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Which Facebook Ads are most successful?

Which Facebook Ads are most successful?

Facebook advertising has become an essential marketing channel for businesses of all sizes. With over 2 billion monthly active users, Facebook provides an unparalleled opportunity to reach a massive audience. However, with so many options and factors to consider, determining which ads perform best can be a challenge.

In this article, we will examine the key components that make up effective Facebook ads. We will look at ad copy, imagery, targeting options, and more. We will also highlight some of the most successful ad types businesses are running on Facebook today. Whether you are new to Facebook ads or an experienced advertiser, this guide will provide valuable insights into creating campaigns that deliver results.

Factors that Influence Facebook Ad Success

Many elements go into creating Facebook ads that convert and meet marketing objectives. Here are some of the key factors that impact Facebook ad performance:

Ad Objectives

The first step in running effective Facebook ads is defining your campaign goals and choosing the right objective. Facebook offers 11 different ad objectives to match various marketing needs:

Ad Objective Definition
Brand Awareness Increase awareness about your brand, products or services
Reach Show your ads to the maximum number of people in your target audience
Traffic Drive clicks to your website, app or Messenger
Engagement Get more shares, comments and reactions on your posts
App Installs Get more people to install and engage with your app
Lead Generation Collect lead information from people interested in your business
Messages Increase engagement in Messenger conversations
Conversions Drive actions that have real value to your business
Catalog Sales Promote product catalog items people can purchase
Store Visits Increase visits to your brick-and-mortar stores
Video Views Get more people to watch your videos for at least 3 seconds

Matching your campaign goals with the right objectives signals to Facebook the desired outcome for optimizing your ads. Objectives focused on driving sales and leads typically produce the highest value.


One of the main benefits of Facebook advertising is the ability to zero in on your target customer with detailed targeting options. You can target users based on:

– Demographics like age, gender, income, education level, relationship status
– Location at the country, state, city, or zip code level
– Interests and behaviors like interests, purchase behaviors, and intent
– Connections such as lookalike audiences, custom audiences and website visitors

Narrowing your focus to your ideal audience improves relevance and helps drive more conversions. Testing different targeting approaches is key to optimize who you reach.

Ad Creative

Your ad creative includes all the elements that make up your ad, principally the images/videos, headline, body text and call-to-action. Optimizing these components based on testing and insights into high-performing ads is crucial for success. Some best practices include:

– Dynamic creative with multiple variations
– Emotional, informative and concise copy
– Clear, relevant call-to-actions
– High-quality, eye-catching images/video

The content of your ads provide the first impression to capture attention and convey what you offer. Ad testing and optimization should be ongoing to improve creative.

Landing Page Experience

Where your Facebook ad leads the user after they click is extremely influential in whether they take your desired action. Ads should direct users to a relevant, seamless post-click landing page/site experience. Key landing page best practices:

– Match the ad messaging and offer
– Easy navigation
– Prominently display the call-to-action
– Convert mobile users
– Limit steps to conversion

If users land on a page irrelevant to the ad or encounter friction, they will bounce and your campaign results will suffer.

Bidding and Budget

How you set your bid strategy and overall budget impacts the optimization of your ads and number of people reached. When launching a campaign, start with automatic bidding and adjust as you gather performance data. Monitor costs per result closely to achieve an optimal return on ad spend. Set budgets high enough to fuel campaign reach and optimization.

Continually optimizing based on results helps improve conversions and lower cost per result over time. Testing different bid amounts and budgets is recommended.


To determine what works and what doesn’t, it’s crucial to actively measure Facebook campaign performance and results. Look beyond vanity metrics like impressions and reach to evaluate success based on conversions and cost per result. Define clear goals and benchmark metrics before launching campaigns.

Dig into Facebook Analytics to identify high-performing creative, audiences, placements, and more to help guide optimization. Proper tracking and measurement will prove invaluable in maximizing your ad ROI.

Most Successful Facebook Ad Types

Now that we’ve covered key factors influencing Facebook ad success, let’s look at some of the most effective ad formats and types brands are leveraging on Facebook today:

Single Image/Video Ads

The standard image and video ad units continue to be a staple of successful Facebook ad strategies. They provide an opportunity to catch attention with eye-catching visuals and deliver a compelling brand message. Images and videos optimized for mobile in square and vertical formats tend to perform best. This ad type is ideal for objectives like reach, traffic, engagement, and conversions.

Carousel Ads

Carousel ads allow advertisers to showcase multiple images/videos and swipeable cards within a single ad unit. Carousels help tell a more immersive, narrative story about products or services. The format delivers up to 10x more stops compared to single image ads, driving increased engagement and conversions. Especially effective for ecommerce, lead gen, and video views campaigns.

Collection Ads

Collection ads enable showcasing an entire product catalog, promoting special sales, or grouping complementary products in one ad. Allowing users to scroll through available items helps capture attention and provides a gallery browsing experience leading to more engagement and purchases. Useful for catalog sales objectives and ecommerce brands.

Lead Ads

Lead ads place a lead form directly within the Facebook ad experience allowing users to submit contact information without leaving Facebook. Reducing friction with an in-ad lead form leads to higher conversion rates vs. taking users to an external landing page. Especially powerful for campaigns with lead gen objectives.

Instant Experience Ads

These customizable ads feature interactive components like shoppable product catalogs, games, and more within the ad without directing users away from Facebook. Creating unique in-ad experiences provides engagement, helps brands differentiate, and leads to stronger conversion rates.

Dynamic Ads

Dynamic ads automatically show users highly-targeted and personalized content in real-time based on signals like demographics, behaviors, actions on a brand’s website, and more. Their adaptable nature delivers custom-tailored messaging driving better relevance and performance. Work well across objectives for ecommerce brands.

Augmented Reality Ads

Augmented Reality (AR) ads allow people to interact with brands through AR experiences like trying on makeup or accessories. These visually immersive formats boost engagement. According to Facebook, AR ads lift sales as much as 94%. Aligns with objectives like catalog sales, engagement and lead generation.

Messenger Ads

Messenger ads help advertisers increase awareness of their presence on Facebook Messenger to boost engagement. Users can click an ad to start a conversation with a brand’s chatbot or human representative. Messenger ads work for objectives like engagement, messages, and conversions.

Click-to-Messenger Ads

These ads drive Messenger subscribers by featuring a Call-to-Action button to connect directly with a brand via Messenger. The ads provide a fast-track to starting a conversation leading to higher opt-in rates. Boosts objectives like messages, engagement, and conversions.


Playable ads allow users to sample aspects of mobile games within the ad itself versus directing them elsewhere. The interactive experience gives a first-hand preview that helps convince users to fully engage with the game and drive installs. Aligns with app install objectives.

Brand Lift Ads

Designed to measure how ads increase brand awareness and perception, these video ads prompt users with survey questions after viewing. The first-party data gathered about ad effectiveness helps determine strengths and weaknesses to improve campaigns. Useful for brand awareness objectives.


Determining your campaign goals, carefully targeting your audiences, optimizing your ad creative and landing pages, effectively managing your bids and budgets, and comprehensively measuring your results are all key ingredients for cooking up successful Facebook ad campaigns.

Taking the time to test different ad formats provides insight into what resonates most with your target users and which ad types drive the strongest results based on your objectives. Continually monitor the data to double down on what works and eliminate what doesn’t. With these Facebook advertising best practices, your brand is well-positioned for success.