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Where is Facebook Reels located?

Where is Facebook Reels located?

Facebook Reels is a feature within the Facebook app that allows users to create and share short videos, similar to other social media platforms like TikTok and Instagram Reels. Reels launched on Facebook in the United States in September 2021 and has since rolled out to dozens of other countries worldwide.

Is Facebook Reels available globally?

No, Facebook Reels is not yet available globally. As of October 2023, Facebook Reels is available in the following countries and territories:

Argentina Germany Peru
Australia Ghana Philippines
Austria Greece Poland
Bangladesh Guatemala Portugal
Belgium Honduras Romania
Brazil Hong Kong Russia
Bulgaria Hungary Saudi Arabia
Canada India Senegal
Chile Indonesia Singapore
Colombia Ireland South Africa
Costa Rica Israel Spain
Czechia Italy Sweden
Denmark Kenya Switzerland
Ecuador Malaysia Taiwan
El Salvador Mexico Thailand
Finland Netherlands UAE
France New Zealand UK
Germany Nigeria USA

Facebook has stated that they plan to roll Reels out globally in the future, but have not provided specifics on which countries will get access next. The launch order appears to be focused on larger markets first.

How do you access Facebook Reels?

If Reels is available in your country, there are a couple ways to access it:

Via the Reels tab

– Open the Facebook app on your mobile device
– Tap on the Reels tab at the bottom (it’s represented by a play icon)
– This will take you to a feed of recommended Reels from accounts you follow

Via creators’ profiles

– Find a Facebook creator or page that uses Reels
– Go to their profile and tap on the Reels tab to only see their Reels
– You can also scroll through their main feed and tap on any Reels they’ve posted

Via hashtags

– Search for a hashtag that’s frequently used on Reels, like #reels or #reelsinstagram
– This will show you a feed of Reels using that hashtag from public accounts

So in summary, the Reels feature exists within the Facebook app. There’s no separate Reels app like there is for Instagram.

Is Facebook Reels available on desktop?

No, Facebook Reels is currently only available on the mobile Facebook app. There is no way to upload, view, or interact with Reels from a desktop browser.

Facebook designed Reels as a mobile-first, vertical video experience similar to TikTok. So for now, it’s limited to mobile devices only.

In the future, Facebook may expand Reels to be available on desktop as well. But there has been no official announcement regarding Reels coming to desktop browsers.

Where can you see Reels in the Facebook app?

There are a few main places you can view Reels content within Facebook:

Reels Feed

This is the main feed that shows Reels from people and pages you follow. You access it by tapping the Reels tab at the bottom of the app. This feed shows the latest and most relevant Reels based on your interests and follows.

Creator Profiles

When you visit an individual creator’s profile, you can tap on the Reels tab to see only the Reels they’ve posted. This lets you focus on a specific person’s content.


If Reels are enabled in a Facebook group, people can post Reels to the group feed. As a member, you can scroll through the group feed to find Reels mixed in with other posts.

Facebook Watch

Watch is Facebook’s hub for video content. If a Reel goes viral, Facebook may highlight it within Watch so more people see it.


Facebook automatically creates a Story from every Reel you share to your profile. So you can also view someone’s Reels by going through their Stories.


Many businesses and public figures use Reels on their Facebook Pages. You can view their Page Reels by going to their Profile and tapping the Reels tab.


If someone likes or comments on your Reel, you’ll get a notification which you can tap to view the Reel. You may also get notified when followers or friends share Reels.

So in summary, Reels can appear in most places where you normally see video content within the Facebook app.

Can you create a Reel on desktop?

No, there is currently no way to create a Reel from a desktop browser. Facebook Reels creation is only available through the Facebook mobile app.

Here are the steps to create a Reel on Facebook:

1. Open the Facebook app on your iPhone or Android device.

2. Tap on the Reels tab at the bottom.

3. Tap on the camera icon in the upper left corner.

4. Record a video up to 60 seconds long, or upload an existing video from your camera roll.

5. Edit the Reel with effects, audio, text overlays and more.

6. Share the Reel just to your profile, with friends, or to a public audience.

Everything from recording to editing to sharing has to happen on mobile. Facebook has not provided any indication that Reels creation will be coming to desktop experiences. The focus is on quick, on-the-go short form video creation.

