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Where is the Facebook search button?

Where is the Facebook search button?

Finding the search button on Facebook can sometimes be tricky, especially if you’re new to the platform. The search bar allows you to search for people, pages, groups, events and more on Facebook. Knowing where to find it can make navigating Facebook much easier.

The Search Bar on Desktop

On the desktop version of Facebook, the search bar is located at the top of the page. It will be on the left side, to the right of the Facebook logo. The search bar is a rectangular white box that says “Search Facebook” inside of it in gray text. Here are the steps to find the search bar on desktop:

  1. Go to and log into your account
  2. Look at the top left of your screen, to the right of the blue Facebook logo
  3. You’ll see a rectangular white search box that says “Search Facebook”

This is the main search bar that you can use to find anything or anyone on Facebook. Simply click inside the search box, type in what you want to search for, and hit enter or click the magnifying glass icon to run the search.

The Search Bar on Mobile

The Facebook app for iOS and Android also has a search bar, though it may be located in a slightly different spot than on desktop. Here is how to find the search bar on mobile:

  1. Open the Facebook app on your iPhone, iPad or Android device
  2. Tap on the magnifying glass icon at the very top of the screen, on the far right

Tapping the magnifying glass icon will open up the Facebook search box, where you can search for people, pages, groups and more. If you want an even quicker way to access search, you can also pull down anywhere on the Facebook app home screen to make the search bar appear at the top.

How to Use Facebook Search

Once you’ve located the Facebook search bar, using it is very straightforward. Here are some tips:

  • Type in a name to search for people – you can search for friends, family, celebrities, or anyone on Facebook
  • Search for pages by typing in a brand name, company, website, or organization
  • Find Facebook groups by searching for relevant keywords to your interests or hobbies
  • Search for locations like cities, restaurants, bars, landmarks or addresses
  • Use keywords to find posts and photos about a certain event or topic

As you type in the search bar, Facebook will show you suggested results and top hits. You can click on any of the suggestions or hit enter/click the magnifying glass to run the full search. Make sure to check the “Posts”, “People”, “Photos”, etc tabs at the top of the search results to filter between different types of content.

Advanced Search Tips

Facebook’s search isn’t limited to just searching for names and keywords. Here are some advanced search tips and tricks:

  • Put phrases in quotes to search for precise matches (“fall festival”)
  • Exclude a word using a minus sign (-apple)
  • Search within a specific friend’s timeline (friend’s name posts:birthday)
  • Find posts from a specific date range (pumpkin spice before:01/01/2021 after:01/01/2020)

Spending some time experimenting with different operators and advanced queries will help you master the Facebook search function. This can be extremely helpful for finding specific posts, photos and information.

Troubleshooting Facebook Search Issues

Sometimes Facebook search can behave strangely or not return the results you expect. Here are some common search issues and fixes:

No Results Found

If your search returned no results, try the following:

  • Make sure you spelled the name or keyword correctly
  • Try more general keywords if your initial search term was too narrow
  • Browse for the person or page directly rather than searching for it
  • Double check your privacy settings and make sure you can view the content

Irrelevant Results

Seeing irrelevant results? Try these troubleshooting tips:

  • Use quotes around search phrases to remove ambiguity
  • Add additional keywords to narrow your search
  • Make sure your search term isn’t too broad
  • Filter the content type using the tabs at the top of the results

Can’t Find Recent Posts

If you’re struggling to find recent posts, it may be because:

  • The posts have privacy settings limiting visibility
  • The posts are from new connections and are ranked lower
  • Facebook’s algorithm is prioritizing other posts in your feed
  • Sort by recency rather than relevance using the dropdown menu

Troubleshooting your search queries takes some trial and error. But once you get the hang of the types of keywords, filters and operators that work best, you can easily find what you’re looking for on Facebook.

Searching Facebook on Desktop vs Mobile

Facebook’s search function works very similarly on both desktop and mobile, with just some minor differences:

Search on Desktop Search on Mobile
The search bar is always visible at the top of the screen You may need to tap the magnifying glass icon to open search
Supports very advanced search operators Advanced operators more limited on mobile app
Larger search box and keyboard Smaller search box and mobile keyboard
Results open in a new tab Results open directly within the app

The main functionality is the same, but the smaller screen size may make searching a little more difficult on mobile. If you’re doing really in-depth searching, it’s often easier on a desktop.

Search Bar History and Privacy

When you use the Facebook search bar, it will store your recent search queries and recommended results. This can save you time, but some users may find it intrusive or concerning for privacy reasons. Here are some things to know about Facebook search history:

  • Facebook stores recent searches locally on your device to provide faster recommendations
  • These are visible by tapping on a search term that says “See all”
  • You can clear your search history in Facebook’s settings
  • Facebook also logs searches on their servers, even if you clear your device history
  • They use search data to customize recommendations and ads

If you’re uncomfortable with Facebook collecting your search history, consider using privacy-focused search engines or browsers. You can also limit search history collection in the Facebook app settings. But for most casual users, search history simply provides a more streamlined experience.


Finding and using the Facebook search function is crucial for getting the most out of the platform. Now that you know where to find the search bar on desktop and mobile, you can easily search for people, pages, groups, events, photos and more. Use advanced operators to fine-tune your query. If you run into issues with search results, try troubleshooting your keywords and settings. The search history can be cleared for privacy reasons if desired. With the power of search, you can fully utilize Facebook to connect with friends old and new!