics can take root if not carefully moderated.

As online groups grow huge, those at the helm must become more deliberative to maintain productive, positive communities. With conscientious leadership and engaged membership, thriving mega-groups can flourish on Facebook and beyond.