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Where is the Facebook page I created?

Where is the Facebook page I created?

If you created a Facebook page and now can’t find it, don’t panic! There are a few places you can look to track down your missing page.

Check your personal profile

The first place to check is your personal Facebook profile. If you created a page as yourself (and not representing a business or organization), it may be listed under the Pages section of your profile:

  1. Go to your profile
  2. Click “Pages” on the left side of your profile
  3. Look for the name of the page you created

If you see it listed there, you can simply click on the page name to access and edit the page.

Search for the page

If you don’t see the page listed on your profile, try searching for it using Facebook’s search bar at the top of the screen:

  1. Click in the search bar at the top of Facebook
  2. Type in the name of the page or any keywords from the page
  3. Hit enter to search

This will display results for pages, people, groups, and more. Look through the Page results to see if your missing page appears there.

Check page notifications and messages

Another place to find your page is by going through any notifications or messages related to that page:

  1. Click on the Notification icon at the top right of Facebook
  2. Go through the list to see if any are about your missing page – this could be page notifications, messages, comments, etc.
  3. If you find any related to your page, click on them and it will take you to the page

Look at your page admin list

If someone else helps manage your page, you can find it through the list of admins and editors:

  1. Go to any page you currently admin
  2. Click “Settings” at the top of the left sidebar
  3. Click “Page Roles” on the left sidebar
  4. Look through the list of editors and admins for your missing page

If you see it there, you can click the name of the page to access it.

Check your page manager

The Facebook Page Manager allows you to see all the pages you admin in one place:

  1. Go to the Page Manager at
  2. Look through the list of pages

If your missing page is one you admin, it should be listed here. Click on it to open and edit the page.

Search page transparency details

Facebook offers transparency tools to show who owns and manages pages. You can leverage these tools to find your page:

  1. Go to the Facebook Page Transparency center at
  2. Enter your name in the search bar
  3. Click “Search”

This will show all pages you are an admin of. See if your missing page appears in the list.

Check your page creations ads

If you created the page by running a page creation ad campaign, you may find records of the page in Ads Manager:

  1. Go to Ads Manager
  2. Click the drop down arrow next to “Campaigns”
  3. Select “Page Creates”

This will show your page creation campaigns. Look through for the one where you may have created the missing page. Click into the campaign details to see the specific pages created.

Contact page support

If you still can’t locate your missing Facebook page through any of these methods, you can contact Facebook support for further help:

  • Go to the Facebook Help Center at
  • Click “Contact Us” in the upper right
  • Select “Pages” as the topic you need help with
  • Choose “Page Not Found” as the specific issue
  • Explain your situation and previous attempts to find the page
  • Include any details like page name, URLs, IDs, or usernames of other page admins

The Facebook support team can then investigate further to hopefully track down your missing page.


Finding a lost Facebook page you created can be frustrating, but in most cases it can be recovered through one of these methods. Checking your personal profile, page manager, and page transparency details are usually the quickest ways to uncover a missing page.

With billions of Facebook pages in existence, it’s understandable for one to slip through the cracks temporarily. But thankfully Facebook provides enough tools and access to support that you can likely get your page back with a little searching.

The key is not to panic, and methodically retrace your steps. Go through each of the locations outlined above until your page surfaces. In rare cases where a page can’t be found, Facebook support can dig deeper based on the info you provide them.

While you hopefully won’t lose track of your precious pages too often, at least now you know how to find a Facebook page when needed. Keep these tips bookmarked so you can easily reference the next time a page goes missing!

Frequently Asked Questions

Can someone else take over my Facebook page if I can’t find it?

It is unlikely someone could fully take over your page if they don’t have admin access. However, if you created the page under your personal profile, someone may be able to change the name or admin roles if they hack your account. This underscores the importance of finding a lost page quickly before major changes occur.

What if I deleted the page – can I recover it?

If you intentionally deleted your Facebook page, it can still be recovered in most cases:

  • Deleted pages go into an inactive state for 30 days, giving you a window to reactivate
  • Go to page support and select “Accidentally deleted page” to have Facebook investigate
  • If beyond 30 days, the content may be gone but you can recreate the page with the same name/URL

How do I find a page I didn’t create but want to follow?

To find a Facebook page you don’t own but want to follow:

  • Use Facebook Search to look for page name, username, or keywords
  • Try browsing your News Feed and notifications for recent posts from the page
  • Check if you interacted with the page previously by going to Reactions under your profile
  • Ask friends if they follow or interacted with the page recently
  • Search public page lists and directories like Best of Facebook Pages

What’s the best way to make sure I don’t lose a page again?

To prevent losing track of your Facebook pages:

  • List each page clearly on your personal profile with its own custom URL
  • Bookmark the page manager so all your pages are in one place
  • Set up alerts about your pages – email notifications, news feed updates, etc
  • Make another admin on larger pages to share the management
  • Interact consistently with the page to keep it top of mind

Key Takeaways

  • Check your personal profile Pages section for missing pages you created
  • Use Facebook Search to look for the page name or associated keywords
  • Review notifications, messages, and admins lists for links to the page
  • Leverage the Page Manager tool to see all pages you administer
  • Contact Facebook support if you still can’t locate the page for help

Finding lost Facebook pages may require some detective work, but multiple tools exist to help recover your page. Methodically searching your account, messages, and admin associations can typically surface that missing page.

Don’t hesitate to reach out to Facebook support if you’ve tried all troubleshooting steps. They have special access to find hidden or deleted pages when provided specific details. Stay persistent and you can get your lost page back!