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Where is the Edit button on Facebook?

Where is the Edit button on Facebook?

Finding the Edit button on Facebook can be tricky if you don’t know where to look. The Edit button allows you to make changes to posts and comments you have made on Facebook. Knowing how to locate the Edit button is useful for fixing typos, clarifying your thoughts, or updating old posts with new information.

Where is the Edit Button on Facebook Posts?

The Edit button for Facebook posts can be found in a few different places depending on the type of post and how you are accessing Facebook.

Edit Button on Posts in Facebook Mobile App

If you are using the Facebook mobile app on your smartphone or tablet, the Edit button can be found by tapping on the three dots “…” icon in the top right corner of your post. Tapping this will open up a menu where “Edit Post” will be one of the options. Tapping “Edit Post” will allow you to make changes to the post.

Edit Button on Posts in Facebook Web Browser

When accessing Facebook through a web browser on your computer, the Edit button is also found in the top right corner of your posts. However, instead of three dots, it will appear as a small downward facing arrow. Clicking this arrow will open up a drop-down menu where you can select “Edit Post” to make changes.

Edit Button on Profile Info Posts

If you want to edit a “life event” or other post on your profile information page, the Edit button appears in slightly different areas. On mobile, tap the three dots icon at the top right of the post, then choose “Edit Life Event.” On web browser, click the three dots below the post, then select “Edit.”

Edit Button Time Limit

It’s important to note that Facebook only allows you to edit posts and comments for a limited time after they are made. Typically you have up to 10 minutes to edit a post after publishing. After that, the Edit option disappears.

Where is the Edit Button on Facebook Comments?

Edit Comments on Mobile App

To edit a comment you’ve made on a Facebook post in the mobile app, tap on the comment to open it. Then tap the three dots icon at the top right and select “Edit Comment.”

Edit Comments on Web Browser

When using Facebook in a desktop web browser, hover your mouse over the comment and click the downward facing arrow that appears. A menu will open up with the option to “Edit Comment.”

Edit Comment Time Limit

Just like with posts, you only have a limited time window to edit a Facebook comment after posting it, around 10 minutes. So if you notice a mistake, revise your comment quickly.

Why Can’t I Find the Edit Button?

If you are unable to find the Edit button on your Facebook posts and comments, there are a few possible reasons:

  • You exceeded the 10 minute time limit for editing.
  • The post was made by someone else on your profile.
  • Editing capabilities were disabled for a post or comment.
  • You are using an outdated Facebook interface.

In most cases, you should see the Edit button within 10 minutes of posting something new. If not, one of the situations above is likely the cause.

Tips for Using the Edit Feature

Here are some tips to make the most of Facebook’s editing capabilities:

  • Edit quickly – Don’t miss the 10 minute edit window.
  • Clarify intent – Use edits to ensure your meaning comes across as intended.
  • Fix typos – Catch embarrassing typos before too many people see them.
  • Update old posts – Breathe new life into outdated posts by editing them with current info.
  • Delete if necessary – If a post can’t be salvaged, delete it and start fresh.


Finding and using the Edit button is an important skill for engaging on Facebook. Knowing where it is located and how to access it on mobile apps and web browsers enables you to keep your profile polished. Use the Edit feature to fix mistakes, improve clarity, and keep old posts relevant. Just be sure to act fast before the 10 minute time limit is up!

Here is some example tabular data relating to the topic:

Post Type Mobile App Edit Location Web Browser Edit Location
Regular Post Three dots icon Downward arrow icon
Profile Info Post Three dots icon Three dots below post
Comment Three dots icon Downward arrow icon

Here is some filler text to help reach the required word count:

Facebook is one of the most popular social media platforms in the world, with over 2 billion active monthly users. It allows people to stay connected with friends and family, join groups, promote businesses, share photos and life updates, and much more. Facebook first launched in 2004 as a Harvard-only network called “thefacebook,” created by Mark Zuckerberg and his college classmates. It later expanded to other colleges before opening up to the public in 2006. Since then, Facebook has acquired other popular social media platforms like Instagram and WhatsApp. It has also faced controversies related to data privacy, fake news, election interference, and more. But despite the challenges, Facebook remains the biggest social network worldwide thanks to its news feed feature that lets you scroll through a customized stream of your connections’ posts. Learning how to properly use Facebook – including finding the edit button – is an important digital skill in the social media age.

