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Where is my Facebook Timeline album?

Where is my Facebook Timeline album?

If you’re wondering where to find your Facebook Timeline albums, you’re not alone. With Facebook’s frequent interface changes, it can be tricky to locate features that were previously easy to access. Don’t worry – your Timeline albums haven’t gone anywhere, they’ve just been moved to a new location.

What are Facebook Timeline albums?

Timeline albums are photo albums you’ve created and uploaded to your Facebook Timeline (your profile page). They contain images and videos you want to share with friends, family, or your wider network on Facebook. Some common types of Timeline albums include:

  • Vacation and travel photos
  • Special events like weddings, birthdays, graduations
  • Images from your hobbies and interests
  • Photos with groups of friends or family members

Before we look at how to find your Timeline albums, let’s quickly go over some Facebook album basics:

Creating albums

You can create new photo albums directly from your Timeline or News Feed by clicking “Photo/Video”, selecting images to include, and clicking “Create Album”. You can give the album a name and description, choose who can see it, and select where it’s posted – your Timeline, a friend’s Timeline, a Facebook page, or a Facebook group.

Adding photos

To add photos to an existing album, navigate to the album and click “Add Photos/Videos”. Pick the shots you want to include from your computer or mobile device. You can also drag and drop photos directly into the album.

Album privacy

As album creator, you control the privacy settings for who can view and interact with the album. Options include:

  • Public – anyone can see it
  • Friends – only your friends can see it
  • Specific friends – only selected friends can see it
  • Only me – just you can see it

You can change an album’s privacy at any time from the album’s options menu.

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s look at how to find your Timeline photo albums.

Where to find your Facebook Timeline albums

Facebook has moved Timeline albums to a dedicated Photos section, separate from your main Timeline page. Here are the steps to access your albums:

  1. Click on your profile picture or name in the top left of your Facebook window.
  2. In the left sidebar menu, click “Photos”.
  3. This will open your Photos page. All your Timeline albums are now located here.

Your photo albums will be grouped into different sections:


This contains all the Timeline photo albums you’ve created and uploaded over the years on Facebook. They’re organized with the most recent albums first.

Profile Pictures

All your past and present Facebook profile photos are located here.

Cover Photos

Every cover photo you’ve ever set for your Timeline is saved in this section.


Photos and albums you’ve “featured” on your Timeline are located here. Featured content is pinned to the top of your Timeline page.

From your Photos page, you can view, edit, add photos to, change privacy settings, and delete your Timeline albums. Click on an album name to open it.

Tips for managing your albums

Here are some handy tips for organizing and cleaning up your Timeline photo albums:

  • Delete empty or unused albums to declutter your Photos page.
  • Give descriptive names to your albums so you can easily find specific photos later.
  • Add location tags to your photos to map out trips and events.
  • Use albums to group types of photos, like “Family”, “Travel”, “Holidays”.
  • Adjust privacy settings to control who can see each album.
  • Feature your favorite albums at the top of your Timeline.

How to download your Facebook albums

If you want to save copies of your Timeline albums off Facebook, you have a few options:

Download album to computer

From an open album, click the three dots in the top right and select “Download”. This will save the album to your computer as a .zip file.

Download using Facebook Archive

You can use Facebook’s archive tool to download all your data from Facebook, including your photo albums. Go to Settings > Your Facebook Information > Download Your Information and request a download of your archive.

Use third-party tools

Services like Social Book Archiver and Backupify can also be used to download your Facebook albums and photos.


So in summary, here are the key points for finding and accessing your Timeline photo albums:

  • Facebook has moved albums to the Photos section, separate from your main profile page.
  • Click your profile picture > Photos to get your albums.
  • Albums are now grouped into sections like Albums, Profile Pictures, Cover Photos.
  • Manage, edit, add to, and delete albums from the Photos page.
  • Use the tips to organize and download your albums.

While it takes some adjusting to Facebook’s constantly changing interface, your Timeline albums are still accessible – you just need to know where to look. Follow the steps outlined and you’ll be able to locate and enjoy those treasured photos you’ve shared over the years.