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Where is upload video on Facebook?

Where is upload video on Facebook?

Uploading videos on Facebook is a great way to share memories, promote your business, or just have fun connecting with friends. But if you’re new to Facebook, you may be wondering where exactly to find the video upload option.

How to Upload Videos on Facebook

The good news is uploading videos on Facebook is easy once you know where to look. There are a few different places you can upload videos depending on if you are posting from a computer, iOS device, or Android device. Here are step-by-step instructions for each option:

Uploading Videos from a Computer

If you are uploading a video from a desktop or laptop computer, here is how to do it:

  1. Go to and log into your account.
  2. Click on the “Photo/Video” button at the top of your news feed.
  3. Click on the option for “Upload Photo/Video.”
  4. Select the video file you want to upload from your computer.
  5. Edit the video if desired by trimming, tagging people, selecting a cover frame, etc.
  6. Write a caption for your video.
  7. Click “Post” to share the video to your timeline or “Share” to post it to a friend’s timeline.

The video upload button looks like a mountain landscape icon and is located right next to the button for uploading photos. Once you click it, you’ll be able to select a video file from your computer to upload.

Uploading Videos from iOS Devices

If you want to upload a video that’s saved on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch, here are the steps:

  1. Open the Facebook app on your iOS device.
  2. Tap the status update box at the top where you normally write posts.
  3. Tap “Photo/Video” above the keyboard.
  4. Select a video to upload from your camera roll.
  5. You can trim the video, tag people, change the cover frame, and add filters.
  6. Enter a caption.
  7. Tap “Post” to share the video to your timeline.

The Facebook app for iOS makes uploading videos quick and easy. Just tap the camera icon from the status box and select a video to share.

Uploading Videos from Android Devices

If you are posting videos from an Android phone or tablet, here is how to upload them to Facebook:

  1. Open the Facebook app on your Android device.
  2. Tap on “Photo/Video” at the top.
  3. Select “Upload Photo/Video.”
  4. Choose a video to upload from your device’s storage or camera roll.
  5. Edit the video using trimming, filters, tagging people, etc.
  6. Enter a caption for the video post.
  7. Tap “Post” to share the video to your timeline.

Similar to the iOS app, the Android Facebook app makes uploading videos intuitive. Just access the photo/video uploader and select the video you want to share.

Where to Find Your Uploaded Videos

Once you’ve uploaded a video, where can you find it again? Your uploaded videos will be available in a few places:

  • On your timeline – Videos you post to your timeline will appear in your timeline video album.
  • On your profile – Your uploaded videos will show up on your public-facing profile page.
  • Video tab – There is a dedicated video tab on your profile that shows all your uploaded videos.
  • Activity Log – Your video posts appear in your activity log, which you can access at the top right of Facebook.

You can also search for specific videos using the search bar, or view videos you’re tagged in on your profile. The videos you upload on Facebook are preserved and easy to find again later.

Managing Your Uploaded Videos

Once videos are uploaded to Facebook, you do have some options for managing them:

  • Editing the video – You can return to an uploaded video and edit the caption, tags, cover image, etc.
  • Changing privacy – Videos can be made public, visible to friends only, or even private.
  • Removing the video – Don’t like a video you posted? You can take it down from your profile.
  • Adjusting commenting – Turn commenting on or off for video posts.
  • Seeing analytics – View statistics on views and engagement for your video uploads.

To manage your uploaded videos:

  1. Go to the specific video post on your timeline.
  2. Click on the three dots in the upper right corner.
  3. Select “Edit Video” or “Edit Post” to make changes.

Or go to your profile, click “Videos”, select a video, and use the option menu to manage it.

Video Upload Requirements and Limits

Facebook does have some maximums when it comes to video uploads:

  • Maximum file size: Up to 4GB
  • Maximum length: 120 minutes for videos under 720p, 240 minutes for HD videos
  • Aspect ratios: Horizontal (16:9 widescreen) videos work best
  • Supported formats: MP4 or MOV files are recommended

Higher resolution and larger videos will take longer to upload, so keep file sizes reasonable for your internet connection speed.

Facebook compresses and processes videos after you upload them. This can take time depending on the video length and quality. Videos may take several minutes or longer to finish processing after they are uploaded.

Tips for Uploading Videos

Follow these tips when uploading videos to Facebook:

  • Keep videos short and engaging – Videos less than 3 minutes get the most reach and attention.
  • Upload the highest quality version possible – This gives Facebook more to work with.
  • Trim videos if needed – Cut out dull sections and get right to the action.
  • Add captions – Captions help people understand your videos when watched without sound.
  • Customize the cover image – Choose an eye-catching frame to represent your video.

Optimizing your video uploads gives you the best chance of creating viral, engaging video content on Facebook.

Troubleshooting Facebook Video Uploads

If you are having trouble uploading videos on Facebook, here are some things to try:

  • Compress large files – Use a video compressor to reduce file size.
  • Convert format – Change MOV files to MP4, which Facebook recommends.
  • Lower resolution – For very large uploads, reduce video resolution.
  • Update app – Make sure you have the latest Facebook app version.
  • Check internet connection – Use a strong WiFi or cellular connection.
  • Retry uploading – Sometimes it just doesn’t work the first time.

Following Facebook’s guidelines for video formats, sizes, and aspect ratios can help avoid issues. If problems persist, converting to a different video format or resolution may help.


Uploading videos is easy on Facebook once you know where to post them. From desktop, use the upload photo/video button on the status updater. From mobile, use the photo/video option in the Facebook app. Videos appear on your profile, timeline, and activity log for future viewing and management.

By following best practices for video length, quality, captions, and other optimizations, you can make sure your Facebook video uploads are engaging and successful. Share fun videos, how-tos, events, and more to bring your Facebook page to life.

Platform How to Upload Video
Desktop Click the photo/video button and select a video file to upload
iOS App Tap the camera button and choose a video from your camera roll
Android App Tap the photo/video option and select a video to upload

Summary of Key Points:

  • Click the mountain icon to upload videos from Facebook desktop
  • Use the camera button in the mobile apps to find the video uploader
  • Videos appear on your profile, timeline, and in your activity log
  • Keep videos short, high-quality, and optimized for best results
  • Troubleshoot issues by compressing videos and converting formats

Uploading video enables you to share engaging, dynamic content on Facebook. Now that you know where to find the video tools, you can start posting great videos and entertaining your audience!