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Which category should I choose on Facebook?

Which category should I choose on Facebook?

When posting content on Facebook, choosing the right category can help ensure your posts reach the right audience. With so many options to choose from, it can be tricky to select the best category for your content.

Here are some quick answers to common questions around choosing Facebook post categories:

What are the category options on Facebook?

Facebook allows users to tag their posts with categories when publishing content. This helps Facebook understand the type of content you are sharing and shows it to users who may be interested.

The main category options on Facebook include:

  • Feeling/activity
  • Movies
  • Music
  • TV shows
  • Books
  • Apps and games
  • Sports
  • Check-ins

You can also choose more specific sub-categories under each of these main options. For example, under “Feeling/Activity” you could choose “Drinking coffee” or “Traveling.”

Why should I choose a category for my Facebook posts?

Selecting a category for your Facebook posts has a few key benefits:

  • Helps target your content to the right people. Choosing a relevant category means your post is more likely to be seen by those interested in that topic.
  • Aids discovery of your content. People can search and browse posts by category, making it easier to find your content.
  • Provides context for your post. Giving Facebook information on the type of content helps it understand your post better.
  • Creates opportunities for engagement. Categorized content enables people to more easily connect with others interested in the same topics.

Overall, properly categorizing your posts helps get them in front of the audiences that are most likely to appreciate and interact with them.

How do I choose the right category?

Here are some tips for selecting the best category for your Facebook posts:

  • Review category options. Familiarize yourself with the different categories Facebook provides so you understand your choices.
  • Consider post intent. Think about the purpose of your post and what you want to achieve from it.
  • Match to post content. Pick a category that aligns with the actual information, product, or service mentioned in your post.
  • Target your audience. Choose categories that will resonate with your ideal customer or audience.
  • Use specific categories. Opt for more niche sub-categories when available to better target interested users.
  • Categorize consistently. Use the same categories for related content to maximize reach and engagement.

Properly categorizing your content takes some trial and error. Pay attention to engagement on differently categorized posts to see what works best for your audience.

What are the most popular Facebook categories?

While any category can gain traction if targeted well, some tend to be more universally popular on Facebook. Some of the consistently well-performing categories include:

Category Why It’s Popular
Feeling/Activity Allows expression of timely feelings and activities. Highly relatable.
Movies Capitalizes on pop culture fandoms and buzz.
Music Taps into music passions and builds artist communities.
Sports Fosters connections through shared team/sport affiliations.
Check-ins Enables interaction with people visiting the same places.

These broad categories appeal to nearly everyone. More specific niches also see high engagement among passionate enthusiasts.

Should I use multiple categories for one post?

Facebook allows you to choose more than one category when posting, but doing so too liberally can dilute your targeting. Here are some tips on multi-categorization:

  • Use just one or two categories per post in most cases. Too many will scatter your targeting.
  • Only choose a secondary category if highly relevant to the post content.
  • Pair broader categories like “Feeling/Activity” or “Sports” with more niche sub-categories.
  • Test engagement on posts with single vs. multiple categories and optimize based on what works.
  • Consider foregoing a category if your content doesn’t fit well or spans too many interests.

Choose secondary categories sparingly and make sure they still target your core audience. Limiting yourself to one or two categories per post is often best.

What are some best practices for choosing categories?

Follow these best practices when deciding which categories to use for your Facebook posts:

  • Category first, then write your post. Decide on your content angle and target audience upfront.
  • Be consistent across recurring posts. Use the same categories for your regular content series.
  • Keep your audience in mind. Will your category resonate with your target users?
  • Use data to optimize. Analyze engagement metrics to determine optimal categories.
  • Evolve categories over time. Adjust your mix as interests change.
  • Don’t keyword stuff categories. Only choose directly relevant options.
  • Test new categories periodically. Keep innovating to discover untapped audiences.

With the right approach, post categories can become a strategic asset for honing your Facebook targeting and reach.

What are some category mistakes to avoid?

While categories can elevate your content if used well, they can also limit your reach if chosen poorly. Steer clear of these common Facebook category mistakes:

  • Choosing too many categories for one post. This dilutes targeting.
  • Selecting unrelated categories that have nothing to do with the actual content.
  • Failing to use categories at all. You miss out on added visibility.
  • Using the same categories repeatedly without testing new options.
  • Not monitoring performance data by category to optimize choices.
  • Forcing a category that doesn’t actually reflect the post content and intent.
  • Keyword stuffing categories that aren’t relevant just to gain exposure.

Avoid these pitfalls by carefully selecting one or two directly relevant categories per post that align with your goals.


Categories provide a simple yet powerful way to target your Facebook content more precisely. Take the time to understand your options, choose categories deliberately based on your goals and audience, analyze performance data to optimize, and evolve your mix over time.

With the right category strategy, you can cut through Facebook’s noise and gain much more visibility and engagement on your posts. Just be sure to avoid common category mistakes like over-tagging or forcing irrelevant options.

Start experimenting with Facebook post categories today to take your targeting to the next level!