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Where is video and photo settings on Facebook?

Where is video and photo settings on Facebook?

Facebook is one of the most popular social media platforms, with billions of users worldwide. On Facebook, users can upload photos and videos to share with friends, family, and their wider network. With so many photos and videos being uploaded, Facebook provides various settings to control how your photos and videos are displayed.

Accessing Video and Photo Settings

The video and photo settings on Facebook allow you to manage things like who can see and share your posts, tag review, and more. Here is how to access the video and photo settings on both desktop and mobile:

On Desktop

  1. Go to and log into your account
  2. Click on the down arrow in the top right corner
  3. Select “Settings & Privacy” from the dropdown menu
  4. Click on “Settings” in the left sidebar
  5. Click on “Videos and Photos”

On Mobile

  1. Open the Facebook app on your iOS or Android device
  2. Tap on the three horizontal lines in the bottom right corner to open the menu
  3. Scroll down and tap on “Settings & Privacy”
  4. Tap on “Settings”
  5. Tap on “Videos and Photos”

Video Settings

Under the video settings, you can control things like who can see and share your videos, tag review, and more. Here are the key video settings you can customize:

Who Can See Your Videos

This setting allows you to choose who can view the videos you share on Facebook. The options include:

  • Public: Anyone on or off Facebook
  • Friends: Your friends on Facebook
  • Friends except acquaintances: Your friends except acquaintances you may not know well
  • Only Me

Allow Friends to Share Your Videos

This setting allows your Facebook friends to share the videos you post. You can turn this on or off.

Tag Review for Videos

This setting gives you the option to review tags people add before they appear on your videos. You can choose:

  • On: You will review all tags before they appear
  • Off: Tags will appear without review

Notify Me When I’m Tagged in a Video

This setting allows you to get notifications when someone tags you in their video. You can turn notifications on or off.

Photo Settings

The photo settings section allows you to control things like who can see your photos, tag review, and more. Here are the key photo settings:

Who Can See Your Photos

Just like with videos, this setting allows you to choose who can view your photos on Facebook. The options include:

  • Public
  • Friends
  • Friends except acquaintances
  • Only me
  • Custom: Specific friends, friend lists, or only me

Allow Friends to Share Your Photos

You can allow or prevent your Facebook friends from sharing photos you post. Turn this on or off as desired.

Facebook Reviews Tags Before Appearing on Photos

This tag review setting is similar to the video one. You can choose:

  • On: You review tags before they appear
  • Off: Tags appear without review

Notify Me When I’m Tagged in a Photo

Get notifications when someone tags you in their photo. You can enable or disable notifications here.

Location Settings

The location settings allow you to control whether your location is attached to videos and photos you share. Here are the options:

Location in Videos

  • On: Include location when sharing videos
  • Off: Don’t include location with videos

Location in Photos

  • On: Include location when sharing photos
  • Off: Don’t include location with photos

Facial Recognition Setting

Facebook uses facial recognition technology to help identify people in the videos and photos you share. Here you can turn facial recognition on or off for:

  • Videos
  • Photos

Turning facial recognition off prevents Facebook from using this technology on your content.


Those are the key settings to control your videos and photos on Facebook. To summarize:

  • Access settings under “Settings & Privacy” then “Settings”
  • Control video visibility, sharing, tags, and notifications
  • Control photo visibility, sharing, tags, and notifications
  • Manage location sharing for videos and photos
  • Turn facial recognition on or off

Adjusting these settings to your preferences allows you to manage your videos and photos as desired. Restrict visibility, disable sharing, review tags, limit notifications, and improve your privacy.

Hopefully this guide gave you a good overview of where to find and how to use the video and photo settings on Facebook, both on desktop and mobile. With billions of users, Facebook makes it important to understand how your profile content works.

Here are some additional tips for managing videos and photos on Facebook:

Be Selective in What You Share

Carefully choose the videos and photos you share. Something posted publicly online is difficult to retract. Avoid oversharing personal or embarrassing content.

Use Caution with Tagging

Tagging people in photos allows anyone to see the video or photo. Be thoughtful about who you tag and respect their privacy.

Limit Old Posts

Don’t let old photos or videos show up on your profile forever. You can limit the audience of old content or delete them entirely.

Ignore Push Notifications

Constant notifications when tagged or mentioned can be disruptive. Disable notifications you don’t need.

Monitor Comments

Keep an eye on comments on your posted videos and photos. Delete offensive or inappropriate comments.

Report Abuse

If someone is misusing your photos or videos, report them immediately. Facebook provides tools for addressing abuse.

Sharing videos and photos is a big part of the Facebook experience. By taking the time to customize and control your settings, you can better manage your profile and online presence on the platform.