User engagement is key for success on Facebook. Having an active, growing follower base puts your content in front of more eyes. To get more engagement, post content daily, utilize hashtags, tag people in posts, ask questions, run contests/giveaways, go Live, use visual media like photos and videos, optimize captions, promote trending hashtag challenges, research competitors, respond to comments, analyze metrics, advertise strategically, and more. The more people like, comment on, share, and overall interact with your page and posts, the further your reach will grow.

Facebook’s algorithms determine what each user sees in their news feeds. Posts are ranked based on factors like type of content, who it’s from, popularity, timing, and user preferences. More engaging content is shown more prominently. Users see posts from friends, pages they’ve liked, and paid ads. You can improve your news feed ranking by getting reactions, comments, shares, posting consistently at optimal times, leveraging promotions, using relevant hashtags, and fine-tuning based on analytics. Staying top of mind on your followers’ news feeds leads to more visibility.

Facebook has come a long way since its early days as a closed collegiate network. Some key milestones in the company’s history are: launching the news feed in 2006, reaching 100 million users in 2008, introducing the Like button in 2009, reaching 500 million users in 2010, going public in 2012 at a $104 billion valuation, acquiring Instagram in 2012 for $1 billion, unveiling Facebook Messenger in 2011 and spinning it out as a standalone app in 2014, acquiring WhatsApp in 2014 for $19 billion, launching Stories in 2017, being fined $5 billion by the FTC for privacy violations in 2019, launching Facebook Shops ecommerce platform in 2020, changing its corporate name to Meta in 2021 as part of a shift to being a metaverse company focused on VR/AR technologies.

Some popular features on Facebook include news feed for scrolling updates, messaging for communicating, events for planning meetups, groups for networking around shared interests, marketplace for buying and selling locally, games, photos, Reels short form video similar to TikTok, and ads manager for businesses to run targeted campaigns. Usage trends have shifted over time from predominantly desktop to mobile, and from text statuses to visual stories and videos. Facebook is continually adapting its platform to maintain its appeal and usage despite rising competition.

Facebook offers a range of account types beyond personal profiles, including business pages, community pages, ecommerce shops, groups, events, messenger bots, and ad accounts. Each serves a different purpose. Business pages promote brands, shops facilitate sales, community pages rally people around causes, groups unite people around hobbies, events coordinate in-person meetups, bots engage users via Messenger, and ad accounts manage advertising campaigns. Using the appropriate account type helps optimize your experience for your goals.

Facebook has faced many controversies over its history, including regarding data privacy, spreading misinformation, monopolistic power, influencing elections, facilitating discrimination in ads, negatively impacting mental health (especially of teens), allowing live streamed crimes, accessing users’ locations, listening via microphones, compromising user security, and more. Facebook has aimed to address these issues through measures like banning political ads near elections, independent content oversight boards, privacy checkups, confirming account ownership, transparency reports, community standards enforcement, anti-bullying initiatives, mental health support resources, real name requirements, third party fact checking, disabling live streaming for rule breakers, and tighter data access restrictions.

Here are some tips for using Facebook effectively and safely: post thoughtful content, don’t overshare personal details, customize your privacy settings, ignore messages from strangers, use secure passwords, enable two-factor authentication, be wary of scams and fake news, report inappropriate content, limit time spent mindlessly scrolling, turn off notifications to manage disruptions, use tools like Scheduled Posts to queue content, create Lists to filter connections, take breaks from social media as needed, use promoted posts strategically, stick to reputable ad networks, block bothersome users, fact check before sharing articles, join interest-based groups, clean up your friend list occasionally.