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Where is the welcome post in Facebook group?

Where is the welcome post in Facebook group?

The welcome post in a Facebook group is an important post that greets new members when they first join the group. This post usually contains important information about the purpose of the group, rules and guidelines, and how to get started participating. Locating the welcome post can sometimes be tricky for new members, but it’s an important thing to read through when joining any new Facebook group.

Checking the Announcements Section

The first place to look for the welcome post in a Facebook group is in the “Announcements” section. This is located along the left sidebar of the group page. Admins and moderators often pin important posts like the welcome message here so they remain at the top of the group feed.

To view announcements on desktop:

  • Go to the group’s main page
  • Look for the box on the left sidebar that says “Announcements”
  • Click on this box and it will open the announcement posts
  • Scroll through to see if one is titled as a welcome message

On mobile:

  • Go to the group page
  • Tap the three horizontal lines “hamburger” icon in the top right corner
  • Choose “Announcements” from the menu
  • Review the posts for a welcome message

Many groups will pin the welcome post here so it stays atop all other announcements. Check this section first when looking for the welcome message.

Searching the Group

If you don’t see a welcome post pinned in the announcements section, the next step is to search the group for one. It may have been posted in the regular feed instead.

To search on desktop:

  • Go to the group page
  • Click on the “Search” box at the top
  • Type in keywords like “welcome” or “introduction”
  • Review the results for a post titled as a welcome message

On mobile:

  • Go to the group page
  • Tap the three horizontal lines “hamburger” icon in the top right corner
  • Choose “Search” from the menu
  • Enter keywords like “welcome” or “introduction”
  • Look through the results for the welcome post

Make sure to look through the most recent search results, as the welcome post may not have many comments or reactions to appear higher in results.

Asking the Admins

If you’ve searched thoroughly and still can’t locate the welcome post, the next step is to ask the group admins directly. They will certainly know where it is located or be able to easily repost it if it wasn’t pinned.

To inquire about the welcome post:

  • Go to the group page
  • Look for a list of the admin profiles under the banner photo or description
  • Send a private message to one or all of the admin accounts asking where to find the welcome post
  • Alternatively, you can post a question in the group itself asking where it is

The admins should get back to you quickly with a link to the post or they may add it again if it was deleted. Don’t hesitate to ask them directly if you’re still not seeing the important welcome message.

Looking for Pinned Links

In addition to a full welcome post, some groups will pin important links rather than an entire message. Check along the top of the group feed to see if they’ve pinned any resources specifically for new members.

On desktop:

  • Go to the group page
  • Look for any pinned post links near the top of the feed
  • See if any mention helping new members or contain a welcome message

On mobile:

  • Go to the group page
  • Tap the three horizontal lines “hamburger” icon in the top right corner
  • See if any pinned links seem relevant for new members

While not a full post, these links could lead you to a welcome message with introduction information or rules for the group.

Checking the Files Section

In addition to pinning a post or links, some groups upload their welcome message as a file attachment. This keeps the feed less cluttered while still making it accessible.

To find files on desktop:

  • Go to the group page
  • Check the left sidebar for the “Files” tab
  • Open the “Files” section and look for relevant titles
  • There may be a “Welcome” file or “Introduction” file for new members

On mobile:

  • Go to the group page
  • Tap the three horizontal lines “hamburger” icon in the top right corner
  • Choose “Files”
  • Browse for a welcome or introduction file

Scanning the files section can turn up the welcome message if the admins have uploaded it as a document, PDF, or other file format.

Looking at the Group Description

In some cases, groups will forego a dedicated welcome post and just include a brief welcome in the group description. This isn’t as informative as a full message, but does provide the basics.

To view the description:

  • Go to the group page
  • Check the box immediately below the cover photo/banner image
  • Read the description for any welcome info like rules and guidelines

While not ideal, some groups condense the welcome down to a few quick sentences in the description box to save from cluttering the feed. Check here if you’ve exhausted all other options.


Locating the welcome post helps you get started on the right foot when joining a new Facebook group. Check the announcements, search the group, ask admins, look for pinned links, scan the files section, and read the description to track it down. With this comprehensive approach, you’ll be able to find and review the important welcome message so you can successfully join any Facebook group community.