So for the foreseeable future, constructing a Facebook Reel will require an iPhone, Android, or mobile device. There’s no desktop option for making Reels right now.

How does Facebook Reels work?

Facebook Reels works very similarly to other short form video features like TikTok or Instagram Reels. Here are the key aspects:

Vertical Video

Reels are designed for vertical mobile viewing. When creating a Reel, you film or upload a video that is vertical, optimized for a phone screen.

Video Length

Reels can be up to 60 seconds long. Most Reels tend to be 15-30 seconds long. There is no limit on how short a Reel can be.

Music and Audio

You can overlay songs and audio clips to Reels from Facebook’s built-in audio library. Or you can use the audio directly from a Reel you’re watching.

Effects and Filters

There are hundreds of AR effects, filters, text overlays and editing tools to spice up your Reels. Popular options make the Reel change based on how you move your face.


After creation, Reels can be shared publicly to your Profile, with Friends, to Groups, or through messaging. Reels you share publicly can appear on any viewers’ Reels Feed.


Facebook uses algorithms to distribute Reels. Reels that get a lot of engagement quickly can go viral rapidly on the platform.

So in summary, Reels provides a TikTok-style experience natively within the Facebook app. It’s designed specifically for phones and mobile usage.

Is Facebook Reels the same as Instagram Reels?

Facebook Reels and Instagram Reels have a lot of similarities, but there are some key differences between the two:

Separate Apps

Instagram Reels is accessed from the Instagram app. Facebook Reels is accessed from the Facebook app. They are completely separate apps.

Different Algorithms

The content you see in Facebook Reels and Instagram Reels is controlled by different algorithms optimized for their respective platforms.

Feature Differences

There are some small product differences, like certain AR effects or editing tools only available on Facebook or Instagram. The core functionality is the same.

User Base

There’s an overlap, but Facebook and Instagram have different primary user demographics. The audiences who engage most with Reels on each platform don’t fully align.

Usage Context

People use Facebook and Instagram for different purposes. The types of content and engagement on Reels in each app cater to those different use cases.

So in summary, while Reels on Facebook and Instagram are similar products, they are optimized for their unique contexts and audiences. Posting the same Reel to both can help maximize reach.

Can you share Reels to Instagram or TikTok?

Unfortunately, there is no built-in way to cross-post a Facebook Reel directly to Instagram Reels or TikTok.

Here are the main options for sharing Facebook Reels to other platforms:

Download and reupload

You can download the original Reel video file from Facebook, then manually upload and post it to Instagram Reels or TikTok as a new piece of content.

Screen record

Screen record yourself playing the Facebook Reel, then upload that screen recording to the other platforms. This preserves the original Reel experience.

Cross-posting apps

Some third-party social media management apps like Buffer or Hootsuite let you connect accounts and schedule cross-platform posts. These likely don’t work with Reels though.

Share preview

When sharing a Facebook Reel link, it will generate a preview of the Reel video that can be shared to other platforms. People would then have to click to view the full Reel on Facebook.

So while it takes some extra effort, you can manually repurpose Facebook Reels to other platforms. But you lose out on key metadata and visibility by doing so. Overall, it’s best to create Reels natively for each platform to maximize quality and engagement.


To recap, Facebook Reels is a short form video feature available on the Facebook mobile app in certain countries. Reels allow you to create, edit, and share 15-60 second vertical videos with music, effects and more.

Reels aim to compete with similar rapid-fire video formats on apps like TikTok and Instagram. They are designed specifically for mobile, with no current option to access Reels on desktop.

While similar to Instagram Reels, the Facebook product is distinct – existing within Facebook’s app ecosystem and algorithm. There is no built-in option for cross-posting Reels between platforms.

Facebook Reels is still relatively new and rolling out globally. Its features and capabilities will likely continue to evolve over time as Facebook optimizes it based on usage and competition. But the core offering provides an engaging new way for people to express themselves and connect through short form video.