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Where is the best place to keep a gun safe in your house?

Where is the best place to keep a gun safe in your house?

When choosing where to keep a gun safe in your home, there are a few key factors to consider for both security and convenience. The ideal location will make your firearms readily accessible in an emergency, while also keeping them secure from unauthorized access or damage from the elements.


The garage is a very common place for a gun safe, for a few reasons:

  • Garages tend to be more secure than other areas of the home. With limited windows and exterior access points, there are fewer opportunities for burglars to break in.
  • A garage gun safe is conveniently accessed when coming and going from the home. You can retrieve a firearm on your way out without having to go elsewhere in the house.
  • The garage provides protection from weather and humidity that could rust or damage guns. Fluctuations in temperature and moisture are lower than in a basement or attic.

However, there are some downsides to keeping a gun safe in the garage:

  • Guns may be more susceptible to theft. Though garages are reasonably secure, they are often more accessible to intruders than interior rooms.
  • Temperature extremes in the garage can still damage guns if they become severe enough. Depending on your climate, additional climate control measures may be needed.
  • Access to the safe may be limited based on parking arrangements, stored items, etc. You’ll want to pick a spot that has clear, unobstructed access.


For gun owners with a basement, this can provide another good option with natural security advantages:

  • Basements are usually more protected from break-ins than garages, with fewer windows and doors.
  • They provide good protection from outdoor weather and temperatures.
  • There may be flexible locations away from daily living spaces for secure, discreet storage.

However, some potential downsides include:

  • Humidity and moisture can be an issue in some basements, leading to rust or mold if not properly climate controlled.
  • Accessing the safe may mean going up and down stairs, which can be inconvenient compared to a garage or closet.
  • Some basements are prone to flooding during heavy rains. Elevate the safe above ground level if possible.

Master Closet

For quick access to a home defense gun, some gun owners opt to keep a safe in their master bedroom closet. Benefits of this approach include:

  • Fast access at night – retrieves are quick and convenient.
  • Usually provides good security if closet is locked.
  • Guns are away from children’s rooms and common living areas.

Considerations when putting a safe in the master closet:

  • Fire risk – being surrounded by hanging clothes could fuel a closet fire if one started nearby.
  • Burglary risk – the master bedroom is often one of the first places targeted by thieves.
  • Limited space – large gun safes may be too bulky to fit into many closets.

Hidden Locations

For maximum discreetness, some gun owners conceal their safes in clever hidden spots. Some ideas include:

  • Above ceiling tiles in the basement, garage or closet.
  • Under a loose floorboard beneath a rug or furniture.
  • Behind a false wall in a closet, basement or garage.
  • Buried underground in a moisture-sealed PVC pipe in the yard.

While very covert, the downside is potentially slower access in an emergency situation. Make sure you can still easily retrieve guns within a few minutes if needed.

Avoid These Locations

Some other possible places in your home that are NOT recommended for gun safes:

  • Attic – gets too hot in summer, too cold in winter. Moisture and temperature fluctuations can damage guns.
  • Unfinished basement – exposed insulation and vapor barriers attract moisture. Concrete floors transfer wetness.
  • Near plumbing – water heaters, washing machines and pipes leak over time. Water + guns = rust.
  • Living spaces – too accessible for kids or burglars. Guests may also accidentally discover your guns.

Other Tips

Beyond location, keep these other tips in mind for your gun safe:

  • Bolt the safe firmly to the floor for security against theft. Choose a model with pre-drilled bolt holes.
  • Invest in a dehumidifier or desiccant to control moisture.
  • Keep ammo stored separately from guns for safety.
  • Check with your home insurer – they may require certain storage precautions.
  • Ensure fire ratings and UL listings for burglary and fire protection meet your needs.


Finding the optimal gun safe location requires balancing accessibility and security. For many homeowners, a garage, basement or master closet provides the ideal blend of quick access with natural protection from intruders. Avoid temperature and moisture extremes that could damage your firearms. And be sure to take additional measures like anchoring the safe and controlling humidity levels. With some planning upfront to find the ideal spot, a properly secured gun safe will keep your weapons protected for years of safe storage and enjoyment.